Top 25 Oracle Mysql 5.6 Database Administrator Interview Questions You Must Prepare 18.Feb.2025

Q1. Are There Special Security Requirements For Using Stored Procedures And Functions Together With Replication?

Yes. Because a slave server has authority to execute any statement read from a master's binary log, special security constraints exist for using stored functions with replication. If replication or binary logging in general (for the purpose of point-in-time recovery) is active, then MySQL DBAs have two security options open to them:

Any user wishing to create stored functions must be granted the SUPER privilege.

Alternatively, a DBA can set the log_bin_trust_function_creators system variable to 1, which enables anyone with the standard CREATE ROUTINE privilege to create stored functions.

Q2. Can Mysql 5.6 Do Sub Queries?

Yes ,A subquery is a SELECT statement within another statement.

All subquery forms and operations that the SQL standard requires are supported, as well as a few features that are MySQL-specific.

Here is an example of a subquery:

SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE column1 = (SELECT column1 FROM t2);

Q3. What Is The Benefit Of The Innodb Change Buffer?

Buffering secondary index changes when secondary index pages are not in the buffer pool avoids expensive random access I/O operations that would be required to immediately read in affected index pages from disk. Buffered changes can be applied later, in batches, as pages are read into the buffer pool by other read operations.

Q4. When Does Change Buffer Merging Occur?

When a page is read into the buffer pool, buffered changes are merged upon completion of the read, before the page is made available.

Change buffer merging is performed as a background task. The innodb_io_capacity parameter sets an upper limit on the I/O activity performed by InnoDB background tasks such as merging data from the change buffer.

A change buffer merge is performed during crash recovery. Changes are applied from the change buffer (in the system tablespace) to leaf pages of secondary indexes as index pages are read into the buffer pool.

The change buffer is fully durable and will survive a system crash. Upon restart, change buffer merge operations resume as part of normal operations.

A full merge of the change buffer can be forced as part of a slow server shutdown using --innodb-fast-shutdown=0.

Q5. Can I Commit Or Roll Back Tractions Inside A Stored Procedure?

Yes. However, you cannot perform tractional operations within a stored function.

Q6. How Are Actions That Take Place Inside Stored Procedures And Functions Replicated?

MySQL records each DML event that occurs in a stored procedure and replicates those individual actions to a slave server. The actual calls made to execute stored procedures are not replicated.

Stored functions that change data are logged as function invocations, not as the DML events that occur inside each function.

Q7. Does Strict Mode Impact Performance?

The intensive validation of input data that some settings requires more time than if the validation is not done. While the performance impact is not that great, if you do not require such validation (perhaps your application already handles all of this), then MySQL gives you the option of leaving strict mode disabled. However, if you do require it, strict mode can provide such validation.

Q8. When Should The Change Buffer Be Used?

The change buffer is a feature designed to reduce random I/O to secondary indexes as indexes grow larger and no longer fit in the InnoDB buffer pool. Generally, the change buffer should be used when the entire data set does not fit into the buffer pool, when there is substantial DML activity that modifies secondary index pages, or when there are lots of secondary indexes that are regularly changed by DML activity.

Q9. Does The Change Buffer Support Other Types Of Indexes?

No. The change buffer only supports secondary indexes. Clustered indexes, full-text indexes, and spatial indexes are not supported. Full-text indexes have their own caching mechanism.

Q10. Does Mysql 5.6 Have A Query Cache? Does It Work On Server, Instance Or Database?

Yes. The query cache operates on the server level, caching complete result sets matched with the original query string. If an exactly identical query is made (which often happens, particularly in web applications), no parsing or execution is necessary; the result is sent directly from the cache. Various tuning options are available.

Q11. When Is The Change Buffer Flushed?

Updated pages are flushed by the same flushing mechanism that flushes the other pages that occupy the buffer pool.

Q12. Does Mysql 5.6 Have Sequences?

No. However, MySQL has an AUTO_INCREMENT system, which in MySQL 5.6 can also handle inserts in a multi-master replication setup. With the auto_increment_increment and auto_increment_offset system variables, you can set each server to generate auto-increment values that don't conflict with other servers. The auto_increment_increment value should be greater than the number of servers, and each server should have a unique offset.

Q13. An Mysql 5.6 Perform Acid Tractions?

Yes. All current MySQL versions support tractions. The InnoDB storage engine offers full ACID tractions with row-level locking, multi-versioning, nonlocking repeatable reads, and all four SQL standard isolation levels.

The NDB storage engine supports the READ COMMITTED traction isolation level only.

Q14. What Are The Advantages Of Sub Queries?

  • They allow queries that are structured so that it is possible to isolate each part of a statement.
  • They provide alternative ways to perform operations that would otherwise require complex joins and unions.
  • Many people find subqueries more readable than complex joins or unions. Indeed, it was the innovation of subqueries that gave people the original idea of calling the early SQL “Structured Query Language.”

Q15. How Much Space Does Innodb Use For The Change Buffer?

Prior to the introduction of the innodb_change_buffer_max_size configuration option in MySQL 5.6, the maximum size of the on-disk change buffer in the system tablespace was 1/3 of the InnoDB buffer pool size.

In MySQL 5.6 and later, the innodb_change_buffer_max_size configuration option defines the maximum size of the change buffer as a percentage of the total buffer pool size. By default, innodb_change_buffer_max_size is set to 2@The maximum setting is 50.

InnoDB does not buffer an operation if it would cause the on-disk change buffer to exceed the defined limit.

Change buffer pages are not required to persist in the buffer pool and may be evicted by LRU operations.

Q16. What Limitations Exist For Replicating Stored Procedure And Function Actions?

Nondeterministic (random) or time-based actions embedded in stored procedures may not replicate properly. By their very nature, randomly produced results are not predictable and cannot be exactly reproduced, and therefore, random actions replicated to a slave will not mirror those performed on a master. Declaring stored functions to be DETERMINISTIC or setting the log_bin_trust_function_creators system variable to 0 will not allow random-valued operations to be invoked.

In addition, time-based actions cannot be reproduced on a slave because the timing of such actions in a stored procedure is not reproducible through the binary log used for replication. It records only DML events and does not factor in timing constraints.

Finally, nontractional tables for which errors occur during large DML actions (such as bulk inserts) may experience replication issues in that a master may be partially updated from DML activity, but no updates are done to the slave because of the errors that occurred. A workaround is for a function's DML actions to be carried out with the IGNORE keyword so that updates on the master that cause errors are ignored and updates that do not cause errors are replicated to the slave.

Q17. What Types Of Operations Modify Secondary Indexes And Result In Change Buffering?

INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations can modify secondary indexes. If an affected index page is not in the buffer pool, the changes can be buffered in the change buffer.

Q18. Are Stored Procedures And Functions Created On A Master Server Replicated To A Slave?

Yes, creation of stored procedures and functions carried out through normal DDL statements on a master server are replicated to a slave, so the objects will exist on both servers. ALTER and DROP statements for stored procedures and functions are also replicated.

Q19. Have Any Storage Engines Been Removed In Mysql 5.6?


Q20. Does Mysql 5.6 Support Stored Procedures And Functions?

Yes. MySQL 5.6 supports two types of stored routines, stored procedures and stored functions.

Q21. What Are Server Sql Modes?

Server SQL modes define what SQL syntax MySQL should support and what kind of data validation checks it should perform. This makes it easier to use MySQL in different environments and to use MySQL together with other database servers. The MySQL Server apply these modes individually to different clients.

Q22. Does Mysql 5.6 Work With Multi-core Processors?

Yes. MySQL is fully multi-threaded, and will make use of multiple CPUs, provided that the operating system supports them.

Q23. How Do I Determine The Current Size Of The Change Buffer?

The current size of the change buffer is reported by SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS G, under the INSERT BUFFER AND ADAPTIVE HASH INDEX heading. For example:


Ibuf: size 1, free list len 0, seg size 2, 0 merges

Relevant data points include:

size: The number of pages used within the change buffer. Change buffer size is equal to seg size - (1 + free list len). The 1 + value represents the change buffer header page.

seg size: The size of the change buffer, in pages.

Q24. Why Do I See Multiple Processes For Mysqld?

When using LinuxThreads, you should see a minimum of three mysqld(mysqld, also known as MySQL Server, is the main program that does most of the work in a MySQL installation.

MySQL Server manages access to the MySQL data directory that contains databases and tables. The data directory is also the default location for other information such as log files and status files). processes running.

These are in fact threads. There is one thread for the LinuxThreads manager, one thread to handle connections, and one thread to handle alarms and signals.

Q25. When Should The Change Buffer Not Be Used?

You might consider disabling the change buffer if the entire data set fits within the InnoDB buffer pool, if you have relatively few secondary indexes, or if you are using solid-state storage, where random reads are about as fast as sequential reads. Before making configuration changes, it is recommended that you run tests using a representative workload to determine if disabling the change buffer provides any benefit.