Top 33 Sap Adobe Forms Interview Questions You Must Prepare 27.Jul.2024

Q1. What Is Lock Object?

To synchronize access of several users using same data Lock objects are used.

Q2. What Is The Difference Between The Function Module And External Subroutine?

Table work area are not shared between the function module and calling program. Whereas subroutine use shared same work area. We can leave a function module using Raise statement.Whereas check,exit or stop are used to leave a subroutine . Function module has special interface to define parameters.Whereas subroutine don’t have.

Q3. What Are Components Of Sap Script?

Layout Set, Form, Print Program, Function Modules.

Q4. Explain The Difference Between Pool Tables And Transparent Tables?

Transparent tables:  It has one to one relation with the table in the database.  Its structure corresponds to single database field.

Pooled tables: It has many to one relation with the table in the database.  Pooled tables are stored at the database level.

Basic List: For simple reports

Statistics:  For Percentage, Average etc.

Ranked List : For analytical reports

Q5. What Is Sap Style Maintenance?

SAP style maintenance is a collection of character & paragraph format.

Q6. What Are The Types Of Subroutines?

Internal Subroutines: The source code of the internal subroutines will be in the same ABAP/4 program as the calling procedure (internal call).

External Subroutines: The source code of the external subroutines will be in an ABAP/4 program other than the calling procedure.

Q7. Which Are The Components Of Function Group?

  • A main program.
  • A top include.
  • A UXX include.
  • A function module include.

Q8. How Do You Insert Conditional & Unconditional Page Breaks During Text Formatting?

We can insert conditional page breaks by using control command -> Protect…Endprotect. And Unconditional page breaks-> New-page.

Q9. Differentiate Between Page1 To Page2 Format?

Page1 format: In this all pages have the same format.

Page2 format: In this there is variation in page format i.e. first page has different format than second page.

Q10. How Data Is Stored In Cluster Table?

A cluster table contains data from multiple DDIC tables.  It stores data as name value pair.

Q11. Give The Types Of Symbols Used In Sap Script?

  • System Symbol.
  • Program Symbol.
  • Standard Symbol.
  • Text Symbol.

Q12. What Is Mvc Architecture? Explain?

Web dynpro ABAP follows MVC (Model View Controller) Architecture.

Here M – Modal – actual business logic ex: calling Function modules, class methods etc

V – View – View is nothing but screen with UI elements that holds data.

C – Controller – This is responsible for communication between modal and view.

The main advantage of MVC is for better readability and re-usability

Q13. Name Some Of The Control Commands?

  • Bottom……..Endbottom.
  • Top……Endtop.
  • Address….Endaddress.
  • Protect…..Endprotect.
  • If……Endif.
  • Case….Endcase.
  • New-Page.
  • New-Window.

Q14. What Is Cardinality In Webdynpro Abap?

Cardinality is a property which specifies how many records that can be stored in a node.

Q15. What Are The Components Of Sap Scripts?

For SAP, SAP scripts are a word processing tool. It has a function like standard text and layout sets.

Its layout set consists of: Windows and pages, Character formats, Paragraph formats etc.

Q16. Which Are The Function Modules Used In A Print Program?

  • Open_Form.
  • Write_form.
  • Start_Form.
  • Close_Form.
  • End_form.
  • Control_Form.

Q17. What Are The Internal Tables?

Internal table exists only when the program is run. It is used for performing table calculations on subset of database tables and also for re-organizing the content of database tables as per the users need.

Q18. What Are The Different Abap/4 Editors? What Are The Differences?

The 2 editors are SE38 and SE80 and both have the ABAP editor in place.   In SE38 , you can create programs and view online reports and basically do all the development of objects in this editor.  In SE80, there are additional features such as creating packages, function group, module pool, classes, programs and BSP applications.

Q19. What Is Mvc In Webdynpro Abap?

Basically WebDynpro follows MVC M-Model(Business logic ) V-View(Screen) C-Controller( Controls screen and Model)

Q20. What Is Sap Abap?

SAP is a type of software known as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) that large company use to manage their day to day affairs. ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming) is the coding language for SAP to develop RICEFW objects. (Reports, Interfaces, Extensions, Forms and Workflows).

Q21. What Is A Foreign Key Relationship?

To ensure the consistency of data, foreign keys are used. The relationship established between the tables and must be explicitly defined at field level. Data entered should be checked against the existing data to ensure that there is no contradiction. Cardinality has to be specified while defining foreign key relationship.

Q22. Name The Abap/4 Modularization Techniques?

  • Source code modularization.
  • Subroutines.
  • Functions.

Q23. How Can You Debug A Script Form?

To debug a script form, you have to follow

SE71–>give the form name->utilities->activate debugger

Q24. How Do You Upload Logo In Sap Script ?

We can upload logo using the program RSTXLDMC or using transaction code SE78.

Q25. What Are The Controllers Available In Webdynpro Abap And Explain?

  • View Controller.
  • Window Controller.
  • Component Controller.
  • Interface Controller.
  • Custom Controller.

Q26. What Are The Different Print Modes Used In Sap Script & Explain?

S The page is printed in simplex mode. That is, the printer should print on only one side of the paper. If another mode was previously active, then the printer is switched to simplex mode with the start of the page.

D The page is printed on the first side of a sheet in duplex mode. If another mode was previously active, then the printer is switched to duplex mode with the start of the page and continues in this mode.

T The page is printed on the first side of a sheet in tumble duplex mode. That is, the printer prints on both sides. The page on the second side is always inverted, so that the footer of the second page is printed opposite the header of the first page.

Q27. Difference Between Abap And Webdynpro Abap Applications?

  • ABAP applications are traditional GUI applications which runs on SAP GUI.
  • Web Dynpro applications are SAP web based applications which runs on web browser.

Q28. What Are The Different Types Of Parameters?

Formal Parameters: Parameters, which are defined during the definition of subroutine with the FORM statement.

Actual Parameters: Parameters which are specified during the call of a subroutine with the PERFORM statement.

Q29. Differentiate Between Character Format And Paragraph Format?

Paragraph format is used for formatting a paragraph, we can add tabs in this.We can use character format in paragraph format. Character format are used for assigning various attributes of font ( size, type, bold }.

Q30. What Is A Context In Webdynpro Abap?

Context is a temporary place which stores data in the form of nodes and attributes.

Q31. What Are The Different Methods Of Passing Data?

Calling by reference: During a subroutine call, only the address of the actual parameter is transferred to the formal parameters. The formal parameter has no memory of its own, and we work with the field of the calling program within the subroutine. If we change the formal parameter, the field contents in the calling program also changes.

Calling by value: During a subroutine call, the formal parameters are created as copies of the actual parameters.The formal parameters have memory of their own.Changes to the formal parameters have no effect on the actual parameters.

Call by value and result: Similar to pass by value, but the contents of new memory is copied back into the original memory before returning.

Q32. How Can You Format The Data Before Write Statement In The Report?

By using the loop event the reports output can be formatted

  • .at first
  • .at new
  • .at last

Q33. How Will Create Standard Text? How Will You Insert Standard Text In Sap Script?

Transaction code for creating standard text in SO1@In SE 71 goto ,main menu ->insert ->standard text or by using control command “Include Name [Object o] [ ID i] [ Language L ] [Paragraph p ]” Where: Name denotes the name of standard text that you given Rest all are optional parameters.