Top 16 Oracle Warehouse Builder Interview Questions You Must Prepare 18.Feb.2025

Q1. What Sources Are Supported Through Oracle Pure Extract?

Oracle Pure Extract supports native access to OS/390 platforms: 

  • IMS 
  • DB2 
  • VSAM 
  • Sequential files

Q2. What Is The Oracle Warehouse Builder Repository?

The OWB repository is a server-based, low maintenance, powerful metadata repository based on the openstandard  Common Warehouse Model (CWM). The repository is the central nervous system of the  Enterprise Business Intelligence solution provided. All design information regarding sources,  trformations and warehouses is available and can be viewed over the web, utilizing Oracle Portal  technology. This includes lineage and impact analysis throughout the warehouse.

Q3. Does Owb Support The Clob And Long Data Types?

No, OWB currently doesn’t support these data types.

Q4. Which Sources Are Supported By Owb?

OWB supports the following source environments: 

  • Oracle RDBMS, versions 7.3.4 and higher 
  • Flat files (character-delimited, fixed-length, single-record and multi-record) 
  • SAP/R3 ( supports 3.1X, 4.0X, 4.5X, 4.6A, 4.6B) 
  • XML documents (URL, Advanced Queues, documents etc.) 
  • Generic Connectivity (ODBC) 
  • Oracle Trparent Gateways (see next question for a more detailed list)

Q5. What Is Oracle Warehouse Builder?

Oracle Warehouse Builder (OWB) is a framework for creation of extraction, trformation, and loading  scripts for populating an operational data store, a data mart or a data warehouse. OWB also includes a  component to design the target data warehouse / data mart / operational data store. The design component  can be used to create data warehouses designed as star schema (including aggregations / summary levels  with multiple hierarchies) or warehouses / operational data stores as third normal form.

Q6. Can Owb Generate Artificial Keys?

Yes, depending on the implementation language, OWB uses either sequences (PL/SQL implementation) or a data generator (SQL*Loader implementation) to product these artificial keys.

Q7. Does Owb Support Dimensional Targets?

Yes, OWB has a wizard-driven design process for both dimensions and for facts. Both can be viewed and printed in a diagramming mode.

Q8. Can The Generated Code Be Modified?

Yes, OWB generates code, which can be deployed into the database and it can be deployed into scripts  (text files). These text files can be modified and then deployed to the database with the changes. Note that  these changes (if made outside of OWB) are not stored in the repository, and that problems with modified  scripts are not supported by Oracle.

Q9. Does Owb Support 3rd Normal Form Targets?

Yes, OWB let’s you define 3rd normal form schemas with the wizards guiding you through the table creation  process. It also provides a simple wizard to design and define keys between the tables.

Q10. Does The Sap Installation Have To Be On An Oracle Database?

No, the OWB integrator solution for SAP is not depended on the underlying database. SAP installed on a non Oracle database (Informix, DB2, SQL Server or Sybase) can be accessed with the OWB SAP integrator.

Q11. Which Warehouse Platforms Does Owb Support?

OWB is tuned and build to fully utilize the market leading-Oracle database. OWB is a code generation tool  and uses the Oracle database as its trformation engine. The client software must be installed on either a  Windows 2000 or NT 4.0 client

Q12. Does Owb Support Multiple Source Objects In One Mapping?

Yes, the user can add source objects to a mapping and join these via a joiner. If the tables are connected by key relationships OWB picks these up automatically and populates the join condition without the user  having to open the joiner and type this in.

Q13. How Does Oracle Warehouse Builder Facilitate Etl And Warehouse Design?

OWB is a code generation tool based on a metadata repository, meaning that the design is trlated  internally by OWB, which results in the generation of code. This code can then be used to create a data  warehouse and the accompanying data trformations.

Q14. Is There A Standard Time Dimension In Owb?

OWB delivers a time dimension based on the Gregorian calendar. The user can determine the levels in this  dimension and choose from a number of pre built hierarchies.

Q15. Is Prototyping Supported By Owb?

Due to OWB’s graphical nature, prototypes can be built rapidly. OWB provides a graphical design tool for  logical representations of star schema and third-normal-form target databases. It contains automated  validation of source to target mappings, and automated code generation of code. SQL DDL for building  target tables, SQL*Loader control files for loading data from flat files, PL/SQL for extraction and  trformation and TCL to enable registration in Oracle Enterprise Manager.

Q16. How Easy Is It To Create The Warehouse Schema With Owb?

OWB gives the user a wizard-driven design environment to create the dimensional warehouse schema. Wizards guide the user through the creation of dimensions with multiple levels and hierarchies, the creation  of keys on these levels, and the linking of these dimensions to the fact tables. OWB provides wizards for all  database objects supported in OWB.