Top 24 Tableau Interview Questions You Must Prepare 27.Jul.2024

Q1. Mention Whether You Can Create Relational Joins In Tableau Without Creating A New Table?

 Yes, one can create relational joins in tableau without creating a new table.

Q2. Differentiate Between Parameters And Filters In Tableau?

The difference actually lies in the application. Parameters allow users to insert their values, which can be integers, float, date, string that can be used in calculations. However, filters receive only values users choose to ‘filter by’ the list, which cannot be used to perform calculations.

Users can dynamically change measures and dimensions in parameter but filters do not approve of this feature.Most in-depth, industry-led curriculum in Tableau.

Q3. What Are The Differences Between Tableau Desktop And Tableau Server?

While Tableau desktop performs data visualization and workbook creation, Tableau server is used to distribute these interactive workbooks and/or reports to the right audience. Users can edit and update the workbooks and dashboards online or Server but cannot create new ones. However, there are limited editing options when compared to desktop.

Tableau Public is again a free tool consisting of Desktop and Server components accessible to anyone.

Q4. What Is Aggregation And Disaggregation Of Data In Tableau?

Aggregation and disaggregation in Tableau are the ways to develop a scatterplot to compare and measure data values. As the name suggests, aggregation is the calculated form of a set of values that return a single numeric value.

For instance, a measure with values 1,3,5,7 returns @You can also set a default aggregation for any measure, which is not user-defined. Tableau supports various default aggregations for a measure like Sum, average, Median, Count and others.

Disaggregating data refers to viewing each data source row, while analyzing data both independently and dependently.

Q5. How To Use Group In Calculated Field?

By adding the same calculation to ‘Group By’ clause in SQL query or creating a Calculated Field in the Data Window and using that field whenever you want to group the fields.

  • Using groups in a calculation. You cannot reference ad-hoc groups in a calculation.
  • Blend data using groups created in the secondary data source: Only calculated groups can be used in data blending if the group was created in the secondary data source.
  • Use a group in another workbook. You can easily replicate a group in another workbook by copy and pasting a calculation.

Q6. How Can You Display Top Five And Last Five Sales In The Same View?

Create two sets, one for top 5 another for bottom 5 and the join these two sets displaying a unique set of total 10 rows.

Q7. What Is Data Visualization?

A much advanced, direct, precise and ordered way of viewing large volumes of data is called data visualization. It is the visual representation of data in the form of graphs and charts, especially when you can’t define it textually.

You can show trends, patterns and correlations through various data visualization software and tools; Tableau is one such data visualization software used by businesses and corporations.

Q8. Explain The Difference Between .twb And .twbx?

twb is the most common file extension used in Tableau, which presents an XML format file and comprises all the information present in each dashboard and sheet like what fields are used in the views, styles and formatting applied to a sheet and dashboard.But this workbook does not contain any data. The Packaged workbook merges the information in a Tableau workbook with the local data available (which is not on server). .twbx serves as a zip file, which will include custom images if any.

Q9. Name The Components Of A Dashboard ?

Horizontal – Horizontal layout containers allow the designer to group worksheets and dashboard components left to right across your page and edit the height of all elements at once.

Vertical – Vertical containers allow the user to group worksheets and dashboard components top to bottom down your page and edit the width of all elements at once.


Image Extract : – A Tableau workbook is in XML format. In order to extracts images, Tableau applies some codes to extract an image which can be stored in XML.

Web [URL ACTION] :- A URL action is a hyperlink that points to a Web page, file, or other web-based resource outside of Tableau. You can use URL actions to link to more information about your data that may be hosted outside of your data source. To make the link relevant to your data, you can substitute field values of a selection into the URL as parameters.

Q10. What Is Data Blending?

Unlike Data Joining, Data Blending in tableau allows combining of data from different sources and platforms. For instance, you can blend data present in an Excel file with that of an Oracle DB to create a new dataset.

Q11. What Is Content Filter?

The concept of context filter in Tableau makes the process of filtering smooth and straight forward. It establishes a filtering hierarchy where all other filters present refer to the context filter for their subsequent operations. The other filters now process data that has been passed through the context filter.

Creating one or more context filters improves performance as users do not have to create extra filters on large data source, reducing the query-execution time.

You can create by dragging a filed into ‘Filters’ tab and then, Right-Click that field and select ‘’Add to Context".

Q12. How To Do Performance Testing In Tableau?

Performance testing is again an important part of implementing tableau. This can be done by loading Testing Tableau Server with TabJolt, which is a “Point and Run” load generator created to perform QA. While TabJolt is not supported by tableau directly, it has to be installed using other open source products.

Q13. Define Parameters In Tableau And Their Working?

Tableau parameters are dynamic variables/values that replace the constant values in data calculations and filters. For instance, you can create a calculated field value returning true when the score is greater than 80, and otherwise false. Using parameters, one can replace the constant value of 80 and control it dynamically in the formula.

Q14. What Is Tde File?

TDE is a Tableau desktop file that contains a .tde extension. It refers to the file that contains data extracted from external sources like MS Excel, MS Access or CSV file.

There are two aspects of TDE design that make them ideal for supporting analytics and data discovery.

  • Firstly, TDE is a columnar store.
  • The second is how they are structured which impacts how they are loaded into memory and used by Tableau. This is an important aspect of how TDEs are “architecture aware”. Architecture-awareness means that TDEs use all parts of your computer memory, from RAM to hard disk, and put each part to work what best fits its characteris.

Q15. Is Tableau Software Good For Strategic Acquisition?

Yes! For sure. It gives you data insight to the extent that other tools can’t. Moreover, it also helps you to plan and point the anomalies and improvise your process for betterment of your company.

Q16. What Are Quick Filters In Tableau?

Global quick filters are a way to filter each worksheet on a dashboard until each of them contains a dimension. They are very useful for worksheets using the same data source, which sometimes proves to a disadvantage and generate slow results. Thus, parameters are more useful.

Q17. Can Parameters Have Drop Down List?

Yes, parameters do have their independent dropdown lists enabling users to view the data entries available in the parameter during its creation.

Q18. Explain The Concept Of Dual Axis?

Dual Axis is an excellent phenomenon supported by Tableau that helps users view two scales of two measures in the same graph. Many websites like and other make use of dual axis to show the comparison between two measures and their growth rate in a septic set of years. Dual axes let you compare multiple measures at once, having two independent axes layered on top of one another.

Q19. What Is Default Data Blending Join?

Data blending is the ability to bring data from multiple data sources into one Tableau view, without the need for any special coding. A default blend is equivalent to a left outer join. However, by switching which data source is primary, or by filtering nulls, it is possible to emulate left, right and inner joins.

Q20. How To Automate Reports?

You need to publish report to tableau server, while publishing you will find one option to schedule reports.You just need to select the time when you want to refresh data.

Q21. What Is Assume Referential Integrity?

In some cases, you can improve query performance by selecting the option to Assume Referential Integrity from the Data menu. When you use this option, Tableau will include the joined table in the query only if it is specifically referenced by fields in the view.

Q22. What Are The Limitations Of Context Filters?

Tableau takes time to place a filter in context. When a filter is set as context one, the software creates a temporary table for that particular context filter. This table will reload each time and consists of all values that are not filtered by either Context or Custom SQL filter.

Q23. What Is The Drive Program Methodology?

Tableau Drive is a methodology  for scaling out self-service analytics. Drive is based on best practices for successful enterprise deployments. The methodology relies on iterative, agile methods that are faster and more effective than traditional long-cycle deployment.A cornerstone of this approach is a new model of partnership between business and IT.

Q24. How To Add Custom Color To Tableau?

Adding a Custom Color refers to a power tool in Tableau. Restart you Tableau desktop once you save .tps file. From the Measures pane, drag the one you want to add color to Color. From the color legend menu arrow, select Edit Colors. When a dialog box opens, select the palette drop-down list and customize as per requirement.