Provide ARICEF, Configuration Documents, integration test, BPP, UAT, Unit Test and implements some SAP notes.
it is the process of multiplying the requirement by the usage quantity and recording the appropriate requirements throughout the product tree
yes you can have several alternative BOMs for a material, only thing is you need to define every BOM with deiffrent product structure type.
Determining the material costs of a product:
When you calculate production costs using a quantity structure, the system automatically determines the BOM and all the BOM items that are relevant to costing, in order to calculate manufacturing costs.
MRP Groups
In this step, you can carry out the total maintenance of the MRP groups and you can allocate a material type to an MRP group.
The MRP group is an organizational object that can be used to allocate special control parameters for planning to a group of materials. You can maintain MRP groups if planning control per plant is not precise enough for your requirements and you want to allocate certain material groups different control parameters from the plant parameters. For this purpose, MRP groups are defined with these specific control parameters and are assigned to the material in the material master record (MRP 1 screen).
For example, the following control parameters can be set for the total planning run:
The following is valid for total planning and single-item planning:
for all materials without an MRP group, the system uses the plant parameters, or the entries in the initial screen of the planning run for all materials with an MRP group, the system uses the parameters recorded in the MRP groupning run (creation of purchase
You need a list of material requirement from long term planning result for each item. Use MS70 then use MCEC.
The MRP controller is a person or a group of persons responsible for monitoring material availability. You can use the number entered here, for example, to select the planning results per MRP controller.
Every material that is relevant to the planning run must be assigned an MRP controller number in the material master record.
You can also determine a special person for back order processing who receives a mail if a goods receipt was posted for a missing part. You must enter the mail name of this person in the field entitled, recipient name.
In addition, you can define a person or a group of persons, who are to informed if you send a mail from the MRP list or stock/requirements list to the MRP controller for the material displayed. Actions
According to me COGI is basically a SAP standardized system which will tell you that what is the error in some cases it can rectify it too. But if the entry is done manually by MB1A, MB1B, MB1C you have to bring back or cancel the movement or move the stock to desired material and then refresh COGI.
In production version, we assign the BOM and ROUTING combination. And in case of alternate BOMs , it clears which alternative bom has to be selected automatically.
After release order,the reservation will provide the ticke to pick production material.
The planning time fence specifies a period within which no automatic changes are to be made to the master plan.
The planning time fence is maintained in workdays.
Alphanumeric character string used to uniquely identify a BOM.
If you assign a "meaningful" number to a BOM group, this gives you an additional way of accessing the BOM.
The system stores the following under a BOM group:
We can have any number of varaint product. It is optional you can configurate it or at the timne of slaes order with will be ask for features and options. Every varraint has unique indentificatin number.
CS20 with this transaction code we can able to do Mass changes to BOM such as:
Yes, you can attach a drawing. First create a document using Transaction Code "CV01N - Create Document". Attach your drawing in that document. The system will generate a document number. Assign this document in the BOM with item category D. Report in Long Term Planning - You use long term planning for your customers, what they need are very simple, just to calculate future requirements for 1 or 2 years.
According to me COGI is basically a SAP standardised system which will tell you that what is the error in some cases it can rectify it too.
But if the entry is done manually by MB1A, MB1B, MB1C you have to bring back or cancell the ovement or move the stock to desired material and then refresh COGI.
Stock transfer is the transfer of stock for the usage in the same company whereas stock transport is meant for change of title of stock in the name of the buyer.
From MPS run you plan the materials which are of 'A' type in the abs analysis (80% dollar value) that have to be planned before hand. MPS is also a type of MRP only in which components just below the materials on which MPS run is taken place, are planned.
Table for production order status - What is the table for finding status (for Ex TECO end prod orders). We are not able to find from AFKO and AFRU tables the status of production orders or at least the link tables if known can be mentioned. You are unable to link the structure cuffed and IOHEADER WITH AFKO and AFRU. JEST is the table.
Data dictionary table for SOP planning data - You are using Standard SOP (Info structure S076), in which table can you see the planning values that you maintained in MC93 transaction? You looked under table "S076" and did not see any values there. Use Tcode MC95 to display your entries under the version which maintained the table S076.
Production order operation's component allocation - How does SAP know that an operation has components as indicated by the component allocation indicator? Tcode CO0@Component allocation is done via routing maintenance or BOM maintenance for the assembly. This is master data maintenance. As soon as a PO is created, the master data is read into the PO.
PP - Discrete Manufacturing.
Production Planning / Master data: For Production planning, only master data shall be migrated to SAP. In the 1st Stage, there is no master data.
Following is the master data elements relevant for PP:
- Bill of materials - Routing. - Work Centres.
Transaction data: As of the cut off date, ideally there should not be any work in process. All the open production orders should be closed and semi finished goods should be dismantled and should be added to Raw materials. This strategy should be followed for all production orders where lead time to complete the production order is not large. Since, the production orders are for longer duration and it is not possible to dismantle the product and add it to inventory, following can be the strategy for migrating the data to SAP:
yes we can create a production order without BOM & routing.Change the Config in OPL8 ( order type dependent parameters)as routing optional. But it may ask for a sales order when we try to create order using CO01
generally we have following BOMs0
The GAPS are some issue in blue print that SAP cannot capture or prividing the client bussiness process.
If in process sample is to be defined, assign inspection type 03 in the Material Master.
Then create MICs and assign them in the Routings.
System automatically generates the Inspection Lots
eg Automobile
Eg X+Y =Z some 10 kg of X and 1 KG of Y gives yield that is Z of 10 Kg only.
Scheduling is done based on the Capacity Category we define in the Work center.
Reqmts are reduced automatically after Delivery is made to the Particular Order (In case of Strategy 11, the PIRs are consumed after the GR for Production Order)
Teardown time can be defined as one of the Standard Parameters.
First you have to do revoke Teco and then process the order, otherwise system won't allow.
In this step, you specify the floats for determining the basic dates of the planned orders. The floats are allocated to the material via the release period key in the material master record.
Opening period
The opening period represents the number of workdays that are subtracted from the order start date in order to determine the order creation date. This time is used by the MRP controller as a float for converting planned orders into purchase requisitions or into production orders.
Float before production
The float before production represents the number of workdays that are planned as a float between the order start date (planned start date) and the production start date (target start date). On the one hand, this float is intended to guarantee that delays in staging a material do not delay the production start. On the other hand, the production dates can be brought forward by means of the float to cope with capacity bottlenecks.
Float after production
The float after production should provide a float for the production process to cope with any disruptions so that there is no danger that the planned finish date will be exceeded. You plan the float after production between order finish date (planned finish date) and scheduled end (target finish date).
Release period
The release period represents the number of workdays that are subtracted from the order start date in order to determine the production order release. The release period is only relevant for production order management.
You must have some blueprints to go in next phase.
In the stock/requirements list, the most up-to-date stock and requirements situation is displayed.
The main difference between the MRP list and the stock/requirements list is that each time the stock/requirements list is called up, the system selects the various MRP elements and displays the most up-to-date situation. You thus always see the current availability situation of the material in the stock/requirements list. Changes that are made after the planning date are displayed directly, so the list is therefore dynamic.
Stock/requirements lists are not saved in a fixed state in the system, but are subject to change and only exist in the working memory.
As stock/requirements lists are subject to change, they cannot be set with a processing indicator.
yes we can create a production order without BOM & routing. Change the Config in OPL8 (order type dependent parameters) as routing optional. But it may ask for a sales order when we try to create order using CO01
CK11n is used for standard cost estimation. to run that we have to run ck24 also. Use CK40N f0r 100 products
Maintain Object Attributes
Maintain Source Structures
Maintain Source Fields
Maintain Structure Relations
Maintain Field Mapping and Conversion Rules
Maintain Fixed Values, Translations, User-Defined Routines.
contains components which also have bom contains
When you convert Planned order to Production order. the planned order are offset by production order. Reference of planned order can be seen in the production order.
Delete the members in the product group and then archive the product group in transaction SARA, object=MM_MATNR. (The product group is created as a material master record with material type PROD and this record is deleted in SARA.)
MD11 and then Schedule works fine but ideally you would want the planned order scheduled automatically on creation? You have tried setting up an action to schedule the orders but cannot get that to work either.
When running MRP, try selecting "2" in the scheduling box this will bring planned orders into CM01 and CM21 Capacity planning CM01 - When you run capacity planning T-code:
CM01, you found the plan orders are not included in the pegged requirement, you checked the profile, the check box for order and plan order are all active. Guess that planned orders have been created without capacity requirement indicator in MRP ("2" - Lead Time scheduling), if this is the case, then when converted to process orders they will have impact on the Resource.
If you want to see them as planned orders, re-run the MRP or change in every planned order, going to the Menu:
Edit --> Scheduling Another couple of possibilities are to do with the routing/work centers used and whether it is actually calculates consumption of capacity of the category at the work centre being displayed in CM01 (it might consume a capacity pool or it might not consume the category). MPS in Background/Online - You want to run MPS for a plant either online or in the background, but you do not get any results. If you run MPS for a single material/plant, then everything is 100% OK. You need to run a planning file and a consistency check first, transaction OMDO and MDRE respectively you'll need to set up two jobs to do it but it is straight forward, once you've done this set up the background job for MPS to run and do it in NEUPL first time round and then change to NETCH after that.
The costing Parameters are the following
Work center : Activity types and the formulaes, cost center
Routing : the time ,activity types
In Production order dependent parameters we are defining the Variant, result analysis key, settlement profile In the controlling i.e in KP 26 we will be defining the rates per hour depending on the rates it will reflect the cost calculating from the routing.
Doing Final preparation to check using the test case from user.
Service Level Agreements (SLA) define the attributes for service products (for example, maintenance, Hotline) that have been agreed upon with the customer in service contracts. The SLA confirms different parameters, such as response time, availability time and system availability.
Opening period
The opening period represents the number of workdays that are subtracted from the order start date in order to determine the order creation date. This time is used by the MRP controller as a float for converting planned orders into purchase requisitions or into production orders.
Yes it can be done by running for specific materials (Single Material Single Level).
Go to Extras -> Object Dependency -> Assign
For this U need to create Characteristics and Class (of Class Type 300) earlier
The report which is not using SAP standard reports.
There are different scenarios in SAP PP module.
One material from a BOM CANNOT be assigned to different Operations. It can be done by defining the material for so many times as required in the BOM
Earliest date for the execution of the production order. This date takes into account the float before production.
If, on order creation, a planned order exists for the production order or process order, then the order dates are taken from the planned order. When scheduling the production order the system tries to adhere to the order dates (if necessary, with reduction measures).
If it is not possible to adhere to the basic dates and if the control parameter in Customizing allows the basic dates to be adjusted, the system adjusts the basic dates of the order during the scheduling run. If the control parameter in Customizing does not allow the basic dates to be adjusted, the order keeps the basic dates of the planned order.
If the production order is created manually, you must enter at least one order date manually. The scheduling type determines, which order dates you must enter.
Definition of the MRP List:
The system creates MRP lists during the planning run according to how you set the creation indicator. These lists contain the planning result for the material. The MRP list always displays the stock/requirements situation at the time of the last planning run and it also provides a work basis for the MRP controller. Changes that are made after the planning date are not taken into consideration, so the list is static.
MRP lists are stored in the system until they are either deleted manually or replaced by new lists from a subsequent planning run.