Top 12 Sails Js Interview Questions You Must Prepare 27.Jul.2024

Q1. What Are The Features Of Sails.js?

Sails.js has lots of features which will help you to build custom, enterprise-ready applications.

Some of them are as follows:-

  1. Auto generated API
  2. Database ORM
  3. Inbuilt task runner
  4. Security code
  5. Built-in web sockets in routes.

Sails.js is one of the best MVC frameworks and can help you to rapidly develop web applications. For those who don’t want to reinvent the wheel like we do in the MEAN stack, Sails is a great option.

Q2. Where Do I Get Help?

Aside from the official documentation, be sure and check out the recommended support options on the Sails website, and pop in to our Gitter chat room. If you're stumped, make sure and ask a question on Stack Overflow, where there's an active Sails community. Members of our core team recently taught a free video course on Platzi and wrote a book.

Q3. How Does The Documentation End Up On The Sails Website?

The documentation is compiled from the markdown files in the sails-docs repo on GitHub. A number of Sails users have expressed interest in emulating the process we use to generate the pages on the Sails website. Good news is it's pretty simple: The compilation process for the Sails docs involves generating HTML from Markdown files in the sails-docs repo, then performing some additional transformations such as adding data type bubbles, tagging permalinks for individual sections of pages, building JSON data to power the side navigation menu and setting HTMLattributes for better search engine discoverability of individual doc pages.

Q4. How To Create An Application Instance In Sails.js?

In order to create a new project, run the following command.

Sails create Your Project Name

Q5. Who Else Is Using Sails.js?

Sails is used in production by individuals and companies, non-profits, and government entities all over the world, for all sorts of projects (Greenfield and mature). You can see some examples here of companies that have used Sails for their projects. (This small list is definitely not authoritative, so if you're using Sails in your app/product/service, we'd love to hear about it!

Q6. What Are The Dependencies Of Sails?

We have learned again and again over the years to take versioning of dependencies very seriously. We lock Sails's dependency versions and only bump those versions if the associated updates fix a security issue or present other substantive advantages to Sails users (improved compatibility, performance, etc.) In addition, the core maintainers of Sails are committed to fixing any major security, performance, or stability bugs that arise in any of our core dependencies-- regardless of whether those modules are officially maintained by another entity or not.

Sails are tested with node versions 0.10.x and up, though we recommend using at least Node v4.0.@The framework is built on the rock-solid foundations of Express and Out of the box, it also depends on other great modules, like grunt, waterline, and fs-extra. Click the badge above for the full list of dependencies in the latest stable release of Sails core.

Sails Flagship users: We manually verify every dependency of Sails and other officially-maintained modules by hand, every single week. This includes core hooks, adapters, generators, client SDKs, and Flagship packages. We regularly send security/compatibility reports about dependencies to the primary email address associated with your account. If you'd like additional people on your team to receive these reports, no problem! Just let us know their email addresses and we'll get them set up.

Q7. What Is Sails.js?

  • Sails.js is a Real-time MVC framework for Node.js.
  • Sails.js is a Node.js framework that allows you to build enterprise-ready, MVC (model, view, and controller) application on-the-go.
  • Sails.js has built-in features such as an API creator, and its socket integration in every route and database ORM makes.
  • Sails.js is very useful and helps speed up development.

Q8. Where Is The Documentation For The Different Releases Of Sails?

The documentation on the main website is for the latest stable npm release of Sails, and is mirrored by the master branch of the sails-docs repo on GitHub (Master is sometimes a few commits ahead, but any critical documentation updates make it onto the website within a day or two.)

For older releases of Sails that are still widely used, the documentation is compiled from the relevant sails-docs branches and hosted on the following subdomains:


Q9. I'm Having Trouble Installing Sails. What Should I Do?

Start with NPM helpful troubleshooting guide. If you continue to have problems, and you've tried Google searching but you're still stumped, please carefully review the updated Sails contribution guide and then create a GitHub issue in the Sails repo.

Q10. How To Installed Version Sails.js?

In order to install Sails, you will first need to install the latest version of Node.js.

Node.js is supported on most major operating systems, including the –

  1. MacOS X
  2. Windows
  3. Linux

Run following command to install it.

npm install sails –g

Depending on your internet connection, it will take some time to install Sails.js. Once the installation completes, you can use the sails command line to create new projects.

Q11. How Do I Get Involved?

There are many different ways to contribute to Sails; for example you could help us improve the official documentation, write a plugin, answer Stack Overflow questions, start a Sails meetup, help troubleshoot GitHub issues, write some tests, or submit a patch to Sails core or one of its dependencies. Please look through the contribution guide before you get started. It's a short read that covers guidelines and best practices that ensure your hard work will have the maximum impact.

Q12. Where Do I Submit Ideas? Report Bugs?

The Sails project tracks bug reports in GitHub issues and uses pull requests for feature proposals. Please read the contribution guide before you create an issue, submit a proposal, or begin working on pull request.