This filter is a combination of two parallel tuned circuits. This is a special type of LC filter along with a particular BW frequency to be allowed through it.
It is a part of a network which lies between two junction points.
The materials used are:
Manganin (alloy of copper, manganese and nickel. Copper86%, Manganese 12%, and Nickel 2%) Constantan (alloy of nickel and copper. Copper 55% and Nickel 45%).
The voltage is constant.
This theorem states that any linear network with output terminal AB can be replaced by a single voltage source V in series with a single impedance.
The frequency that separates the pass and attenuation band is known as cut-off frequency.
The properties are high resistivity, resistance to oxidation, corrosion and moisture.
An ideal filter would trmit signals under the pass-band frequencies without attenuation and completely suppress the signal with attenuation band of frequencies with a sharp cut-off profile.
If a number of voltages or current sources are acting simultaneously in a linear network the resultant current in any branch is the algebraic sum of current that would be produced in it when each source acts alone replacing all other independent sources by their internal resistances.
The vacuum and gas filled capacitor are used for high voltage and frequency applications.
The active filter contains components like operational amplifier that introduce some gain in the signal.
The material used is marble because it is unaffected by atmospheric conditions.
The Norton equivalent circuit is a current generator which is placed in parallel to internal resistance.
No, it is applicable to dc circuits with and without controlled sources.
Efficiency during maximum power trfer 50%.
A filter is an electrical network that can trmit signals within a specified frequency range.
The attenuation does not increase rapidly beyond cut-off frequency. Characteristics impedance varies widely in the pass band from desired value.
The circuit whose properties are not same in either direction is known as unilateral circuit.
Active filter eliminate bulky components. It offers gain. It can drive low impedance loads. It is easy to tune
The examples of voltage source are battery and generator.
The Filter is used in voice frequency telegraphy, multi channel communication, TV broadcasting and telephony.
The Q factor is ratio of inductive reactance to resistance of a coil.
It is the property of a material by virtue of which it opposes any change of magnitude and direction of current passing through the conductor.
The resistance is the property of a material to oppose the flow of current in a material. Its unit is ohm.
The units are coulomb and ampere.
All independent voltage sources are short circuited and all independent current sources are open circuited.
A resistance load being connected to a dc network receives maximum power when load resistance is equal to internal resistance.
The voltage across inductor is zero.
When strength of voltage or current changes in the source for any change in the connected network they are called dependent sources.
The unit is decibel and neper.
The characteristics impedance of a filter matches with circuit to which it is connected throughout the pass band.
It is used when resistance is less than 1 ohm.
Semiconductor devices like tristor and diode are treated as current sources.
It is the ability to store electric charge within it. Capacitance is a measure of charge per unit voltage that can be stored in an element.