Top 40 Oracle Soa Suit 11g Interview Questions You Must Prepare 18.Feb.2025

Q1. What All Schema We Need For Oracle Soa Suite Tool ?

We require following schema.

  1. MDS – This schema is used to store all the artifacts like WSDL, XML, XSD etc.
  2. SOA_INFRA – This schema is used to store SOA Component Engine properties, deployed composites, payloads, runtime metadata etc.
  3. ORABAM – This schema is used to store the metadata that is related to BAM and its components and this is optional schema.
  4. ORASDPM – This schema is used to store metadata about the user messaging systems.

Q2. What Is Em ?

EM stands for Enterprise Manager. It is webpage we deploy, test, monitor, diagnose and resolve problem for composites. It is hosted on the Admin Server.

Q3. What Are The Types Of Binding Components ?

Binding components are of two types as mentioned below.

  1. Service Binding : With the help of this binding we connect composite to source or client system or we can say this is entry point of composite.
  2. Reference Binding: This binding helps composite to connect to target or reference systems or we can say it is exist point of the composite.

Q4. What All Bpel Templates Are Available In Soa Suite Tool ?

Primarily we have three types of BPEL template in SOA Suite tool.

  1. Synchronous BPEL Template
  2. Asynchronous BPEL Template
  3. OneWay BPEL Template

Q5. What Is Domain ?

A domain is the basic administration unit for WebLogic Server instances. i.e. Domains include a special WebLogic Server instance called the Administration Server, which is the central point from which you configure and manage all resources in the domain.

Q6. If We Have Multiple Composites On Soa Server With Same Name Then How Composites Run ?

If we have multiple composites with same name then only one composite will act as default composite which will run only. But we can go to EM console and make other composite default.

Q7. What Are Benefits Of Partition?

Below are the major benefits of partition.

  1. Logically group SOA composites.
  2. Perform bulk lifecycle management tasks on large numbers of composites.

Q8. What Is Bpel ?

BPEL stands for Business Process Execution Language, it is one of the component of SOA Suite tool. BPEL is a XML based language used to design business process/flows. We perform service orchestration in BPEL.

Q9. What Are Different Parts Of Bpel ?

Below are different parts of BPEL as mentioned below.

  1. Service Interface: A WSDL describing the functionality of the BPEL process. The service interface provides the end user a way to interact with the BPEL process component using Service Interface / Service Binding.
  2. Activities: units of work. The actual elements that make up the BPEL process flow or sequence of instructions to be executed.
  3. Partner links: also called Reference bindings. A partner link describes the roles played for the interaction between the BPEL process and the service it invokes.

Q10. Can We Have More Than One Service Component In One Composite ?

yes, we can have as many as service components in one composite but it is not recommended, we should not have all the components in one composite itself.

Q11. What Can Scenario Where We Have Two Reference Binding In One Composite ?

Composite needs to send the message to first target by JMS queue and to other target by writing the file, in this scenario we have two exist for composite.

Q12. Benefits Of Sca ?

  1. Easier Development :No need to write lengthy code as we get all components prebuilt.
  2. Easily compose a assembly (composite) by just linking different these prebuilt components.
  3. Better re-usability

Q13. What Is Soa ?

SOA stands for Service Oriented Architecture. SOA is not any tool, rather is a concept and there are many tools in the market based upon this concept. In this SOA Concept, we use SOA layer as middle or intermediate layer between services so that these service can communicate with each other.

Q14. What Can Be Scenario Where We Have Two Service Binding In One Composite ?

When a composite can be initiated either by direct call or by consuming the same message from JMS queue, in this scenario we have two entry point for same composite.

Q15. What Is Partition ?

Sections of the SOA Infrastructure where we deploy SOA composite applications known as partition. When we install SOA suite tool, default partition get created with name “default” but we can add as many as partitions as required.

Q16. What Is Wire ?

Connection between service & binding component and within service & binding components know as wire. I.e. This enable us to graphically connect the components in a SOA composite application.

Q17. Which Application Server Required For Oracle Soa Suite Tool ?

Mostly WebLogic server is used as application server for Oracle SOA Suite tool.

Q18. What Is Oracle Soa Suite Tool ?

SOA Suite tool is a middleware tool from Oracle which is based upon SOA concept comes under Oracle Fusion Middleware stack. We use this tool for integration purpose .i.e. This tool is used to integrate two system/applications etc.

Q19. Can We More Than One Service & Reference Binding In One Composite ?

Yes, we can more than one service & reference binding in one composite, that me we can have more than one entry & exist point for composite.

Q20. How We Can Deploy Composite To Soa Server ?

There are different methods to deploy SOA composite to SOA server.

  1. Through EM console
  2. Directly from JDeveloper
  3. Scripting (Ant, WLST etc.)

Q21. What Is Soa Composite ?

SOA composite is a assembly comprises of one or more than one pre-build components. In SOA composite we wires different components together to perform required business functionality.

Q22. What Role Does Zookeeper Plays In Hbase?

HBase comes integrated with Zoo keeper. When I start HBase, Zoo keeper instance is also started. The reason is that the Zoo keeper helps us in keeping a track of all region servers that are there for HBase. Zoo keeper keeps track of how many region servers are there, which region servers are holding from which data node to which data node. It keeps track of smaller data sets where Hadoop is missing out. It decreases the overhead on top of Hadoop which keeps track of most of your Meta data. Hence HMaster gets the details of region servers by actually contacting Zoo keeper.

Q23. What Is Managed Servers ?

All other WLS instances in a domain are called Managed Servers. Managed servers host application components and resources.

Q24. How Many Components We Have In Oracle Soa Suite Tool?

We have total 5 components in Oracle SOA Suite tool as mentioned below.

  1. BPEL : Business Process Execution Language
  2. Mediator
  3. Business Rules
  4. Human Task
  5. Spring

Q25. What Is Memstore ?

The MemStore is a write buffer where HBase accumulates data in memory before a permanent write.

Its contents are flushed to disk to form an HFile when the MemStore fills up.It doesn’t write to an existing HFile but instead forms a new file on every flush. There is one MemStore per column family.

Q26. How These Service Components Works ?

Each service component is hosted in its own service engine container. E.g. Any logic added in BPEL components will be handled by BPEL service engine only.

Q27. What Is Binding Component ?

As name suggest, this component is used to bind composite application to external world. i.e. we use these components to link composite with source and target system.

Q28. What All Components/products Needs To Be Installed Before We Install Oracle Soa Suite Tool ?

Following components needs to be installed before we install Oracle SOA Suite.

  1. JDK
  2. Database
  3. All Required Schema (Created using RCU)
  4. WebLogic Server

Q29. What Is Config Plan ?

Config plan is used during composite deployment. This is a xml file where we specify the parameters that we want to replace while doing the deployment to next environment.

Q30. Benefits Of Soa ?

Below are the major benefits that we get from SOA.

  1. Loose Coupling : This me that the service requester has no knowledge of the technical details of the provider’s implementation, such as the programming language, deployment platform, and so forth. The service requester typically invokes operations by way of messages — a request message and the response — rather than through the use of APIs or file formats.
  2. Cost Cutting
  3. Better reuse: Build new client functionality on top of existing Business Services.
  4. Well defined interfaces: Make changes without affecting clients
  5. Easier to maintain : Changes/Versions are not all-or-nothing
  6. Better flexibility

Q31. What All Bulk Operations We Can Perform On Partition ?

We can perform below operations.

  1. Start all composites
  2. Shut down all composites
  3. Undeploy all composites
  4. Retire all composites
  5. Activate all composites
  6. List all composites

Q32. What Is Soa-infra ?

soa-infra is a J2EE application that is targeted to either a managed server or a cluster. All the composites gets deployed under soa-infra application.

Q33. What Is Service Component ?

All prebuilt components BPEL , Mediator, Business Rules, Human Task and Spring known as service components.

Q34. What Is Wal ?

We cannot be sure that the data will be persistent throughout in Memstore. Assume that a particular datanode is down. Then the data that resides on that data node’s memory will be lost.

To overcome this problem, when the request comes from the master it written to WAL as well. WAL is nothing but Write Ahead Logs which resides on the HDFS, a permanent storage. Now we can make sure that even when if the data node is down the data will not be lost I.e. we have the copy of all the actions that you are supposed to do in the WAL.

Q35. What Is Cluster ?

Cluster is a group of server instances that work together as a single runtime unit from a client perspective. Clustering provides scalability and high availability for applications.

Q36. Which Ide We Use For Oracle Soa Suite Tool ?

We use JDeveloper IDE for Oracle SOA suite tool.

Q37. What Are The Two Types Of Table Design Approach In Hbase?

They are − (i) Short and Wide (ii) Tall and Thin

Q38. Can We Have Multiple Composites With Same Name On Soa Server ?

Yes, we can have multiple composites with same name on SOA server but this is possible when we have composites with revisions.

Q39. What Is Administration Server ?

A domain has one WLS instance configured as an admin server. The admin server provides a central point for managing a domain.

Q40. Is Oracle Soa Suite Tool State Full ?

Yes SOA Suite tool is a state full tool, that me in this tool we store every state in database i.e. we store all the incoming messages, trformed messages, outgoing messages to database along with timestamp.