Top 17 Recruitment And Selection Interview Questions You Must Prepare 27.Jul.2024

Q1. What Is The Role Of A Recruiting Assistant?

A recruiting assistant is mainly responsible for: coordinating and reconciling payrolls, assisting the recruitment and induction of personnel, verifying candidate eligibility, compiling all required documents for application processing and scheduling job interviews and interviews of promotion candidates with the HR board.

Q2. What Is Selection And What Are The Steps Involved In Selection Process?

Selection is a process of evaluating and picking up the right candidate who can fulfill the requirement of the job and organization. 

  • Screening of applicants.
  • Tests.
  • Interview
  • Reference check
  • Medical examination

Q3. What Are Characteristics Which An Interviewer Needs To Observe Or Test In A Applicant?

  • Communication skills.
  • Confidence.
  • Approach towards any situation.
  • Behavior of the applicant.
  • Body language.
  • Subject knowledge.
  • Suitability as per the job.

Q4. What Strengths Qualify You As A Good Recruiting Assistant?

Effective written and verbal communication skills, strong grasp over HR policies and strong organizational skills qualify me as a good recruiting assistant.

Q5. In What Ways Is A Recruitment Assistant Involved In Interaction With Personnel After Their Hiring?

Recruitment assistants remain in contact with personnel after their hiring for pay roll processing details, ensuring the personnel’s proper training and resolving any on the job issues the employees may face.

Q6. Differentiate Between Internal And External Sources Of Recruitment?

Internal recruitment means filling a position with an employee from within the firm. Sources for this include transfers, promotions, demotions and re-employment of ex-employees. External recruitment refers to hiring of employees from outside the firm, sources of which include: job ads, college campuses, employee referral programs and placement agents.

Q7. What Is Time Lapse Data (tld)?

This is the Time period between the dates of demand for manpower requirement from a department to the actual date of filling the vacancies in that department. Company can decide the TLD with past experience also.

Q8. What Are The Alternatives To Recruitment?

As the recruitment is a costly process, so many companies adopt below mentioned options:

  • Overtime: Company take work from existing employees by offering them overtime with good salary and incentives.
  • Subcontracting: Due to sudden increase in demand of the product any organization instead of expansion can go in contract with an outside specialist agency to carry out the work with mutual benefit,.
  • Temporary or contract basis employee: Here company can hire employee on contract basis for a specified time period to meet short time demand.
  • Employee leasing: Company can hire permanent employee of another organization who have the required skills, for a short period of time to meet short time requirement.
  • Outsourcing: In this company can hire employees from an specialized HR firm which take care of everything for the employees from recruitment till exit including payroll.

Q9. What Is A Recruitment Policy?

A recruitment policy is a set of guidelines under which an HR department functions. General areas that a recruitment policy covers include: terms and sources of recruitment, payment terms and conditions, selection process and terms for contractual employees hiring.

Q10. What Are The Main Features Of An Effective Recruitment Strategy?

An effective recruitment strategy must be unbiased, capable of recruiting the best talent, effective in helping employees reach their maximum potential and promoting merit base selection and placement.

Q11. What Is Recruitment And Pre Recruitment Cycle?

  • Recruitment is the process of attracting potential applicants to apply for existing or expected job opening. Here Recruiter offer sufficient information for candidates to self selects themselves out.
  • Recruitment requires in case either an organization is expanding the business or exit of employees.

Pre recruitment cycle:-

  • It starts with analyzing current human resource and compare with the organizational goal.
  • After analysis they conclude whether organization really need to recruit new people or not.
  • To make budget for recruitment and selection process.
  • Finalize recruitment strategy.

Q12. What Is An Application Blank And What Should Be The Content Of An Application Bank?

It is a blank form in which we can collect the required information from the applicant.

The content of application blanks are:

  • Personal Data (Address, contact number, etc)
  • Marital Data
  • Educational details.
  • Experience details.
  • Extracurricular activities.
  • References.

Q13. What Is Yield Ratio And What According To You Will Be Yield Ration For A Bpo Industry?

  • The ratio of attracted applicants for a job opening with the number of finally hired people at a point of time is yield ratio.
  • For a BPO industry if 100 candidates have been contacted, 60 will come for interview, 40 will be shortlisted, 30 will come for training and 15 will finally join the organization.

Q14. How Does Selection Differ From Recruitment?

Recruitment is a process that searches for talent on broad basis while selection can be referred to as screening the eligible candidates to find the most suitable one. Recruitment process attracts as many candidates as possible while the selection process helps in eliminating unfit or in-eligible candidates from consideration.

Q15. What Does The Term Poaching Imply In Recruitment?

In recruitment poaching refers to hiring an employee from a contemporary firm on better terms and higher pay scale. It is a big threat for any organization and it is the duty of the HR department to ensure employee satisfaction in order to retain good employees in the company.

Q16. What Do You Mean By The Term Recruitment?

Recruitment is basically the process of linking employees with the employers. It consists of identifying, short listing and selecting suitable candidates to fill in vacant positions within a firm.

Q17. Explain The Term Equal Opportunity Employer?

Equal opportunity employer means an employer who provides equal employment opportunities to all candidates in terms of gender, religion, ethnicity, disability and marital status.