Phrasings learned from past encounters that we judge to be appropriate to the present situations.
Words, sounds, and actions that are generally inderstood to represent ideas and feelings.
The process of creating or sharing meaning in informal conversation, group interaction, or public speaking.
Communication through maintaining a list of people that you can interact with in real time when they are online.
Short, written messages between mobile phones and other handheld electronic devices, exchanged in real time or stored for later retrieval.
The settings in which communication occurs
Sights, sounds, and other stimuli in the environment that draw people's attention away from intended meaning.
One participant, the speaker, delivers a prepared message to a group or audience who has assembled to hear the speaker.
The degree of liking or attractiveness in a relationship.
spoken without much conscious thought.
The background provided by previous communication episodes between the participants that influence understandings in the current encounter.
Messages put together with careful thought when we recognize that our known scripts are inadequate for the situation.
The process of interpreting another's message.
Any stimulus that interferes with the process of sharing meaning.
Both the route traveled by the message and the means of transportation.
Reactions and responses to messages.
The mood and feelings each person brings to the conversation.
Involves participants who do not share a physical context but communicate through the use of technology.
Thoughts in our minds and interpretations of other messages.
Thoughts and feelings that compete for attention and interfere with the communication process.
Electronic correspondence conducted between two or more users on a network where the communication does not occur in real time.
Individuals who assume the roles of senders and receivers during an interaction.
Interactive message exchange between two or more people where multiple messages are exchanged in real time.
Internal distractions based on thoughts, feelings, or emotional reactions to symbols.
Participants come together for the specific purpose of solving a problem or arriving at a decision.
Its location, the environmental conditions, the distance between communicators, seating arrangements, and time of day.
Electronic mailing lists through the use of e-mail that allow for widespread distribution of information to many Internet users, so online discussions can occur in a delayed time format.
A set of moral principles that may be held by a society, a group, or an individual.
Verbal utterances and non-verbal behaviors to which meaning is attributed during communication
The degree to which one participant is perceived to be more dominant or powerful.
Online journals housed on a website.
The values, attitudes, beliefs, orientations, and underlying assumptions prevalent among people in a society.
Interactions among a small number of people who have relationships with each other.
Distractions aroused by certain symbols that take our attention away from the main message.
The process of putting our thoughts and feelings into words and nonverbal cues.