Top 50 Oracle Interview Questions You Must Prepare 27.Jul.2024

Q1. What Are The Two Parts Of A Procedure ?

Procedure Specification and Procedure Body.

Q2. What Are Schema Objects?

Schema objects are the logical structures that directly refer to the database's data. Schema objects include tables, views, sequences, synonyms, indexes, clusters, database triggers, procedures, functions packages and database links.

Q3. What Is Rollback Segment ?

A Database contains one or more Rollback Segments to temporarily store "undo" information.

Q4. How Does Space Allocation Table Place Within A Block ?

  • Each block contains entries as follows
  • Fixed block header
  • Variable block header
  • Row Header,row date (multiple rows may exists)
  • PCTEREE (% of free space for row updation in future)

Q5. What Are The Various Types Of Queries ?

  • Normal Queries
  • Sub Queries
  • Co-related queries
  • Nested queries
  • Compound queries.

Q6. Is It Possible To Split The Print Reviewer Into More Than One Region?


Q7. What Will Be Your Partitioning Strategy On Gl_balances? Your Views Please?

This really depends upon how many periods are regularly reported upon, how many periods are left open etc. You can then decide to partition on period_name, or period ranges, or on the status of the GL Period.

Q8. What Are Mutating Triggers ?

A trigger giving a SELECT on the table on which the trigger is written.

Q9. Which Symbol Preceeds The Path To The Table In The Remote Database?


Q10. What Is The Effect Of Synonym And Table Name Used In Same Select Statement ?


Q11. What Is A Trace File And How Is It Created ?

Each server and background process can write an associated trace file. When an internal error is detected by a process or user process, it dumps information about the error to its trace. This can be used for tuning the database.

Q12. What Is The Use Of Indexes Option In Exp Command ?

A flag to indicate whether indexes on tables will be exported.

Q13. How Is Mapping Of Name Of Dll And Function Done?

The dll can be created using the Visual C++ / Visual Basic Tools and then the dll is put in the path that is defined the registry.

Q14. Can You Connect To Non - Oracle Datasource?


Q15. What Is The Use Of Redo Log Information?

The information in a redo log file is used only to recover the database from a system or media failure prevents database data from being written to a database's data files.

Q16. Explain About Stacked Canvas Views?

Stacked canvas view is displayed in a window on top of, or "stacked" on the content canvas view assigned to that same window. Stacked canvas views obscure some part of the underlying content canvas view, and or often shown and hidden programmatically.

Q17. Display The Records Between Two Range?

select rownum, empno, ename from emp where rowid in (select rowid from emp where rownum <=&upto minus select rowid from emp where rownum<&Start);

Q18. In Oa Framework Self-service Screen, You Wish To Disable A Tab. How Will You Do It?

Generally speaking, the tabs on a OA Framework page are nothing but the SubMenus. By entering menu exclusion against the responsibility, you can remove the tab from self service page.

Q19. What Are The Different Type Of Segments ?

The different type of Segments are:

  • Data Segment,
  • Index Segment,
  • Rollback Segment and
  • Temporary Segment.

Q20. What Is Pl/sql?

PL/SQL is Oracle's Procedural Language extension to SQL. The language includes object oriented programming techniques such as encapsulation, function overloading, information hiding (all but inheritance), and so, brings state-of-the-art programming to the Oracle database server and a variety of Oracle tools.

Q21. What Is The Difference Between Alias And Synonym ?

Alias is temporary and used with one query. Synonym is permanent and not used as alias.

Q22. Any Work Done In Oracle Workflow Builder. Did You Customize Or Build A New Workflow?

Yes, I customized the Work Flow For Credit Memo Request approval in AR through Workflow Builder.

Q23. How Many Types Of Sql Statements Are There In Oracle?

There are basically 6 types of sql statments.They are

  • Data Definition Language(DDL) :: The DDL statements define and maintain objects and drop objects.
  • Data Manipulation Language(DML) :: The DML statements manipulate database data.
  • Traction Control Statements :: Manage change by DML
  • Session Control :: Used to control the properties of current session enabling and disabling roles and changing .e.g. :: Alter Statements, Set Role
  • System Control Statements :: Change Properties of Oracle Instance .e.g.:: Alter System
  • Embedded Sql :: Incorporate DDL, DML and T.C.S in Programming Language.e.g:: Using the Sql Statements in languages such as 'C', Open, Fetch, execute and close

Q24. What Is The Difference Between Name_in And Copy ?

Copy is package procedure and writes values into a field. Name in is a package function and returns the contents of the variable to which you apply.

Q25. What Are The Two Ways By Which Data Can Be Generated For A Parameters List Of Values?

  1. Using static values.
  2. Writing select statement.

Q26. What Is Sql*loader And What Is It Used For?

SQL*Loader is a bulk loader utility used for moving data from external files into the Oracle database. Its syntax is similar to that of the DB2 Load utility, but comes with more options. SQL*Loader supports various load formats, selective loading, and multi-table loads.

Q27. What Are The Use Of Roles ?

The use of Roles are:

  • REDUCED GRANTING OF PRIVILEGES - Rather than explicitly granting the same set of privileges to many users a database administrator can grant the privileges for a group of related users granted to a role and then grant only the role to each member of the group.
  • DYNAMIC PRIVILEGE MANAGEMENT - When the privileges of a group must change, only the privileges of the role need to be modified. The security domains of all users granted the group's role automatically reflect the changes made to the role.
  • SELECTIVE AVAILABILITY OF PRIVILEGES - The roles granted to a user can be selectively enable (available for use) or disabled (not available for use). This allows specific control of a user's privileges in any given situation.
  • APPLICATION AWARENESS - A database application can be designed to automatically enable and disable selective roles when a user attempts to use the application.

Q28. What Is The Best Way To Add Debugging To The Code In Apps?

Use fnd_log.string , i.e. FND Logging. Behind the scenes Oracles FND Logging uses autonomous traction to insert records in a table named fnd_log_messages.

For example

  DECLARE  BEGIN  fnd_log.STRING(log_level => fnd_log.level_statement     ,module=>'xxxx '||'pkg/procedurename '     ,message=>'your debug message here');  END ;  
Three profile options effecting FND Logging are
FND: Debug Log Mode.
FND: Debug Log Enabled.
FND: Debug Log Module.


Q29. How Does One Create A Rman Recovery Catalog?

Start by creating a database schema (usually called rman). Assign an appropriate tablespace to it and grant it the recovery_catalog_owner role. Look at this example: 

  sqlplus sys
SQL>create user rman identified by rman;
SQL> alter user rman default tablespace tools temporary tablespace temp;
SQL> alter user rman quota unlimited on tools;
SQL> grant connect, resource, recovery_catalog_owner to rman;
SQL> exit;

Next, log in to rman and create the catalog schema. Prior to Oracle 8i this was done by running the catrman.sql script. rman catalog rman/rman

  RMAN>create catalog tablespace tools;
RMAN> exit;

You can now continue by registering your databases in the catalog. Look at this example: 
rman catalog rman/rman target backdba/backdba

  RMAN> register database;

Q30. What Is The Difference Between An On-validate-field Trigger And A Trigger ?

On-validate-field trigger fires, when the field Validation status New or changed. Post-field-trigger whenever the control leaving form the field, it will fire.

Q31. What Are Two Parts Of Package ?

The two parts of package are PACKAGE SPECIFICATION & PACKAGE BODY. Package Specification contains declarations that are global to the packages and local to the schema. Package Body contains actual procedures and local declaration of the procedures and cursor declarations.

Q32. What Is A Trigger ?

A piece of logic that is executed at or triggered by a SQL *forms event.

Q33. What Does Invoke Built-in Do?

This procedure invokes a method.


  PROCEDURE OLE2.INVOKE  (object obj_type,  method VARCHAR2,  list list_type := 0);  


  • object Is an OLE2 Automation Object.
  • method Is a method (procedure) of the OLE2 object.
  • list Is the name of an argument list assigned to the OLE2.CREATE_ARGLIST function.

Q34. Were You Involved In Any Data Conversion, Which One?

We have done data conversion for1.Suppliers2.AP Invoices3.Customers@AR Invoices.

Q35. What Is Oracle Label Security?

Oracle Label Security (formerly called Trusted Oracle MLS RDBMS) uses the VPD (Virtual Private Database) feature of Oracle8i to implement row level security. Access to rows are restricted according to a user's security sensitivity tag or label. Oracle Label Security is configured, controlled and managed from the Policy Manager, an Enterprise Manager-based GUI utility.

Q36. In A Distributed Database System Can We Execute Two Queries Simultaneously? Justify?

Yes Distributed database system based on 2 phase commit, one query is independent of 2nd query so of course we can run.

Q37. Can You Pass Values To-and-fro From Foreign Function? How?

Yes . You obtain a return value from a foreign function by assigning the return value to an Oracle Forms variable or item. Make sure that the Oracle Forms variable or item is the same data type as the return value from the foreign function.

After assigning an Oracle Forms variable or item value to a PL/SQL variable, pass the PL/SQL variable as a parameter value in the PL/SQL interface of the foreign function. The PL/SQL variable that is passed as a parameter must be a valid PL/SQL data type; it must also be the appropriate parameter type as defined in the PL/SQL interface.

Q38. What Is The Basic Structure Of Pl/sql ?

PL/SQL uses block structure as its basic structure. Anonymous blocks or nested blocks can be used in PL/SQL.

Q39. What Is An Integrity Constraint?

Integrity constraint is a rule that restricts values to a column in a table.

Q40. What Is Oem (oracle Enterprise Manager)?

OEM is a set of systems management tools provided by Oracle Corporation for managing the Oracle environment. It provides tools to monitor the Oracle environment and automate tasks (both one-time and repetitive in nature) to take database administration a step closer to "Lights Out" management.

Q41. What Is An Oracle Index?

An index is an optional structure associated with a table to have direct access to rows, which can be created to increase the performance of data retrieval. Index can be created on one or more columns of a table.

Q42. What Is The Sub-query?

Sub-query is a query whose return values are used in filtering conditions of the main query.

Q43. Explain About Horizontal, Vertical Tool Bar Canvas Views?

Tool bar canvas views are used to create tool bars for individual windows. Horizontal tool bars are display at the top of a window, just under its menu bar. Vertical Tool bars are displayed along the left side of a window.

Q44. What Are The Various Ways To Kick-off A Workflow?

You can eiter use wf_engine. start_process or you can attach a runnable process such ghat it subscribes to a workflow event.

Q45. Does Oracle Have A Test Environment On Exchange?

Q46. How To Retrieve The Count Of Updated Rows?

After running an UPDATE statement, the database server returns a count of updated rows. You can retrieve this count from a special predefined variable called SQL%ROWCOUT, as shown in the following tutorial:

  CREATE TABLE emp_temp AS SELECT * FROM employees;  BEGIN  UPDATE emp_temp SET salary = salary * 1.05  WHERE salary < 5000;  DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('# of rows updated: ' ||  SQL%ROWCOUNT);  END;  /  # of rows updated: 49  

Q47. What Are The Built-ins Used For Finding Object Id Functions?

  • Find_group(function)
  • Find_column(function)

Q48. How Can We Integrate Ar Or Ap To Gl?

we integrate AR or AP to GL through Set of Books.

Q49. Explain The Relationship Among Database, Tablespace And Data File?

Each databases logically divided into one or more tablespaces one or more data files are explicitly created for each tablespace.

Q50. Can You Pass Data Parameters To Forms?
