Wipro Aptitude Placement Papers - Wipro Aptitude Interview Questions and Answers updated on 26.Apr.2024

Let the age of nepo be x years,age of his father is (40+2x),age of his son (x/3)


Solving this equation we get the age of nepo i.e. (x) is 360 years old

C is the answer, 13 km northwest.

When he traveled first 6km, he will b in west.

Then aftr 5km ,he wil b in northwest.

Again he goes to west. So from the given answers, he wil b in north west position.

Given that variance npq = 2

and mean np = 4

q = 1/2

=> p = 1/2

n = 8

=> 8c2 * (1/2)^8 = 28/256

ans = 28/256

Let the length be x and the breadth be y.

Now since it has a square base;


Now the surface area can be given as S= x^2+4xy (Area of square base + Area of Sides)

And Volume can be given as V = x^2y

ATQ, S=1200,so 1200=X2+4xy


Now for V to be max



Solving for x we get x=20

Now y=20m

Hence volume is 20x20x10=4000 m3

Let the number be 10A + B = C

now, (C^2/(C/2) + 36)/2= 10B + A

or, (2C+36)/2 = 10B + A

or C+18=10B+A

or, 10A + B + 18 = 10 B + A

or, 18=9(B-A), giving B-A=2

As per the question, A=twice the difference between A and B

Hence A=2*2=4


The original number is 40 + 6 = 46.

The sum of the first and last number equal 20

The sum of the second and second-to-last number equal 20

The sum of the third and third-to-last number equal 20

So answer is 9

Let the number of bananas in first day be x

For consecutive five days it will be like x,x+6,x+12,x+18,x+24

The sum of those are 100, 5x+60=100

So,x = 8

From point A we draw the perpendicular

segment AP to the basis EC.

Then EP=(20-10)/2=5

From the rectangular triangle EAC

(A=90) we have





Divide the series into letters of @One series starts with next letter of the last character in second series. 

x y z u v w r s t o

PA = PB = 9 cm ( Length of tangents from an external point) 

Angle PAB = Angle ABC ( alternate angles PA !! BC)

AC = AB = 6 cm

Triangles PAB and ACB are isosceles and sre similar triangles

( They are equiangular)

Taking the ratios of respective sides


BC/6 = 6/9

BC = 4 cm

In 12 sec(30-18) he walks down 8(34-26) steps.

therefore, (8*30)/12 =20 steps.

So,the total height of the stair way in steps=(26+20)=46 steps

E = I * I * R

Now if I = I / 2

Now E = I/2 * I/2 * R

Therefore E will decrease 4 times

The first hour, the monkey goes 3 feet up, and slips back 2 feet.





(Imagine that's going up instead of horizontal.)

So the monkey is 3 ft - 2 ft = 1 ft high after one hour.

In the second hour, the monkey goes up 3 more feet, and slips back 2 feet. So he's at 1 ft + 3 ft - 2 ft = 2 ft.

Every hour, he gains 3 ft and loses 2 ft, for a total gain of 1 ft. So after the 17th hour, he's at 17 ft high.

Now, here's the twist: in the 18th hour, he climbs up 3 feet. Since 17 ft + 3 ft = 20 ft, he's at the top of the tree!

So, it takes him 18 hours.

Observing the num 999919 which is the total num of rats being eaten, we can write it as

(1000000-81) = (1000^2-9^2) = (1000+9)(1000-9) = (1009)(991)

So total num of rats killed =(1009)(991)

And given that each cat kills more num of rats than the total num of cats

Hence each cat kills 1009 num of rats

And there are 991 num of cats

Since we know that SI and CI are same for first year. Difference is due to the SI of 1st year is treated as PRINCIPLE of 2nd year in CI.

So 1st we calculate the amount which treated as P in CI

P = 100*SI/R*T = 100*80/8*1 = 1000

This amount is also the SI for 1 year.


SI = 1000

T = 1 Year

R = 8%

P = 100*1000/8*1 = 12500

ExplanationDiscuss the solution:

Difference between letter index position increases as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...

Answer is u.

Let x be the salary.

Then if he spends (2/3)x on rent and food then the remaining salary is x/3,

Out of which he spends 1/4 i.e(x/3)1/4 or x/12 on transportation...and the amount left thereafter is : ( x/3 ) - ( x/12 ) = x/4

Given..the amount left with Rajesh is : 6000 = x/4

=> Salary of Rajesh 'x' is : 6000 * 4 = Rs.24,000

Amount spent on rent and food = 24000 * (2/3) = Rs.16,000

Remaining amount : 24000 - 16000 = Rs.8000

Amount spent on transportation : 8000 * (1/4) = Rs.2000

Remaining amount : 8000 - 2000 = Rs.6000,the amount left with Rajesh

So answer is : 2000

result. Apply the same method to the resulting numbers until you finally arrive at the number 1.shown below is the chain of numbers that results from

this method if you begin with 15.


Log2 x means (log x)^2,

The answer can be found by making the substitution y = log x to give

y^2 - 5y + 6 = 0, which gives the solutions

y = 3

y = 2

ie., log x = 2 or log x = 3

ie., e2 or e3

In descending order,

using denominations of 1p,5p,10p,25p which are available.


25p coins : 1

10p coins : 2

5p coins : 2

1p coins : 45

1st person gets Rs.(s-60)/4

Let us assume that 1st person gets Rs.x

Then 2nd will get Rs.x+10

3rd will get Rs.x+20

4th will get Rs.x+30

Then the sum s=x+(x+10)+(x+20)+(x+30)

=> s=4x+60

=> 4x=s-60

=> x=(s-60)/4

Therefore 1st pesron will get (s-60)/4

Simple explanation by Juned:

The minute hand overtakes hours hand 11 times in 12 hours

Therefore the time taken by the minute to overtake = (12 * 60)/11

                                                                           = 65.4545 minutes

In this clock the minute hand is taking 64 minutes to overtake

Therefore in 12 hours it will overtake 720/64 = 11.25 times

That means 0.25 times more in 12 hours or 0.5 times more in a day

Hence, the clock gains = 0.5 times of the normal time

65.4545 * 0.5 = 32.72 minutes or 360/11 minutes

Explanation by a4academics


x be distance traveled by hour hand

Then distance traveled by minute hand = 1 + x

Time = Distance/Rate

x/(1/12) = (1 + x)/1

x = (1/12)(1 + x) = 1/12 + x/12

(11/12)x = 1/12

x = 1/11

Calculate time for minute hand to travel a distance 1 + x.

Time = Distance/Rate

(1 + x)/1 = 1 + x = 1 + 1/11 = 12/11 hour

Actual time to overtake on clock is 64 minutes.

64 min = 64/60 hours = 16/15 hour

Correct Clock Speed/Actual Clock Speed

(12/11) / (16/15) = 12*15 / (11*16) = 180/176 = 45/44

The clock gains:

45/44 - 1 = 1/44 day = 24/44 hour = 6/11 hour = 360/11 min

= 32 min and 434/11 sec.

Work done by a single person = 1/ ( 9* 18) = 1/ 162

Work done by 12 people = 12 / 162

Time taken to finish work = 162 / 12 = 13.5

From the above information

x/y = 5/7

xy = 560

Solving the above equation we get the numbers as 20 and 28

Difference is 8

Let the members be Old Having age O + other 9 having ages x and New one having age Y

Sum of their ages = (Y + 9 × x) and average = (Y + 9 × x)/10

Before 4 years sum was (O + 9 x – 10 × 4) and average = (O + 9 x – 10 × 4) /10

equating, Y + 9 x = O + 9x – 40

Y = O – 40

Younger is 40 years younger than Old one.

A + B = 40.

And at Rs 7 a kg for 40 kg, you want a total of Rs.280.

So the second equation is 9A + 4B = 280

From the first equation: B = 40 - A

and sub into the second equation:

9A + 4(40-A) = 280

9A + 160 - 4A = 280

5A = 120

A = 24.

Your answer, of course, is A = 24.

k(n) = k(n-1) +2(n-1) with

k(1) =1

k(7) =k(6) +2(7-1)

k(7) =31 +2*6

k(7) =31+12

k(7) =43