Top 21 Jboss Fuse Interview Questions You Must Prepare 27.Jul.2024

Q1. What Is The Difference Between Blueprint And Spring Dependency Injection Frameworks?

When new dependencies are introduced in blueprint through XML schema namespaces, blueprint has the capability to resolve these dependencies automatically at run time. By contrast, when packaging the project as an OSGi bundle, spring expects developer to add new dependencies explicitly to the maven-bundle-plugin configuration.

Q2. Explain Apache Cxf?

Red Hat JBoss Fuse's embedded Web and RESTful services framework is based on Apache CXF, and provides a small footprint engine for creating reusable web services along with service-enabling new and legacy applications as part of an integration solution.

Red Hat JBoss Fuse supports a variety of standards and protocols for creating web services, such as SOAP and WSDL among others, and allows for Contract-first or Code-first development with JAX-WS. In addition, Red Hat JBoss Fuse provides a standard way to build RESTful services in Java with JAX-RS.

Q3. What Is The Full Form Of Osgi?

Open Source Gateway initiative.

Q4. What Is Apache Camel?

In an enterprise, a number of systems of different types exist. Some of these may be legacy systems while some may be new. These systems often interact with each other, and need to be integrated. This interaction or integration is not easy as the implementations of the systems, their message formats may differ. One way to achieve this is to implement code which bridges these differences. However this will be point to point integration. If tomorrow again if there is change in a system the other might also have to be changed this is not good.

Instead of this point to point integration which causes tight coupling we can implement an additional layer to mediate the differences between the systems. This results in loose coupling and not affects much our existing systems. Apache Camel is a rule-based routing and mediation engine that provides a Java object- based implementation of the Enterprise Integration Patterns using an API (or declarative Java Domain Specific Language) to configure routing and mediation rules.

Q5. How Is Osgi Implemented For Jboss Fuse?

By deploying the application as bundles.

Q6. Have You Exposed A Web Service Endpoint Using Apache Camel And Deployed It On Jboss Fuse?

Yes. Using Apache CXF exposed a web service to be consumed. Used Contract first approach to generate the classes from wsdl.

Q7. Explain Apache Camel?

Red Hat JBoss Fuse utilizes Apache Camel for building integration and routing solutions using Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIPs). Each route defines an integration path between endpoints, where a system can either send or receive messages, and while data is in these routes it may be trformed, validated, intercepted, and so on.

Routes may change endpoints dynamically; either as additional bundle are activated, based on the content of the message, or through additional methods. With over 140 defined endpoints Red Hat JBoss Fuse allows for integration with a variety of services immediately upon deployment.

Q8. Name The Different Components Of Jboss Fuse?

  • Apache Camel 
  • Apache CXF
  • Apache ActiveMQ
  • Fabric8
  • Switchyard

Q9. What Is An Esb? Have You Deployed Camel On Any Esb?

ESB stands for Enterprise Service Bus. It can be defined as a tool designed to help implement an application using SOA principles Not for all projects is the use of ESB an optimum solution ESB should be used when projects involve integrating a number of Endpoints like Web services, JMS, FTP etc. Have deployed JBoss Fuse ESB for Apache Camel Deployment.

Q10. Explain Fabric8?

Fuse Fabric is a technology layer that allows a group of containers to form a cluster that shares a common set of configuration information and a common set of repositories from which to access runtime artifacts. This allows one to run a number of containers either on your own hardware or in the open hybrid cloud, and allows for configuration management, service discovery failover, load balancing, centralized monitoring among other benefits.

Q11. Explain Switchyard?

Switchyard is a lightweight service delivery framework providing full life-cycle support for  developing, deploying, and managing service-oriented applications. It allows you to deploy and run services with limited dependencies, and consists of components such as composite services and composite references.

Q12. Explain Apache Activemq?

Red Hat JBoss Fuse's embedded messaging service is based on Apache ActiveMQ. It supports the standard JMS 1.1 features and provides a wide range of extended JMS features for building robust and reliable messaging applications. Red Hat JBoss Fuse consists of both a messaging broker and client-side libraries that enable remote communication among distributed client applications.

Red Hat JBoss Fuse supports Point-to-Point and Publish/Subscribe messaging along with both persistent and nonpersistent messages; in addition, ActiveMQ can be scaled both vertically and horizontally to allow for processing of a large volume of messages for a large number of concurrently connected clients.

Q13. How Is The Application Deployed As Bundles?

This is achieved by using the Apache Felix Plugin.

Q14. What Is Fabric?

Fuse Fabric is an open-source integration platform for deep management of Java Containers (JVMs). It is a supported component of the JBoss Fuse Platform. Fuse Fabric makes it really easy to provision, automate, configure, and manage from a central location with a consistent User Interface and User Experience.

Q15. What Is Osgi?

OSGi stands for Open Source Gateway initiative.

It provides the benefits:

  • A portable and secure execution environment based on Java.
  • A service management system, which can be used to register and share services across bundles and decouple service providers from service consumers.
  • A dynamic module system, which can be used to dynamically install and uninstall Java modules, which OSGi calls bundles.
  • A lightweight and scalable solution.

Q16. Explain Jboss Eap?

Red Hat JBoss EAP 6 is a JEE certified container that leverages a flexible, modular architecture, and it integrates EJB components, web services, security, and clustering. By utilizing a JEE container you have full access to JEE components such as persistence and the injection framework.

Q17. Explain Apache Karaf?

Red Hat JBoss Fuse is based on Apache Karaf, a powerful, lightweight, OSGi-based runtime container for deploying and managing bundles to facilitate componentization of Red Hat JBoss Fuse applications. Red Hat JBoss Fuse also provides native OS integration and can be integrated into the operating system as a service so that the lifecycle is bound to the operating system.

Furthermore, Red Hat JBoss Fuse extends the OSGi layers with an extensible console for managing applications and administering instances, a unified logging subsystem supported by Log4J, both manual and hot deployment of OSGi bundles, and multiple mechanisms for installing applications and libraries among others.

Q18. What Is Apache Karaf?

Apache Karaf is an OSGi based runtime; it is where our Application bundles run. Fuse uses Apache Karaf as its runtime in which bundles run and collaborate to provide business functionality.

Q19. What Is Esb?

An ESB is a standard based integration platform that combines messaging, web services, datagrams formation, and intelligent routing to reliably connect and coordinate the interaction of significant numbers of diverse applications across extended enterprises with tractional integrity.

Q20. What Is Switchyard?

Switchyard is a component-based development framework focused on building structured, maintainable services and applications using the concepts and best practices of SOA. It works with Apache Camel to provide a fast, simple, flexible integration runtime with comprehensive connectivity and trports.

Q21. Name The Different Containers Which Jboss Fuse Supports?

  • Apache Karaf
  • JBoss Enterprise Application Platform