Top 50 Microsoft Powerpoint Interview Questions You Must Prepare 27.Jul.2024

Q1. How You Can Use And Eyedropper Tool In Powerpoint 2013?

To match the text color match with the slide, Eyedropper function can be useful.

  • Click inside an already created text box, with in “home tab”, select the font color icon in the navigation bar.  In the drop down menu, click the “Eyedropper” at the bottom.
  • Select the Eyedropper option over the part of the image you want to colour and click on it. The font color will change.

Q2. How Can You Show Your Presentation Online In Powerpoint 2013?

To present your online presentation in PowerPoint:

  • Click on File > Share > Present Online
  • Select the option enable remote viewers to download the presentation check box
  • Click Present Online
  • Send your meeting invitation to attendees by copying link or send in email
  • To get out of the Slide Show press ESC and click on End Online Presentation to end the presentation.

Q3. In How Many Ways We Can Enter The Speaker Notes In Powerpoint?

There are two different ways to enter the speaker notes - by Notes Pane and by Notes Page View.

Q4. How You Can Record A Slide Show?

Record a slide show option is similar to rehearse time function but more comprehensive, you can include narration for your presentation by using record a slide show

  • In main menu, click the Slide Show tab and locate the Set Up group.
  • Click the Record Slide Show from the drop down.
  • Now can select either of the option Start recording from beginning or Start recording from current slide.
  • A checkbox will appear asking “slide and animation timing” and “Narration and laser points”. If you have checkbox the option click on Start Recording.
  • When you finish recording first slide you can move to record next slide by clicking on next button on the Recording Toolbar in the top left corner or use the right arrow key.

Q5. What Is The Short Cut Key For Last Action Performed And To Move The Mouse Insertion Point To The Next Panel In Powerpoint 2013?

  1. Short cut key for last action performed: F4
  2. Short cut key to move the mouse insertion point to the next panel: F6

Q6. How You Can Add Bookmark To The Video In Powerpoint 2013?

To add bookmark to the video:

  • To locate the desired part of the videos click on the timeline
  • Click the Add Bookmark command from the playback tab
  • On timeline, Bookmark will appear, click the bookmark to jump to that location.

Q7. How To Use Notes Page View?

Notes Page View can be used in the following way:

a) Go to the View tab.

b) Click the Notes Page command in the Presentation Views group.

c) Type your notes in the text box, or use the scroll bar to review your slides.

Q8. How To Insert A Bulleted List?

A bulleted list can be inserted in the following way:

a) Select the text box (or specific text) that you want to format as a bulleted list.

b) Click the Bullets command in the Paragraph group on the Home tab.

c) A bulleted list will appear.

Q9. How To Use Notes Pane?

Notes Pane can be used in the following way:

a) Locate the Notes pane at the bottom of the screen, directly below the Slide pane.

b) Click and drag the edge of the pane to make it bigger or smaller, if desired.

c) Type your notes in the Notes pane.

Q10. How Can One Customize The Ribbon?

One can easily create his own ribbon. Following are the steps:

a) Right-click the Ribbon and select Customize the Ribbon. A dialog box will appear.

b) Click New Tab. A new tab will be created with a new group inside it.

c) Make sure the new group is selected.

d) Select a command from the list on the left, then click Add. You can also drag commands directly into a group.

e) When you are done adding commands, click OK.

Q11. How You Can Insert Online Video In Powerpoint 2013?

To insert online video in PowerPoint,

  • Go to à  Insert
  • At the end of Insert menu, you see an option Video, click on it
  • Click on online Video, and you can upload video
  • You can upload video from Facebook account, by clicking on the Facebook icon

Q12. How You Can Add Services In Powerpoint 2013?

To add services in PowerPoint 2013,

Select Account option from the file menu:

  • A account window will open and you will find a Connected Services section.
  • You will see in this section that the list of services is added for PowerPoint.
  • With-in Add a service drop down menu, you will find options like Images & Videos ( Flickr, Youtube) , Storage ( 365 Sharepoint, Onedrive)  and Sharing (Facebook, Twitter).
  • Once you click the Connect button, it will ask for your mail address and once connected to service click on Done button. 

Q13. If Someone Wants To Have Line Spacing With More Precision Then What Is The Solution?

Click the Line Spacing command in the Paragraph group on the Home tab. The paragraph dialog box will open which has spacing options such as 1.0, 1.5 etc.

Q14. How You Can Set Password In Powerpoint 2013?

To set a password in power point:

  1. Go to File > Click on Info
  2. Click on protect presentation
  3. Under which there is an option, “Encrypt with Password” , click on it
  4. Hit “OK” once you enter the password
  5. Now it will again ask to Re-enter the password
  6. OKà Exit

Q15. How To Move A Table?

Use the following:

  • Place the cursor over the edge of the table. The cursor will turn into a cross with arrows Cross cursor.
  • Click and drag the table to the desired location.
  • Release the mouse button to drop the table in the new location.

Q16. What Is The Slide Shorter View?

In this view, one can see slides in a shorter view. Therefore one has the facility to view all of the slides in a single view.

Q17. What Is The Reading View?

This view shows the preview of the presentation. It also has navigation buttons at the bottom right.

Q18. How To Align Objects To The Slide?

Use the following:

  • Click and drag your mouse to form a selection box around the objects you want to align. All of the objects will now have sizing handles to show that they are selected.
  • From the Format tab, click the Align command and select Align to Slide.
  • Click the Align command again and select one of the six alignment options.
  • The objects will align to the slide based on the option that you have selected.

Q19. Name Some Of The Discontinued Features And Modified Functionality In Powerpoint 2010.?

Many discontinued features and modified functionality can be found in PowerPoint 20@Some of them are:

i) Save as Web Page: You can no longer select Web Page (.html, .html) from the Save As dialog box.

ii) Trition tab: Tritions effects are no longer accessible from the Animations tab in the ribbon. Instead, tritions are now available on their own tab.

iii) Print Preview: The Print and Print Preview dialog boxes have been incorporated into the Microsoft Office Backstage view. To access the print features in PowerPoint 2010, click the File tab, and then click Print.

Q20. What Does Powerpoint Environment Contain?

PowerPoint environment is usually made up of Quick Access Toolbar, Ribbon, Slides tab, Outline tab, Slide Views, Zoom Control and Scroll bar.

Q21. How You Can Embed A Chart From Excel To Powerpoint?

To embed a chart from excel to PowerPoint,

  1. Go to Insert tab
  2. In the Text group click the Object command
  3. A dialog box will pop up, select Create from file and then click on Browse
  4. Select your Excel file and then click on Insert
  5. Check the box next to Link to file if you would like to link the data to the Excel chart. This will update your chart automatically whenever the changes are made to the excel chart
  6. Click OK and the chart will appear in presentation.

Q22. How To Access Trlation Options In Powerpoint?

Use the following:

  • On the Review tab, click Trlate, and then click Trlate Selected Text.
  • In the Research pane, under Trlation, click Trlation options

Q23. How You Can Create A Video In Powerpoint 2013?

  • Select the file tab
  • Select Export and then click Create a Video , video export option will appear on the right
  • Click the drop down arrow next to Computer and HD Displays for the size and quality of your video
  • Select the option according whether you want to record narration or not
  • Click Create Video and then save the video

Q24. How To Merge Shapes In Powerpoint 2013?

To merge two shapes in PowerPoint 2013,

  • Go to à  Insert tab
  • You will see the “Shapes” button, click on it
  • Select the shape you want
  • Repeat the same step again to add second shape to the slide
  • Select the two shapes
  • Go to à Format tab
  • Click on the small icons available and choose your options, like Union, Combine, etc. Here we use option Combine to merge shapes.

Q25. How Someone Can Check Compatibility Check When You Share Powerpoint 2013 Slide To Previous Or Older Version?

When you share or send PowerPoint slide 2013 to an older version and want to check compatibility test, Go to File à Info à Check for issues à Check Compatibility.  The tool tells you which new features are not compatible with older versions.

Q26. What Is The Purpose Of Slides Tab?

Slides tab is used to view and work with the slides.

Q27. How You Can Customize Slide Layout?

To customize slide layout:

  1. Navigate to Slide Master view
  2. Locate and select the desired layout in the left navigation panel.  Over each layout you can hover the mouse to see which slides are currently using that layout in presentation
  3. The background graphics may be hidden in some layouts, to show this graphic uncheck the box next to Hide Background Graphics
  4. You can also add, remove or delete any objects as desired
  5. When you finish click on Close Master View command on the Slide Master tab.

Q28. How You Can Use Document Inspector And What Is The Role Of It In Powerpoint Presentation?

The Document Inspector function can be used to remove certain personal information which may be added to the file automatically.

  • Click on File tab under Backstage View
  • From the Info panel, click Check for Issues ,  then select Inspect Document from the drop down menu
  • The Document Inspector will appear.  Check or uncheck the boxes, depending upon the content you want to review, then click Inspect
  • For any potentially sensitive data the inspection result will show exclamation mark and a Remove All button to remove the sensitive data.

Q29. How To Distribute Objects Evenly?

Use the following:

  • Click and drag your mouse to form a selection box around the objects you want to align. All of the objects will now have sizing handles to show that they are selected.
  • From the Format tab, click the Align command.
  • From the menu, select Distribute Horizontally or Distribute Vertically.
  • The objects will be distributed evenly.

Q30. If Someone Does Not Have Powerpoint Then How Will He/she Be Able To View The Presentation?

The Powerpoint presentation in this scenario needs to be saved in different file types such as PDF, XPS, video and or package presentation for CD.

Q31. What Is The Purpose Of Outline Tab?

The Outline tab displays the text content of the slides.

Q32. How Can One Customize Slide Layouts?

In order to customize slide layouts one needs to follow the below steps:

a) Select the slide you wish to change.

b) Click the Layout command in the Slides group on the Home tab. A menu will appear with your options.

c) Choose a layout from the menu. The slide will change in the presentation.

Q33. How You Can Convert Text To Shapes In Powerpoint 2013?

To convert text into shapes:

  • On your slide insert a text box and type some text
  • Select the text box on a slide
  • Insert a shape that overlaps your text box in a way that covers it completely
  • Once the rectangle shape is placed, re-order the rectangle shape by sending it behind the existing text box
  • Select the text box first and then select the rectangle shape, after that access the Drawing Tools Format and click the Merge Shapes button
  • Under Merge Shapes drop down gallery, click on Intersect option
  • It will convert text into shapes
  • To ensure the text is converted into shape, right click on the text and a context menu will appear, you will see the edit point option
  • If no edit points option is available, it me your text has not been converted into a shape
  • When you click on Edit Points option, you will see all the edit points on text.

Q34. How Can You Play Music For The Duration Of Your Slide Show In Powerpoint 2013?

  • Download or store music to your PC hard drive and from there upload it to PowerPoint
  • In the main menu on the “Insert” tab, click “Audio” and then click on “Audio on my PC”
  • Locate and double click the music file
  • Click on “Play in Background” under “Playback” tab

Q35. How To Add A Column Or Row?

Use the following:

  • Place the insertion point in a cell adjacent to the location where you wish to add a row or column.
  • Select the Table Tools Layout tab and locate the Rows & Columns group.
  • If you would like to insert a new row, select either Insert Above or Insert Below. If you would like to insert a new column, select either Insert Left or Insert Right.
  • A new row or column will appear.

Q36. How To Insert A Blank Table?

Use the following:

  • On the Insert tab, click the Table command.
  • Hover your mouse over the diagram squares to select the number of columns and rows in the table.
  • Click your mouse. The table will appear on the slide.
  • You can now place the insertion point anywhere in the table to add text.

Q37. How To Test An Action Button?

Use the following:

a) Click the Slide Show tab.

b) In the Start Slide Show group, click From Current Slide.

c) Click your action button.

d) After you have tested it, right-click anywhere on the screen and select End Show.

e) If your action button did not work as you intended, follow the instructions below to edit it.

Q38. How To Change The Ordering By One Level?

Use the following:

  • Select an object. The Format tab will appear.
  • From the Format tab, click the Bring Forward or Send Backward command to change the object's ordering by one level. If the object overlaps with more than one other object, you may need to click the command several times to achieve the desired ordering.
  • The objects will reorder themselves.

Q39. How To Customize Your Slide Powerpoint 2013?

To customize your slide, first open a new PowerPoint slide:

  • Choose a theme from Design menu, once you have selected the slide theme  then you can change the look of  a slide by  clicking on variant
  • To change the color of slide you can use customize option, this option gives various option to customize slide to your liking You can also customize the text box by clicking on the text and it will give text customization option.

Q40. How You Can Trim Video In Powerpoint 2013?

To work on specific part of video or to delete some part of video, PowerPoint gives trim option, the playback tab has several options which you can use to edit your video.

  1. Select the video you want to trim and click the Playback tab on the ribbon
  2. Click the  command Trim Video
  3. A dialog box will appear, to set the start time use the green handle and to set the end time use the red handle
  4. To preview the video, click the Play button
  5. When you are done trimming the video, click OK 

Q41. How You Can Protect Your Presentation In Powerpoint 2013?

To protect your presentation in PowerPoint 2013:

  1. Click the File to Backstage View
  2. In Info panel, click the Protect Presentation command
  3. In drop down menu, choose the option that best suits your needs.
  4. Let say if you mark it as final a pop up box will appear asking you to save document as final
  5. When you click OK another pop up box appear confirming the document is saved as final.

Q42. What Are Placeholders?

Placeholders are the areas on the slide that are enclosed by dotted borders.

Q43. What Is The Purpose Of Quick Access Toolbar?

This toolbar lets one access common commands such as save, undo and repeat no matter which tab you are on in the ribbon.

Q44. How One Can Organize Slides Into Sections?

In order to do so following steps need to be performed:

a) Select the slide where you want to begin your first section.

b) From the Home tab, click the Section command.

c) Choose Add Section from the drop-down menu. An Untitled Section appears in the left pane.

d) To rename the section while it is still selected, click the Section command, and choose Rename Section from the drop-down menu.

e) Enter your new section name in the dialog box. Then click Rename.

f) In the left pane, click the arrow next to a section name to collapse or expand it.

Q45. What Is The Purpose Of Ribbon?

The ribbon is designed to help you quickly find the commands that you need to complete a task.

Q46. What Is The Slide Show View?

This is the view that will be shown to the audience. This view also provides an additional menu when one hovers on it.

Q47. How You Can Rehearse The Slide Show Timing In Powerpoint 2013?

To set or rehearse the slide show:

  1. Select the Slide Show tab and then locate the Set Up group
  2. Click the Rehearse Timing icon on ribbon and it will take you to the full screen of your presentation
  3.  You can start rehearsing your PowerPoint presentation, and your presentation timing will be noted down by rehearsing time
  4. Click on next arrow on the Recording Toolbar to move to the next slide
  5. At the end of your presentation, PowerPoint will close the full screen view and give the total timing for the presentation at the end.

Q48. How You Can Record A Slide Show In Powerpoint 2013?

To record a slide show in power point:

  • Click the slide show tab, then locate the Set Up group
  • Click the Record Slide Show drop down arrow.  Select either “Start recording from current slide” or “ Start recording from Beginning”
  • A dialog box will appear, select the desired options “Select and animation timings” and second option is “ Narration and laser pointer” and then click on “ Start Recording” option.
  • Soon you click on “Start Recording” your presentation will open on a full screen.
  • Perform your slide show, when you are ready to move to the next slide, click “Next” button represented with an arrow mark on the “Recording Toolbar”.

Q49. What Is The Purpose Of Slide Views?

Slide Views are used to view slides in four different modes such as Normal. Slide Sorter, Reading and Slide Show.

Q50. How To Use Powerpoint 2013 Slide Zoom Feature?

To use PowerPoint 2013 Slide Zoom,

  • Beneath the main slide, click on the magnifying glass icon in Presenter View
  • Hover around the area of the slide you want to magnify
  • Click and drag the hand tool over the slide to move the slide around while still zoomed in
  • To zoom back out click the magnifying glass icon