Top 21 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Interview Questions You Must Prepare 27.Jul.2024

Q1. What Do You Mean By Managed Solution?

Managed solutions are a kind of completed package with the help of which one can distribute and install in the respective CRM organizations.

Q2. Tell Us Of A Project Of Which You Were Proud To Be A Part?

It is an opportunity for you to depict not only your exclusive skills, but your willingness for the assignment too. One can utilize the method of STAR to showcase oneself as a solver of problems. For instance, you can explain a professional Situation that is challenging in which has participated. You can outline the Task that was bestowed on you. You can also opt for describing the Action you undertook and demonstrate in details the positive Result your action has achieved. In this context, it is crucial for you to note that in a job examination situation, your work cannot explain itself. Hence, do not be afraid to depict your skills.

Q3. What Is A Task Flow And How It Can Be Used?

You can also design a type of business process flow called a task flow in Dynamics 365 for phones or Dynamics 365 for tablets based on common tasks your users perform. For example, if they need to regularly perform a series of follow-up steps after client meetings, create a task flow. When users tap the new task in their mobile app, it will lead them through from start to finish so they don't forget an important step.

Q4. What Is The Use Of

Xrm.Mobile.offline namespace is used to create, retrieve, update and delete records in Dynamics 365 for phones and Dynamics 365 for tablets while working in the offline mode. These new client APIs will work only if you are in the offline mode and for entities that are enabled for mobile offline synchronization.

Q5. Can We Create A Lookup Field Using Web Api?

Dynamics 365 allows creating it.

Q6. What Are The Essential Skills That Made You Suitable For This Project?

The Microsoft Dynamics 365 roles are suited for group projects and are suitable for individual parts also. For this reason, it is advisable that one finds out all about the industry, size and scope. Moreover, one can demonstrate their past experiences in the areas that overlap with the project. In this way, an interviewee can highlight their suitability for the position. It is also a worthy fact top note that often clients hire on a potential to grow within an organization as compared to the possession of pure technical skill set.

Q7. What Are Editable Grid Events?

Editable Grid events are:         

  • On Record Select
  • OnChange
  • OnSave

Q8. Does Web Api Called Using Javascript Would Work From Outlook In Offline Mode?

Yes it will work but in Dynamics 365 only and not in 2016 sp1 and before. The context.getClientUrl function automatically redirects requests to the local version of the service when Dynamics 365 for Outlook is offline.

Q9. What Do You Mean By Unmanaged Solution?

An unmanaged solution can be defined as a collection of customizations unmanaged in nature. It is worthwhile to note that customized solution unmanaged in nature and its components may be interrelated with some unmanaged solutions. One can export a solution as a managed solution. Moreover, the customizations cannot be rolled back once they are imported into CRM.

Q10. Define A Plugin?

It lays emphasis on the basics of Plugins. In this context, it is always worthwhile to note that Plugin refers to a custom logic which would modify the behavior of the CRM. It is also interesting to note that Plugins are also registered in platforms related to CRM against events that correspond to create, delete and update. It also requires programming language with the concepts of CRM and SDK.

Q11. What Are The Types Of Industries In Which You Possess Thorough Knowledge?

The features of specific Dynamics products put them in sidelines of various industries. Having knowledge in excess of one vertical may be a massive bonus for the employers. For instance, NAV is famous with the manufacturing companies, the service capabilities, as well as the invoice processes depict it an appealing prospect to another type of industries in the field of crude oil. Moreover, it is also a good fact to note that having experience in excess of one sector implies that you would be capable to work with the clients who have varying needs. It also depicts that you are flexible enough and have a willing attitude to learn and grow at the same time. Always note that you should be confident in your approach.

Q12. What Is Data Export Service And What Is Its Scope?

The ability to replicate Dynamics 365 data to an external SQL database provides a lot of flexibility for generating reports. Data Export is an add-on service made available as a Microsoft Dynamics 365 (online) solution that adds the ability to replicate Dynamics 365 (online) data to a Microsoft Azure SQL Database store in a customer-owned Microsoft Azure subscription. The supported target destinations are Microsoft Azure SQL Database and Microsoft Azure SQL Server on Microsoft Azure virtual machines. Data Export intelligently synchronizes the entire Dynamics 365 schema and data initially and thereafter synchronized on a continuous basis as changes occur (delta changes) in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 (online) system. It can only trfer data from CRM online to Azure SQL or Azure VM.

Q13. What Is Server-to-server Authentication?

Use server-to-server (S2S) authentication to securely and seamlessly communicate with Microsoft Dynamics 365 (online & on-premises) with your web applications and services. S2S authentication me you don’t need to use a paid Dynamics 365 user license when you connect to Dynamics 365 tenants. There is no license fee for the special application user account you will use with S2S authentication. With S2S authentication a special Dynamics 365 unlicensed application user account is created and includes information about your application registered with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). Rather than user credentials, the application is authenticated based on an application user identified by an Azure AD Object ID value which is stored in the Dynamics 365 user record. The Dynamics 365 application user is associated with a security role which controls the kinds of data and operations the application is allowed to perform.

Q14. What Are The Various Types Of Solutions In Dynamics Crm?

There exist two Dynamic CRM solutions. They are unmanaged and managed. One can wer that default solution is also there in Microsoft Dynamics of an instance.

Q15. Can Default Solution Be Exported As A Managed Solution?

No, we cannot export default solution as a managed solution.

Q16. Tell Us About The Upcoming Characteristics Of Product X?

If you are utilizing a service on a daily basis, you should be updated about the recent features. Hence, it is still worthy to stay prepared for the various products of Microsoft. For instance, if the job interviewer asks you about your popular movie and all of a sudden you cannot think of it, then it would be embarrassing. You do not want that type of moment in a job interview. However, it may happen due to nervousness and anxiety.

To avoid this sort of embarrassing moments, you should take some time out to jot down the updated characteristics of the service or product you are being asked about. You should also note down how they have increased attributes to the functionality of the product. In this manner, the features would remain within you when you sit in the front of your interviewer in a Microsoft Dynamics 365 interview.

Q17. What Are Your Skilled Functional Areas And How Have You Bridged That Experience Into Other Areas?

It is worthwhile to note that each Dynamics product comes with a number of features in various areas. Hence, it is inevitable that you would have more experience in some as compared to others. The key here is to show off your skills which you possess in your core areas. You can also opt for expressing how you have learnt those talents when compared to other functionalities.

In an interview process, your primary aim should be to turn a potential weakness into the strength. Even if your experience across a product is limited, you can lay emphasis on the way you are taking new challenges that would have a significant say in the growth of your knowledge. Always ensure that you have a thorough understanding of the description of the job and how you would meet their requirements.

It is worthwhile to note that each Dynamics product comes with a number of features in various areas. Hence, it is inevitable that you would have more experience in some as compared to others. The key here is to show off your skills which you possess in your core areas. You can also opt for expressing how you have learnt those talents when compared to other functionalities.

In an interview process, your primary aim should be to turn a potential weakness into the strength. Even if your experience across a product is limited, you can lay emphasis on the way you are taking new challenges that would have a significant say in the growth of your knowledge. Always ensure that you have a thorough understanding of the description of the job and how you would meet their requirements.

Q18. What Is The Process To Update Managed Solution?

You can update by managed properties of a managed solution.

Q19. Describe Cloud And Its Nature Computing To A Layman?

Whether you are in charge of implementing products of Dynamics for the users, or you are supervising the in-house system of a company, you would come across various individuals who are not as advanced as you. Moreover, this would help the interviewer to see how well you would communicate with the non-technical staff of an organization. It would also assist the interviewer to have a good glimpse of the way you understand the technology.

Q20. Define The Execution Model Related To Event Pipeline?

This solution should be precise and to the point. It is interesting to note that the Dynamics platform leverages on the Plugins that are emphasized on an execution model. It can also be defined as a model of execution which often explains the way a Plugin has been created on the platform of CRM. The message also comprises of the entity information about the business as well as the information related to core operation. The signal passes through the pipeline of event execution in the way it can be assessed by the core operation platform. It can also be changed by any registered Plugins. It is also one of the most asked questions in an interview.

It is also worthwhile to note that the pipeline of event is segregated into various stages of that five can be registered on 3rd party Plugins and custom information. Quite interestingly, the multiple Plugins that are expressed at each step and the one that are further ordered within that scene of Plugin registration can also be accessed.

Q21. What Is A Workflow?

Workflow facilitates the atomization of   the documents, information and tasks pass from one user to the customers. Moreover, the actions are carried out with the help of certain rules. The workflow structure facilitates many components that can be used by administrators and business users in a bid to model the structure of their business information. Microsoft Dynamics CRM facilitates the developers with a new variety of mechanisms so that they can always alter the standard behavior which is required by their applications related to business.