Top 30 Sap Apo Interview Questions You Must Prepare 23.Jan.2025

Q1. Can Sap Apo Be Used As A Stand-alone Solution?

No, SAP APO always requires a backend ERP system for execution functions. In most cases, the backend system is an SAP R/3 system.

Q2. Which Are The Components Of The New Mysap Scm Solution?

SAP SCM 4.1 is the new available Supply Chain Management Solution offered by SAP. The SAP SCM 4.1 System includes SAP APO 4.1 (Advanced Planning and Optimization), SAP ICH 4.1 (Inventory Collaboration Hub) and SAP EM

Q3. What Is The Process To Copy Planning Versions In R/3?

Use OLIX to first delete previous MRP planning versions. Then use MCB& to create the new MRP planning versions by choosing the appropriate version you want to create as ICO Version. The info structure in this case is S094.

Q4. How To Copy A Process Chain?

To copy a process chain to another process chain, goto the Process Chain you want to copy and then type copy in the tool tar and hit enter. It will allow you to copy the Process Chain to another Process Chain that can be modified as per user's requirement, saved, activated and used. 

Remark: To copy a process chain to another process chain, goto the Process Chain you want to copy and then type copy in the tool tar also... if you dropdown on the toolbad under process chain you have a copy option... but this looks cool.

Q5. What About The Exchange Of Data Between The Two Systems?

With SAP APO you have a real-time integration to SAP R/@The minute you change something in one system, it is immediately being transferred to the other and vice versa. And that goes for all data, be it a sales order, a production order or a purchase order. You do not have to perform any batch jobs for transferring data between the systems.

Q6. Does Dynamic Alerts Show Up In Alert Monitor?

Dynamic Alerts do not show up in the stand-alone alert monitor. Network alerts are to show pegging relationships.

Q7. How To Find Out One Organization Using Multi-org Or Single Org?

If i am not wrong looking at the company code available on the system will tell us weather its single or multiple organization.

Q8. How Many Database Into Apo System?

SCM APO have 2 databases.

@Data Base server- master data stored.
@Livecache server- Transnational data stored.

The first one is in BW as Info Cubes and second data is stored in Live Cache. The data stored in Live Cache is used for planning and processing during transactions. Cubes are only for storing data and backing up data. The whole reason for making APO as a different server (box) is to make the process of simulation faster using Live Cache memory database which is faster than accessing the data stored in tables in other ECC module.

Q9. What Is Master Data In Dp?

Master Data in Demand Planning primarily is Characteristic Value Combinations commonly termed CVCs. CVCs are the planning combinations against which data is stored in key figures.

Q10. What Is The Report To Execute Massd?

The report for executing MassD in background job is MASSBACK.

Q11. How Can A Transaction Be Executed Even When No Authorization?

SE93 - Transaction code for Transaction Code E.g. CRC1 Create Resource has txn code CRASH. So if you do not have authorization to create resource you can use SE93 and enter txn CRASH and then Test F8 button to go to the txn.

Q12. What Is The Reuse Mode In Product Heuristic?

Reuse mode in Product Heuristic – makes the system to reuse orders already present in the heuristic run i.e. orders are not deleted and recreated.

Q13. What Determines Stock Categories Displayed In Stock On Hand Key Figure?

The categories defined in Category Group ST1 (can be maintained in table /SAPAPO/APOCGC) determine the stock categories that are displayed in the Initial bucket in the Stock on Hand key figure. Subsequent buckets are dynamically computed.

Q14. What Is Ppds Fixing Horizon?

PP/DS fixing Horizon defines the PP/DS time Fence – within that period if heuristic is run no orders get changed.

Q15. What Is Consensus Forecast? How Its Used? What Are The Forecast Models Involved In?

Consensus forecast refers to a business process, not a system function. It basically means forecast created with the mutual agreement of the various business functions, e.g. supply chain, finance, sales, etc.

As such it is not linked to any statistical forecast models (I assume you meant that) and you can use any and all models, it will not create a consensus forecast for you. You have to take your numbers and discuss and agree about them with your colleagues of the different departments. 

That's what will make your forecast consensus based.

Q16. What Is Release Profile?

Release Profile is used to release timeseries data from DP to SNP/PPDS. You need to define the DP Planning Area and timeseries keyfigure the data in which is released and the SNP Category Type (typically FA) to which data is released. You may maintain a Daily Buckets Profile it will define the number of working days (working days determined based on Shipping Calendar maintained for the location master) starting on and from the From Date if released online/ interactively or that many workdays of the planning horizon when release is carried out in background. The Period Split (blank, 1 and 2) field in the SNP2 tab of location-product master determines how demand plan is released to SNP from DP (how bucketed data is disaggregated to the workdays).

Q17. What Is Meant By Functional Specifications Involved In Poand Ap?

Functional specifications are needs to prepared and given by functional consultant to the technical team or ABAP Consultant.. so that they make enhancements..develop as per clients requirements.

Asume that you have purchase report: which contains characters and key figures.. such as PO DATE, MATEIRAL NUMBER, MATERIAL DESCRIPTION, PO VALUE" AND AND SO ON.. BUT standard report does'nt support for client's for eg..Total consumption at production or Qty used it for manufacturing"

One has to give specifications..such why it is required, what is the use of new object, what specifications are required to develop by ABAP TEAM..

Q18. What Is The Behaviour Of Procurement Type X?

Procurement Type X – source selection is based on matching due date then priority then cost. If both In-house Production and External Procuremnet is possible then In-house Production (PPM) is chosen as source of supply.

Q19. What Is The Shortcut To Change Location Type In Apo?

Report /SAPAPO/CHECK_LOCATION_TYPE can be used to change location type (say from 1001 to 1002 or vice-versa) of existing locations in APO. The table to refer is /SAPAPO/LOCMAP. SAP does not recommend this process.
Remark: Can you check if this works - cos I think you need to use/SAPAPO/CHANGE_LOCTYPE

Q20. What Type Of Questions Can They Ask On Personnel Management?

they can ask about your goals and objectives hobbies sometimes to know u r learning capabilities y did u quit the earlier organization n so on this is what i was asked.

Q21. What Does Apo Mean?

SAP APO stands for SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization and is the planning component within the mySAP SCM solution.

Q22. How Can A Planning Version Be Frozen And Unfrozen?

A Planning Version can be frozen and unfrozen using Function Module /SAPAPO/TS_PAREA_VERSIO_FREEZE so that no further changes to the planning version can be done.

Q23. What Is An Easy, Cost Efficient Way Of Installing Some Standard Sap Apo Scenarios?

SAP Best Practices for Supply Chain Management. Choose one or more of the mySAP SCM business scenarios that SAP Best Practices for SCM provide.

Q24. How Does Sap R/3 Communicate With Sap Apo?

Through the APO Core Interface (CIF) which supplies SAP APO with master and transaction data in real time. CIF is delivered through the R/3 Plug-In, which is something you have to install in your SAP R/3 system. This is the same Plug-In that you need for connecting a BW or a CRM system.

Q25. What Is Outlier Group In Apo?

Not sure if outlier group exist in APO.....

Outlier: Lets say you have planned your expenses @ 500 $ per month. However due to festivities you see sudden spike in your expenses in the month of Oct, Nov and Dec (say by 400). Your annual forecast was 6000 but due to recent 3 month activity actual is 720@These spikes are called outlier.

Smoothing: When you account for these changes over a period of time (even distribution). In this case it would be 600 per month instead of 500 till Sept and 900 for Oct, Nov & Dec.

Q26. What Is The Usage Of Period Factor?

Period Factor maintained in the SNP PPM or Transportation Lane determines the Availability Date of a Receipt element within a time bucket (period). The system determines the exact availability date/time of the receipt elements within a period, by adding a time interval (that it gets by multiplying the period factor with the period length) to the start time of the period. You can enter a factor between 0 and 1, where 0 is the start of the period, 0.5 the middle, and 1 the end of the period. When calculating the availability date/time, the system takes into consideration all weekdays, meaning that it does not take into consideration any days that have been defined as non-workdays in the calendars.  

Period Factor used is .71 = 7x0.71 = 4.97 or 5 days from ptimizer of weekly bucket resulting in a Friday.  

If Period Factor is not maintained in PPM or Transportation Lane then the User Period Factor indicator and the Period Factor value maintained in the Lot Size tab of the location-product combination is used. If this is not maintained a default value of 0.5 is used.

Q27. Can Sap Apo And Sap R/3 Be Installed On The Same Server And Use The Same Database?

No, SAP APO requires a separate server. The actual size of the SAP APO system may vary and depends on the data volume to be processed. You can find more details on this subject under the alias /sizing on the SAP Service Marketplace (//http:/

Q28. What Is Planning Procedure?

Planning Procedure in Product Master (PP/DS) defines that when you convert a planned order to process order it is in De allocated state and not Scheduled state and more.

Q29. How To Use Create Planning Book With Two Tables?

To use two tables on one screen of Planning Book/Data View - select indicator next to second page title and give name. Additional tab page is displayed in Planning Book Maintenance wizard to define the key figures for the second table.

Q30. Do I Have To Maintain The Master Data Twice?

No. You create and change master data exclusively in SAP R/@If you want to work with SAP APO, you need to transfer the master data from the SAP R/3 system. Depending on the scenario you want to use in SAP APO, you may have to enhance the transferred data with SAP APO specific settings, which are not relevant to SAP R/3.