Top 42 Peoplecode Interview Questions You Must Prepare 25.Apr.2024

We have prompt table edit, yes/no table edit, trlate table edit as the table edits.

  • An array is a collection of data storage locations, each of which holds the same type of data.
  • The maximum depth of a PeopleCode array is 15 dimensions.
  • Push and UnShift are the functions of the array used to add the elements into the array one from the end of the array and one from the beginning.
  • Pop is a function of array used to select and delete an element from the end of the array.

  • In default processing, any blank fields in the component are set to their default value.
  • You can specify the default value either in the Record Field Properties, or in FieldDefault PeopleCode

  • If default mode for component is search mode:  only searchinit will fired.
  • If default mode for component is new mode :field default, field formula, rowinit, searchinit.

  • A class is the formal definition of an object and acts as a template from which an instance of an object is created at runtime.
  • The class defines the properties of the object and the methods used to control the object’s behavior.
  • PeopleSoft delivers predefined classes (such as Array, File, Field, SQL, and so on).
  • You can create your own classes using the Application class. You can also extend the functionality of the existing classes using the Application class.

  • Saveprechange—last event that executes before updating the data from component buffer to the database.
  • Savepostchange –fires after the updation of data in the database.
  • SQLEXEC — function directly interacts with the database.

Using Dosave and Dosavenow functions.

MetaStrings are special type of SQL expressions preceded by % sign.

MetaStrings are used in the following:

  • SQLExec
  • In application designer to build dynamic views
  • With rowset object methods (select, fill)
  • SQL objects
  • Record class methods (Insert, Update)
  • Application Engine
  • Cobol
  • Scroll buffer functions (ScrollSelect and its relatives).
  • Some Record class methods (Insert, Update, and so on.

  • Record group consists of records with similar functionality.
  • To setup a record in record group we should enter a set control field value in record properties.

Postpones some user actions to reduce the number of trips to the database so that increases the performance (in system edits, field edit, and field change).


  • Reduces the network traffic.
  • Increases the performance.

  • Rowset
  • Row
  • Record
  • Field
  • Array
  • File
  • Sql
  • chart
  • grid and so on.

  • Getrowset –is used to get rowset for a record in the component buffer.
  • Createrowset—is used to create rowset for a record which in database, and is also called a Standalone rowset

  • A Sub Page is utilized where you want to display or capture similar information for various entities,
    for example, capturing an address, for a company or for a person, would need similar information like Street address,State county, Country,Pincode etc.. In those situations a sub page would be used, to design once and reuse at multiple places.
  • A Secondary Page is used to display or capture secondary information about an entity.A secondary page could use various sub pages, but the reverse is not true.

Using SQLExec Function


  • Field default specifies only the default value for a field when we are in Add mode.
  • Row init fires only when a row of data coming from database to component buffer

It is n-tier architecture. We have client, web server, application server and Database server. We have jolt and tuxedo. We have WSL, WSH, JSL, JSH, QUEUES and services. In database server we have system tables, peopletools tables and application tables.

In Field edit for each field change, a trition to the application server to the database is taken place. In Saveedit for all the fields , only one trition to the application server to the Database is taken place.

 SQLEXEC is used to execute the sql statements(select,insert,update,delete). We can get only one row at a time.

This record field property is used to update the date field of particular record with the server’s current date and time whenever a user creates or updates a row. Even the user enter the data into that field, the data which the user enters will be updated by the system’s current date and time.

  • Getlevel0()— used to get the rowset of the level@
  • %subrec    — is used only in Dynamic View SQL where it expands to the columns of a subrecord:
  • %selectall–%SelectAll is shorthand for selecting all fields in the specified record, wrapping date/time fields with %DateOut, %TimeOut.

  • The user should have the permission to update the object. This is given by the Definition security.
  • The group, which holds the object, should be added to the permission list of the user in update mode.

  • Field edit
  • Save edit
  • Search save
  • row delete
  • row insert

  • System variables and User defined variables.
  • Scope
  • Global
  • Component
  • Local

  • Update/display: can view current and future rows. Can update only future rows.
  • Update/display all: can view history, current and future rows. Can update only future rows.
  • Correction: can view and update history, current and future rows.

Yes we can insert subpage using insert subpage. After insert subpage into main page, drag the subpage into the grid. When we save the page we are successfully able to save the page showing that we can insert a subpage into a grid.

Expert entry enables a user to change from interactive to deferred mode at runtime for appropriate tractions

We have field level audit and record level audit.

Primary permission list is used for mass change and definition security purposes.

Search views are used for three main reasons.

  • Adding criteria to the search dialogue page
  • Providing row level security
  • Implementing search page processing

  • SqlExec me it bypasses the component buffer and it is directly contacts database to retrieve data.
  • But it retrieves the data row by row and not possible for bulk insert.
  • But in the case of Create SQL we can able insert the data in bulk.

To give access to the records that are to be used in query, we have create a new query security tree and add the records which we want to give the access and then assign a access group to the tree. After that we have to add that query tree and query access group to the permission list.

Conditions are:

  • The child record should have all the key fields of parent record and at least one more key field other than the key fields of parent record.
  • We should mention the parent record in the record properties of child record.
  • We can not go for more than three levels of parent/child relationships.

Advantages are:

  • To have referential integrity.
  • No need to enter information again and again

The structure of the table in record level audit is: AUDIT_OPRID, AUDIT_STAMP, AUDIT_ACTN, AUDIT_RECNAME and can add fields from record.

You might want to reuse the same component multiple times with different search records. You can accomplish this by overriding the component search record at run-time when the component is opened from a menu item without creating separate copies of the component.

The component override is temporary, and occurs only when the component is opened from the menu item in which the override is set. It does not change the component definition.

Think-time functions suspend processing either until the user has taken some action (such as clicking a button in a message box), or until an external process has run to completion.

No we can not hide the primary page of a component. If the component had only one page then by making this page also invisible we wont have any component existing so we are not allowed to hide the primary page.

  • KEY-It is the primary key of the record. Can be used as search key or need not be.
  • Alternate search key-it is used for searching purposes.

Component buffer contains all the data of the active component. Data buffer contains the data other than the data in the component buffer (Data of other records)