Top 50 Uml Interview Questions You Must Prepare 08.Sep.2024

Q1. What Are The Key Principles That Underlie Patterns?

Key principles that underlie patterns are:
• abstraction
• encapsulation
• information hiding
• modularization
• separation of concerns
• Coupling and cohesion
• Sufficiency
• Completeness and primitiveness
• Separation of policy and implementation
• Separation of interface and implementation
• Single point of reference
• Divide and conquer.

Q2. What Is Message-passing?

It is a metaphor for the way that objects interact in object-oriented system by sending each other messages that request services or supply information. In a system, several objects may collaborate to fulfil an action. These objects communicate by sending each other message. Since objects interact only through messages they exchange, their internal detail can remain hidden from each other.

Q3. What Is Crc Card?

CRC stands for Class–Responsibility–Collaboration. CRC cards help to model interaction between objects.

Q4. What Is Contract?

A black box description of a service (of a class or sub-system) that specifies the results of the service and the conditions under which it will be provided.

Q5. What Is An Antipattern?

Documents unsuccessful attempts at providing solutions to certain recurring problems but includes reworked solutions that are effective.

Q6. What Is An Activity Diagram?

A variation of a statechart diagram that focuses on a flow of activity driven by internal processing within an object rather than by events that are external to it. In an activity diagram most (or all) states are action states, each of which represents the execution of an operation.

Q7. What Are The Approaches To Preparing State Chart?

Two approaches may be used:
• Behavioural approach
• Life cycle approach

Q8. What Is A Pattern?

A pattern is an abstract solution to a commonly occurring problem in a given context. A pattern describes a problem which occurs over and over again in our environment, and then describes the core of a solution to that problem, in such a way that we can use this solution a million times over, without ever doing it the same way twice.

Q9. What Is Aggregation?

A whole–part association between two or more objects, where one represents the whole and the others parts of that whole.

Q10. What Is Sub System?

A part of a system that can be regarded as a system in its own right.

Q11. How To Backup Active Directory?

Backing up Active Directory is essential to maintain an Active Directory database. You can back upActive Directory by using the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and command-line tools that theWindows Server 2003 family provides.
You frequently backup the system state data on domain controllers so that you can restore the most current data. By establishing a regular backup schedule, you have a better chance of recovering data when necessary.
To ensure a good backup includes at least the system state data and contents of the system disk, you must be aware of the tombstone lifetime. By default, the tombstone is 60 days. Any backup older than 60 days is not a good backup. Plan to backup at least two domain controllers in each domain, one of at least one backup to enable an authoritative restore of the data when necessary.

Q12. What Is Multiple Inheritances?

Multiple inheritance occurs when a subclass inherits from more than one generalization hierarchy. All features are inherited from every superclass.

Q13. What Are The Different Views That Are Considered When Building An Object-oriented Software System?

Normally there are 5 views.

Use Case view - This view exposes the requirements of a system.
Design View - Capturing the vocabulary.
Process View - modeling the distribution of the systems processes and threads.
Implementation view - addressing the physical implementation of the system.
Deployment view - focus on the modeling the components required for deploying the system.

Q14. State Some Benefits Of Iterative Development?

Some of the benefits offered by iterative development are as follows:

  1. Mitigation of risks in an earlier stage.
  2. Visibility of progress.
  3. Feedback, adaptation and engagement.
  4. Complexity management.
  5. Iteration management can improve the overall process of the project because it details and explains the various steps present in it.

Q15. What Is Mean By Relational And Object Dbms?

Relational DBMS: Complex objects have to be taken apart and the parts stored in different tables are called relational database management system.
Object DBMS: Object databases are closely linked to programming languages with ways of navigating through the database.

Q16. What Are The Different Elements Of A Collaboration Diagram?

  • Object: The interaction between objects takes place in a system. An object is depicted by a rectangle with the name of the object, preceded by a colon and underline.
  • Relation/Association: Association among objects is linked by connecting them. The cardinality can be depicted by placing qualifiers on either ends.
  • Messages: An arrow that commencing from one object to the destination object. This depicts the interaction between objects. The sequence or order of the interaction is depicted by the number.

Q17. What Are The Various Components In Sequence Diagrams?

  • Actor: Actor represents an external user / end user who interact with the system.
  • Object: Object is represented by one of components of the system.
  • Unit: A unit is a subsystem, or a sub component or other entity within the system.
  • Separator: Separator represents a boundary among sub systems, components or units.
  • Group: Represents different header elements in the subsystem.

Q18. Explain About Xml Signature?

XML signature is recommended by w3c. It acts as a digital signature for XML documents. This technology is used by various technologies such as SAML, SOAP, etc.

Q19. What Is Uml?

  • UML is Unified Modeling Language.
  • Graphical language for visualizing artifacts of the system.
  • Allow to create a blue print of all the aspects of the system.

Q20. What Are The Elements In State Chart Diagrams?

  • Initial State: This state shows the first activity of the flow.
  • State: A state represents the state of an object at a particular given point of time.
  • Transition: The transition from one state to another state of objects is represented by an arrow.
  • Event and Action: A trigger that causes a transition to occur.
  • Signal: When a message or a trigger caused by an event to a state, which causes a transition, this message is called as a signal.
  • Final State: The state diagram ends with a diagram that depicts a bulls eye is known as Final State.

Q21. What Are Messages?

A message is the specification of a communication, when a message is passed that results in action that is in turn an executable statement.

Q22. What Are The Types Of Event?

There are four types of event:
• A change
• A call event
• A signal event
• An elapsed-time event

Q23. Explain About Aggregation?

Aggregation gives a much more detail than association. In aggregation you can name it and it can have same adornments. It may not be involved with more than two classes. It can have a collection of classes but its classes are not dependent on the life cycle. It's contents are not destroyed even when its classes are destroyed.

Q24. What Is An Abstract Class?

A class that has no instances; a superclass that acts only as a generalized template for its instantiated subclasses.

Q25. What Is An Object Lifeline?

A lifeline is a vertical dashed line that represents the existence of an object on an interaction sequence diagrams. An object symbol containing the object’s name is placed at the top of a lifeline.

Q26. Define Link And Association.

Link: A connection between objects; an instance of an association.
Association: A logical connection, usually between different classes although in some circumstances a class can have an association with itself. An association describes possible links between objects, and may correspond either to logical relationship in the application domain or to message paths in software.

Q27. What Are The Different Views In Uml?

  • Use Case view - Presents the requirements of a system.
  • Design View - Capturing the vocabulary.
  • Process View - Modeling the systems processes and threads.
  • Implementation view - Addressing the physical implementation of the system.
  • Deployment view - Model the components required for deploying the system.

Q28. Define Sdlc In Uml?

  • SDLC is Software Development Life Cycle.
  • SDLC of a system included processes like Use case driven, Architecture centric, Iterative and Incremental. This Life cycle is divided into phases.
  • Phase is a time span between two milestones.
  • The milestones are Inception, Elaboration, Construction, and Transition.
  • Process Workflows that evolve through these phase are Business Modeling, Requirement gathering, Analysis and Design. Supporting Workflows are configuration, change management, and project management.

Q29. What Are Boundary, Entity And Control Classes?

Boundary objects model interaction between the system and actors. Entity objects represent information and behaviour in the application domain. Control objects co-ordinate and control other objects.

Q30. What Are Relationships?

There are different kinds of relationships: Dependencies, Generalization, and Association. Dependencies are relations ships between two entities that that a change in specification of one thing may affect another thing. Most commonly it is used to show that one class uses another class as an argument in the signature of the operation. Generalization is relationships specified in the class subclass scenario, it is shown when one entity inherits from other. Associations are structural relationships that are: a room has walls, Person works for a company. Aggregation is a type of association where there is a has a relationship, That is a room has walls, A±o if there are two classes room and walls then the relationship is called a association and further defined as an aggregation.

Q31. What Is Mean By A Component?

Component is an executable software module with a well-defined interface and identity.

Q32. What Is Transition?

Transition deals with product installation and rollout.

Q33. What Is A Uml Package?

A package is a mechanism for grouping UML elements, usually classes, into groups. Packages can be nested within other packages.

Q34. What Is Inheritance In Oosad?

The mechanism by which object-oriented programming languages implement a relationship of generalization and specialization between classes is called inheritance. When we extend a class from an existing class – the existing class is the superclass and the extended class is subclass. By the rules of inheritance the subclass inherits all the features from its superclass.

Q35. What Is Repository?

The part of a CASE tool environment that handles the storage of models, including diagrams, specification and definitions.

Q36. What Is Mean By Seamlessness In Object-oriented Systems Development?

The same model—the class model—is used through the life of the project During design, additional detail is added to the analysis classes, and extra classes are added to provide the supporting functionality for the user interface and data management Other diagrams are also elaborated in design activities.

Q37. What Is Current System?

The existing system may a manual one, based on paper documents, forms and files; it may already be computerized; or it may be a combination of both manual and computerized elements is called current system.

Q38. What Are The Advantages Of Using Uml?

  • Advantages of using UML breaks the complex system into discrete pieces that can be understood easily.
  • Handover the system to new team becomes easier.
  • Complex system can be understood by the disparate developers who are working on different platforms.
  • UML model is not a system or platform specific. It unifies all disparate developers under one roof.

Q39. What Are Components Of An Mvc Architecture?

The components of MVC architecture are:
• Model
• View
• Controller

Q40. Define Types Of File Access Methods?

There are three types of file access methods. These are:
• Serial access
• Index-sequential access
• Direct access.

Q41. What Is Dependency?

A relationship between two model elements, such that a change in one element may require a change in the dependent element.

Q42. Define Three Type Of Design Patterns?

Three type of Design patterns are:
• Creational pattern
• Structural pattern
• Behavioural pattern.

Q43. Detail The Meaning Of Association?

There are five types of association but importance is given to only two they are Bidirectional and unidirectional. It represents a family of links. Binary associations are represented by two ends and they are connected to class box. Higher order associations can have more than two ends.

Q44. Explain About Dynamical Behavior View?

Dynamical behavior view plays a very important in determining relationships and behavior of the system. This view depicts collaboration among objects and the effective changes to the internal states of objects. This includes activity, sequence and state machine diagrams.

Q45. What Is Class Diagram?

A UML diagram that shows classes with their attributes and operations, together with the associations between classes.

Q46. What Is Functional Requirement?

Functional requirements describe what a system does or is expected to do, often referred to as its functionality.

Q47. What Is Object Constraint Language?

A formal language that supplements the graphical notations of UML. OCL is generally used to give precise definitions for operation logic, or for properties such as invariants (q.v.).

Q48. What Are Diagrams?

Diagrams are graphical representation of a set of elements most often shown made of things and associations.

Q49. What Is Elaboration?

Elaboration focuses requirements capture and determining the structure of the system.

Q50. What Do You Mean By Focus Of Control?

The focus of control indicates times during activation when processing is taking place within that object. Parts of an object activation that are not within the focus of control represent periods when, for example, an operation is waiting for a return from another object.