Top 34 Scrum Interview Questions You Must Prepare 27.Jul.2024

Q1. Explain When Scrum Cannot Be Useful?

Ideally scrum is useful to monitor work with 5 to 10 people, who are committed to achieving the sprint goal.  It does not go well with huge groups or team having more responsibilities.  For larger team, scrum can be applied by splitting the team into small groups and practice scrum.

Q2. Mention About Scrum Print?

By means of series of the sprint, the scrum projects are developed. When scrum methodology is considered, they are regular and repeatable work cycle by means of which work is completed and made ready for review.

Q3. Mention Story Point Is Scrum?

Every feature in scrum is considered as a story, the arbitrary measure that the scrum teams make use of is called story point. This is actually considered as the metric made use of by the agile teams in order to find out the toughness in achieving the story point.

Q4. Mention About Planning Poker Or Scrum Poker?

In order to figure out the actual size of software development goals the scrum poker or planning poker is used. It can also be mentioned as a means through which sprint item duration can be determined by making us of number card face down table play rather than speaking them aloud.

Q5. Mention What Is Shown In Burnt Down Charts?

The sprint status is tracked by making use of burnt down charts, they are actually considered as early warning indicators and they also spotlight the decline in progress. The areas where they monitor redundancy is also highlighted.

Q6. What Is The Main Aspect Of Conducting A Sprint Retrospective Meeting?

The main intention of a sprint retrospective meeting is to allow team members to know the aspects that had been achieved during the sprint and also discuss few aspects regarding improvements for further sprints.

Q7. Explain What Is A Story Point In Scrum?

Each feature in scrum is Story. Story point is an arbitrary measure used by Scrum teams, and it is a metric used by agile teams to determine the difficulty of implementing a given story.

Q8. Explain What The Ideal Duration Is For Sprint, And How It Affects The Workflow?

Sprint in Scrum usually lasts for 30 days or two weeks.  The two-week sprint is preferred for various reason, first it makes easier for the team to estimate, plan and complete the work in two weeks. Secondly, it gives enough time to the product owner to change the priorities more often and allows the team to adapt quickly to the market pressures.

Q9. Explain What Is Scrum Of Scrum?

Scrum of scrum is used to refer the meeting after the daily scrum.  The responsible person from each team attends the meeting and discuss their work and answer the questions like

  • Since the last meeting, what is the progress of the team?
  • What your team is expected to do or should accomplish, before the next meeting?
  • What are the obstacles your team faced while completing the task?
  • Were you going to allot any of your work to the following team?

Q10. What Is Velocity?

The capability of the team and its effort in a sprint is called velocity. The story points from all previous sprint stories are added in order to obtain the number. It is actually considered as a guideline for the story to understand the stories in a sprint.

Q11. Mention What Is The Difference Between Sprint And Iteration In Scrum?

Iteration: It is a terminology used to define single development cycle in general agile methods. It is a common term used in the iterative and Incremental development process.

Sprint: It is used to define one development cycle or iterative step in a specialized agile method referred as Scrum. Sprint is scrum specific, and not all forms of iterations are Sprints.

Q12. Can You Mention The Artifacts Of Scrum Process?

The artifacts in scrum method or process include product backlog, burn-down chart, sprint backlog, and velocity chart.

Q13. During Scrum Meeting What All Things Are Done?

During scrum meeting: 

Team analyze how much time they got to complete task during the Sprint From product backlog, team takes the first item and breaks into tasks Team estimates how long a task will take If there is any time left during the sprint, they will move on to the next item on the product backlog Decide the features which have clarity and estimates how many to be scoped for sprint.

Q14. Explain What Is A Product Backlog In Scrum?

Before the scrum sprint initiates, product owner review the list of all new features, change requests, enhancements and bug reports and determines which ones are of high priorities. If the project is new it includes new features that the new system must provide, this list of item is referred as Product Backlog.  The items that are kept on sprint are referred as Sprint Backlog.

Q15. What Is The Advantage Of Doing Scrum?

The advantage of doing scrum is that while performing the test

  • It minimizes the risk in response to changes made to the system
  • It increases ROI ( Return of Investment)
  • It improves the process continuously
  • It repeatedly and rapidly looks into actual working software

Anyone can see real working software and continue to enhance for another iteration.

Q16. What Does A Scrum Burn Down Chart Should Consist Of?

A scrum burn down chart should consist of:

  • X-axis that displays working days
  • Y-axis that displays remaining effort
  • Ideal effort as guideline
  • Real progress of effort

Q17. Explain What Velocity In Scrum Is And How It Is Measured?

Velocity in a scrum is a measurement of how much the team gets work done in an iterations or sprint. It is measured by

V= Number of total story points / One iteration

Q18. Tell Me The Differences Between Iteration And Sprint In A Scrum?

Sprint is mainly used for defining iterative step or one development cycle in an agile method which is mentioned as scrum. Sprint is considered as scrum specific and all forms of interactions are not considered as scrums. Iteration is mentioned as a single d evelopment cycle in agile methods. It is also considered as a common term used in the incremental development process or iterative process.

Q19. What Is The Period Of Scrum Cycle And Who Are Involved In It?

Basically, the type of project is what decides the scrum cycle and period of it can be from 4 weeks to a month. The scrum cycle takes into account team, product owner and scrum master.

Q20. Explain What Is Scrum Poker Or Planning Poker?

Scrum poker or planning poker is a technique to estimate the relative size of development goals in software development.  It is a way to determine sprint item durations by playing number cards face down the table, instead of speaking them aloud.

Q21. Tell Me The Disadvantages Of The Scrum?

The scrum master handles the tricky job where one needs to organize, plan and structure the projects that lack proper goals. Substantial resources and frequent reviews are required during daily scrum meeting. All team members should possess maturity and dedication for a successful project. There are more of rapid changes, the uncertainty of projects, and prompt product delivery during the scrum cycle. They require vital changes and dysfunctions are visible.

Q22. How Long Does A Scrum Cycle Last? Who Are Involved In Scrum Cycle?

Scrum cycle depends on the type of project the team is working on, usually, it ranges about 2-4 weeks to about a month.  In scrum cycle, it includes a

  • Scrum master
  • Product owner
  • Team

Q23. Explain What Does The Burn Down Charts Shows?

Burn down charts is used to track sprint status, they act as an early warning indicators; they can be useful in highlighting the “lack of progress”.  Also, they will highlight the area where they see redundancy.

Q24. Mention What Is The Objective Behind Holding A Sprint Retrospective Meeting?

The objective behind Sprint retrospective meeting is to let team members know how things went during the sprint and discuss possible ways for further improvements for future sprints.

Q25. Do You Know About User Stories In A Scrum?

It is usually a one sentence definition when user stories are considered and they are basically about features or functionality.

Q26. What Is Increment?

The complete number of product backlog items completed at times of sprint and previous sprints is termed as an increment. The achievement of increment must be achieved in status at the end of sprints. Irrespective of the owners decision to release the product or not, it must be in reusable condition.

Q27. Scrum Of Scrum Means?

The meeting conducted after daily scrum is called as scrum of scrum. Each team has a responsible person in their team who attends the meeting and discusses aspects such as the progress of the team after the previous meeting, goals to be achieved before next meeting, hassles faced while achieving the task, and allotting work to other teams.

Q28. Do You Know About The Duration Of Sprint And The Way It Affects Workflow?

The duration for sprint in 2 weeks or 30 days, when 2 weeks sprint is considered it is used for a number of reasons as it makes planning and implementation of work very easy and simple in just two weeks. The product owner also has opportunities to change the priorities as required and the team can adapt to the pressures that prevail in the market.

Q29. List Out The Dis-advantages Of Scrum?

  • It will be a tricky job for a scrum master to plan, organize and structure a project that lacks a clear goal
  • Daily scrum meeting requires frequent reviews and substantial resources
  • A successful project relies on the maturity and dedication of all the team members
  • Uncertainty regarding the product, frequent changes and frequent product delivery remains during the scrum cycle
  • It makes all dysfunction visible
  • It requires significant change

Q30. List Out What Are The Artifacts Of Scrum Process?

Scrum process artifacts include:

  • Sprint backlog
  • Product backlog
  • Velocity chart
  • Burn-down chart

Q31. What Are The Beneficial Factors Of Doing Scrum?

The main advantages of doing scrum are during the testing session. When changes are made to the system, it minimizes the amount of risk. The rate of investment or ROI is enhanced and the process is continuously improved. The actual working software is what it looks for promptly. The real working software can be seen by anyone and enhanced for iteration.

Q32. Explain What Is User Stories In Scrum?

In scrum, user stories are short, one sentence definitions of a feature or functionality.

Q33. Explain What Is Scrum Sprint?

Scrum project is developed in a series of “sprint”. It is a repeatable and regular work cycle in scrum methodology during which work is accomplished and kept ready for review.

Q34. Mention In Brief, What Is The Role Of Scrum Master In Scrum?

  • Removes any obstacles that the team faces during the pursuit of its sprint goals
  • Maximizing the productivity of the team
  • Making sure that the scripting language used for system testing and unit testing is written in the same language
  • Guides the team and product owner to improve the effectiveness of their practices
  • Makes sure that all standard scrum practices are followed