Top 50 Sap Bw Interview Questions You Must Prepare 08.Sep.2024

Q1. What Are Formula Variables?

These are variables used in calculations in the query; for example take a customer discount report where each customer is given a different percentage discount; you create a formula variable for the discount percentage and use it in the calculated key figure.

Q2. I Am Currently Using A Standard Task Ts 00008314 (bus2038) To Launch Work Flow When Notification Is Created. Given This, How Can I Define Notification Type (only M1)? Subsequently, How I Can Launch A

You can create a start condition (transaction: SWB_COND) and set it to start if the notification type is M@Just make sure to document this because months from now you might not remember why it starts selectively for some and not others. For the second question - if you are trying to notify the agent that they have a task, then try placing this standard task into a custom 2 step workflow template. The first step of the template should send an express mail then the next step should automatically send the task.

Q3. What Is The Difference Between Ods And Infocube And Multiprovider?

• ODS: Provides granular data, allows overwrite and data is in transparent tables, ideal for drilldown and RRI.
• CUBE: Follows the star schema, we can only append data, ideal for primary reporting.
• MultiProvider: Does not have physical data. It allows to access data from different InfoProviders (Cube, ODS, InfoObject). It is also preferred for reporting.

Q4. How Do You Create A Value Set?

Use the AWB -> Reporting agent and select the value set icon on the left.

Q5. What Is The Difference Between Sending A Mail To A Recipient List Compared To Sending Individual Mails Via A Dynamic Loop?

Performance. Sending 1 mail to 20 recipients will cost considerably less performance than sending 20 individual mails. If the mail is sent as a SAP Office mail (as opposed to e-mail, fax...) disk space will also be a factor because the SAP office mail will only exist once in the database, with references being created for each of the recipients.

The only time you need to cons ider individual mails with a dynamic loop is when the text of the mail varies from one recipient to another.

Q6. What Are The Special Conversions For Time In Update Rules?

Time dimensions are automatically converted; for example if the cube contains calendar month and your transfer structure contains date, the date to calendar month is converted automatically.

Q7. What Is An Exception?

Exception is not a filter (like condition) but used to highlight reports with different colors for unusual key figures; for example you may want to show red for all accounts receivables that are older than 90 days and yellow for older than 60 days.

Q8. What Is An Event Chain?

This is a group of events which complete independently of one another; use this to check the successful status of multiple events; for example you can trigger a chain event if all loads are successful.

Q9. What Are Transfer Rules?

The transformation rules for data from source system to info source/communication structure.

Q10. What Are The Important Aggregation Usage Indicators?

a. Number of records. 
b. Summarization ration (compression) .
c. Last used date — remember if you don’t see any recent activity then this aggregate is not used.

Q11. What Are The Destination Target Options?

CSV file or database table.

Q12. What Is The Ods Object Settings?

Defines number of parallel processors in activation, mm number of data records and wait time.

Q13. What Is A Star Schema?

A fact table at the center and surrounded (linked) by dimension tables.

Q14. What Are The Advantages Of Using Ods In A Infoset For Reporting?

a. access via OLAP engine.
b. infosets can join flat BW objects like master data attributes, etc.

Q15. What Is A Characteristic In Co-pa?

These are defined as levels where information is maintained; example customer groups, divisions, etc.

Q16. Why If One Request Fails, All The Subsequent Requests Are Turned To "red"?

This is to avoid inconsistency and make sure that only verified data is entered into the system.

Q17. How To Create Condition And Exceptions In Bi.7.0? But I Know In Bw3.5 Version.?

From a query name or description, you would not be able to judge whether the query is having any exception.There are two ways of finding exception against a query:@Execute queries one by one, the one which is having background colour as exception reporting are with exceptions.@Open queries in the BEX Query Designer. If you are finding exception tab at the right side of filter and rows/column tab, the query is having exception.

Q18. When We Use Condition The Totals Do Not Match Why?

By default the report shows overall results total and not the results total only for the filtered results; to display the right totals you should use “Summation” in the key figure properties instead of “Nothing defined”.

Q19. Can You Make An Info Object As Info Provider And Why?

Yes, When you want to report on characterstics or master data, you can make them as info provider. Ex: you can make 0CUSTMER as info provider and do Bex reporting on 0 CUSTOMER;right click on the info area and select Insert characterstic as data target.

Q20. What Are The Steps To Create Classes?

a. define the properties
b. create class types; this controls the classes assigned to them; for example class type can be material
c. create classes and assign to a class type; for example class could be digital cameras
d. assign objects
e. now searches can be done on classes; for example get all the cameras with 3.0 mega pixels.
f. These values are transferred to BW as Omaterial attributes

Q21. What Are The Two Fact Tables?

There are two fact tables for each info cube; it is the E table and the F table;

Q22. How Do You Set Up The Permitted Characters?

Using transaction RSKC.

Q23. What Is Ods?

Operations data Source you can overwrite the existing data in ODS.

Q24. What Are Non Cumulative Key Figures?

These kinds of key figures are not summarized (unlike sales, etc); examples are head count, inventory amount; these are always in relation to a point in time; for example we will ask how many employees we had as of last quarter. We don’t add up the head count.

Q25. What Are The Control Parameters For Data Transfer?

This defines the maximum size of packet, max no of records per packet, the number of parallel processes, etc.

Q26. What Are The Combined Tests?

a. Master data.
b. Transaction data.
c. Hierarchies. 
d. Database .
e. Aggregation.

Q27. What Is Inflow And Outflow?

These are non cumulative changes used to get the right quantity.

Q28. What Does A Boolean Operator Returns?

1 or 0.

Q29. What Are The Minimum No Of Dimensions In Info Cube?

4(3 Sap defined and 1 customer defined).

Q30. What Are The Sap Enhancements To Enhance Fir Data?

HRPTDWO1 - for HR time related data.

Q31. What Are The Steps To Create Db Connect?

a. first verify that the DB connection works from the server
b. AWB -> Source systems -> create
c. Select Database source system
d. Enter the database user name, password and connect string; for example Oracle enter the TNS name
e. Generate the data source using transaction RSDBC
f. Assign data source to info source
g. Maintain and activate communication structure and transfer rules
h. Create info package and load data

Q32. What Is Info Object Otctauthh?

This is used in hierarchy authorization.

Q33. What Is Aggregate Realignment Run Maintenance?

Defines the level of percentage change for realignment run will cause a reconstruction of aggregates.

Q34. What Is The New Features Of Ods After Version 3.x?

a. you can load and activate ODS in parallel.
b. NoM table .
c. Secondary indexes are created in ODS objects itself .
d. Selective deletion.

Q35. What Does The Variable_screen Url Parameter Do?

An X will force the web report to display the variables entry screen.

Q36. What Are The Parameters Available In User Exit For Enhancing Master Data?

a. I_T_FIELDS - list of transfer structure fields
b. I_T_DATA - internal table containing data for the master attributes; remember this contains all data
c. LUPDMODE - update mode
d. I_CHABASNM - basic characteristics
e. I_SOURCE - name of the info source

Q37. What Are Value Sets?

Using reporting agent you can fill values for a particular characteristic in the background; assume that every day you generate a detailed report on the top 10 products; to get the top 10 products you run another query with condition; so the parent query can be defined as a value set returning values for OMATERIAL.

Q38. What Are The 3sap Defined Dimensions?

The 3 SAP defined dimensions are…..
@Data packet dimension (P)… contains 3characteristics.a) request Id (b) Record type (c) Change run id
@Time dimension (T)….it contains time characteristics such as 0calmonth, 0calday etc
@Unit Dimension (U)…it contains basically amount and quantity related units.

Q39. How Can I Configure The Workflow So That When The Deadline Is Missed The Workflow Step Is Simply Skipped?

This is tricky to explain but easy to implement once you know how.
Follow these steps (in later releases there is a wizard which takes you through the steps):
@In the terminating events view of the workflow step activate the "obsolete" event and give it a name.
@Specify a deadline period for the step.
@Specify a name for the event. This adds new branch from the step.
@Add a new step to the deadline path. This step must be of type "process control".
@Select the control "Make step obsolete" and use the search help to specify the workflow step that has the deadline. Only steps with obsolete paths defined will be displayed (see step 1).

Q40. What Is The Use ':' As An Authorization Value?

a. it enables queries that do not contain a authorization relevant object that have been checked in info cube.
b. it allows summary data to be displayed if the user does not have access to detailed data; for example if you create 2 authorizations for one user one with Sales Org  and customers and second with sales org 1000 and customers  the user sees all customers for sales org 1000 and only summarized report for other sales org.

Q41. What Are Conversion Routines For Units And Currencies In The Update Rule?

• Using this option we can write ABAP code for Units / Currencies conversion. If we enable this flag then unit of Key Figure appears in the ABAP code as an additional parameter. For example, we can convert units in Pounds to Kilos.

Q42. What Are Intervals?

This is to group leaves together automatically; so when a new value is added to a characteristics it is added to the proper interval automatically.

Q43. What Are The Limitations Of Line Item Dimension?

Only one characteristic is allowed per line item dimension.

Q44. What Are The Other Variables?

a. 1_VARTYP - variable type 1 — characteristic, 2- hierarchy node , 3-text, 4- formula, 5-hierarchy.
b. I_IOBJNM - name of the info object.

Q45. What Are The Aggregation Options For Key Figures?

If you are defining prices then you may want to set “no aggregation” or you can define max, mm, sum; you can also define exception aggregation like first, last, etc; this is helpful in getting headcount; for example if you define a monthly inventory count key figure you want the count as of last day of the month.

Q46. What Is The Attributes Only Flag?

If the flag is set, no master data is stored; this is only used as attribute for other characteristics; for example comments on a AR document.

Q47. What Is The Sap Enhancement Used For This User Exit?


Q48. How Do I Send Really Complex Mails From The Workflow?

If you this is not enough for you will probably want to write your own ABAP routines for generating the text and generating the attachments to go with the text.

Use the function group SO01 which contains functions of the form SO_*_API1 which are ideal for creating your own sophisticated messages. There are plenty of advantages of how these are used within the SAP system.

Q49. How Do You Transform Open Hub Data?

• Using BADI we can transform Open Hub Data according to the destination requirement.

Q50. What Are The Delta Options Available When You Load From Flat File (you Set The Delta Mode In The Transfer Structure -update Mode Field)?

a. new status only; this sends records of changed records; only ODS and cube can not be used.
b. additive delta — just change in key figures is sent; can be used in ODS and in cube.