Flexfield qualifiers are basically used to identify the nature of the segment at the flexfield level. Qualifiers like Balancing,Cost Center, InterEntity,Natural Account etc..indicates the type of segment.
For Ex--> Normally company segment is qualified as Balancing, which will intimate that the debits should balance the credits for a particular account for a specified company. i.e for a specific GL code combinations.
Hence having unique names to the segments/flexfield has no connection with this as the purpose of the above is totally different.
Yes we may.if we register some other columns then we may use them as flexfields.But this is not recommended by Oracle.
Flexfiled qualifier identifies segement in a flexfield and segment qualifier identifies value in a segment.
There are four types of flexfiled qualifier 1) Balancing segment qualifier 2) cost center 3) natural account and 4) intercompnay.
segemtn qualifier :-
Concurrent Program is nothing but an instance of execution file along with parameters and incompatable.
Open Flexfield => Descriptive=>Register and query required DFF. Click on "Columns" button enable/disable required columns there.
Yes, it is possible to enable or disable few fileds in DFF by usning Check Box
Once can compile a KFF without any segments defined within. There is no lower limit.However there is limit on the maximum number of segments to be used and that is 30 as rightly said by my friend.
Cross validation prevents the users from entering the invalid flexfield combinations. This is applicable to all the responsibilities.
While defining segments or attribute of KFF or DFF in segement(accounting flexfield) window in validation box select constant in default type and enter default value.
There are Two types of flexfielld they are
IN keyflex thereare 33 key flexfilds which are used in varios modules of oracle application package.
Valuesets for the segments in DFF's are not mandatory.
If require you can change as mandatory. In this Dff form on check box as unable/ disable you can using as require
Using reference field in the DFF, you can toggle the DFF on the basis of reference field value.
Stndars DFF's are given by Oracle.We need not register.We can register CustomDFF's
Key Flexfield is used to describe unique identifiers that will have a better meaning than using number IDs. e.g a part number, a cost centre etc.
Desc Flex is used to just capture extra information.
Key Flexfields have qualifiers whereas Desc Flexfields do not.
Desc Flexfields can have context sensitive segments while Key flexfields cannot.
Order EnteredOrder BookedDispatch EligibleDispatchedPick Release EligiblePick ReleasedShip ConfirmInvoicedPosted in GL
Yes this can be done with Custom.pll It has a procedure call Event.In this procedure you can capture events like when-new-form-instance,when-new-item-instance etc So capture tht event on which you want to disable your DFF and use name_in('system.current_form/item') to know the name of your DFF and then using form built-in set_item_property disable that field. Same way we can do enable the DFF
A Key-Flexfield may be associated with single or multiple structures. This is specified when creating a new flexfield.
This can be clearly understood when defining a new key flex field. Note that All the fields expect description and Structure column are optional.
If you want to enable a multi-structured flex-field you need to assciate the corresponding back-end column
Group Flexfield is Used in Oracle Payroll. This Group Flexfield catches the information to which the employee belongs. eg : Regular then the employee belongs to Regular payroll Group.
Based on our requirements we categorize the employees in to groups for easy identification purpose