Top 39 Itil Concepts Interview Questions You Must Prepare 18.Feb.2025

Q1. Define Contract And Supplier?

Contract   is legally binding agreement between two parties.
Supplier Third part responsible for supplying goods or services.

Q2. Explain Supplier Management?

Supplier management manage services and suppliers.

  • Implement supplier policy
  • Create and maintain SCD (Supplier and  contract database)
  • Supplier and contract evaluation.
  • Manage sub contracted supplier.

Q3. In Your Opinion, What Should An Sla Contain?

1.Service name
2.Clearance information (with location and date)
3.Contract duration
4.Description/ desired customer outcome
5.Service and asset criticality
6.Reference to further contracts which also apply (e.g. SLA Master Agreement)

Q4. What Is Sacm Asset Management?

Asset management maintain all assets across whole service lifecycle.
Maintain complete Asset inventory include non IT inventory related to service.
SACM also maintain information of shared asset (Asset belongs to partners and service provider used by IT services).

Q5. Define Availability?

Availability % = (Available service time –downtime) / Available service time
Time that the service functioned correctly expressed as a percentage the total time it has been agreed that the IT services are to be accessible to users.

Q6. Explain Change Management?

Change management process manages change seeking business benefit.
Make smooth change in IT services as per business requirement.  CMS ensure that changes are evaluated and authorized, prioritized, planned, tested, implemented, documented, reviewed and recorded in control manner.

Q7. Can You Name 3 Types Of Sla?

@Service based SLA : An agreement for all the customer using the services being delivered by the service provider.
@Customer based SLA : An Agreement with an individual customer group, covering all the services they use.
@Multi level SLA : The SLA is split into the different levels, each addressing different set of customers for the same services, in the same SLA.

Q8. Service Design Availability Maintainability?

How fast service can be restore after failure.

  • MTRS Mean time to restore service.
  • MTRS =Total downtime in hours /Number of service breaks

Q9. Explain Security Controls/measures?

  • Preventive Prevent the event that will affect service Firewall
  • Reductive Minimize possible damage
  • Detective discover the event as soon as possible
  • Corrective repair damage as soon as possible

Q10. Explain Itcm Process?

Initiation ->       get requirement and plan -> implementation-> continues improvement
Initiation ->       define scope
Get requirement and plan-> BIA RA
Implementation -> develop/test/implement plan Continues improvement- > review Audit

Q11. Types Of Changes Proactive/ Reactive?

Proactive change: Changes done for business benefits. Improve service and improve cost efficiency
Reactive change: Change to resolve the error.

Q12. Different Knowledge Management System?

CMIS: Capacity Management information system.
AMIS: Availability management .
KEDB: Known error database.
CMDB: Configuration management database.
DML: Definitive media library
SKMS:  service knowledge management system

Q13. Explain Below Availability Terms?

Continuous Availability: design the service to get 100 % availability. ThisService has no unplanned or plan downtime.
Fault Tolerance No interruption in service after the component fail.

Q14. What Are Five Itil Core Service Life-cycles?

The processes outlined in ITIL v3 are broken down into five ITIL Core Service Life-cycles.

@Service Strategy –Evaluate current services and ensure a plan is in place to, modify and implement new and existing services when required.
@Service Design – Evaluate and ensure a new service will meet current and future needs. Ensure a new service can be introduced into the live environment.
@Service Trition – Define a plan that ensures no service outages or gaps during a service tri ....

Q15. Explain Configuration Management System Cms?

CMS is a set of tool and database that are used to manage an IT service provider configuration data.

Q16. Explain Capacity Management Process?

Goal of capacity management is optimization of existing resources and planning future resources.
Review current capacity  è Improve existing capacity è Assess new capacityè Plan new capacity

Q17. When Would We Create A Service Design Package?

An SDP is produced for each new IT service, major change, or IT service retirement.

Q18. About Release Deployment Management?

RDM include the process, system, package, build test and deploy a release in production.
Build Test and Deliver

Q19. What Is The Type Of Services?

Customer – facing services:
These services fascinate customer directly. These are  core services .

  1. HR services
  2. Supporting services
  3. Support customer services and not seen directly by custumer Email service for HR

Q20. What Is Service Trition?

  • Manage service changes  and deploy service release in to production environment.
  • Reduce known error and minimize the risk during trition.
  • Enable the smooth change without affecting business

Q21. What Type Of Information Would You Store In The Service Catalogue?

The Service Catalogue contains a list of services that an organization provides, often to its employees or customers. For each service within the catalogue, we typically include description, time-frames or SLA for fulfilling the service, owners (who is entitled to request/view the service), costs and how to fulfill the service.

Q22. A Help Desk Focuses On End User Needs. Justify This Statement.

A Help Desk provides incident management to ensure customer’s problems are resolved in a timely fashion. A best practices Help Desk utilizes software to track the incidents making sure that no trouble gets lost. It manages a database that keeps track of the IT assets enabling access on a real time basis to information about software and configuration of the IT system. The Help Desk has the ability to create monthly and annual reports on the number of troubles, the time to respond to the trouble, ....

Q23. What Tasks Are Performed By Help Desk?

Some of the specific tasks a Help Desk performs include:

@Computer or Software consultations
@Change and Configuration Management
@Problem escalation procedures
@Problem resolution
@Single point of contact (SPOC) for IT interruptions
@Service Level Agreements
@Tracking capabilities of all incoming problems

Q24. Flow Of Process Activity Model?

Management and planning >> Configuration Identification> > Configuration control >> Status accounting and reporting >> Verification and Audit.

Q25. Explain Service Trition?

Plan manages service changes and deploys service release in production.

  • Enable the change in business process.
  • Reduce the known error and minimize the risk
  • Coordinate the resources
  • Service trition planning and support activates.


Q26. Explain Service Validation?

Service validations Validate the service will deliver define performance. Service validation assures quality of service. Service validation is applied throughout the life cycle.

Types of testing.

  • Accessibility testing.
  • Usability testing.
  • Process and procedure testing.
  • Volume stress load and scalability testing.
  • Compatibility testing.
  • Knowledge management.
  • Store quality, reliable information.
  • Secure information.

Q27. What Is Itsm It Service Continuity Managment?

Support the business continuity management process.
Ensure It services will be resumed within define time frame.

>          Maintain BCP pl
>          Conduct Regular risk Analysis for IT service
>          BIA Business Impact analysis if no TO service available
>          RA Risk analysis Identify and analysis of risk
>          Define ITSCM plan
>          Test Plan

Q28. Why Would You Use Sacm?

SACM stands for Service Asset and Configuration Management. By capturing information and keeping it up to date, we help people make informed decisions at the right time. In addition, providing accurate configuration information can proactively help resolve incidents and problems much faster.

Q29. In Itil V3 A Help Desk Is A Component Of A Service Desk. Justify This Statement.

A Help Desk with ITIL v3 best practices, is one component of the overall service management and will feed information to a Service Desk through software and process hooks. Specifically, the functions outlined in the Service Operations section of the ITIL core service lifecycles are Help Desk functions. These functions include:

@Event Management
@Incident Management
@Request Management
@Problem Management
@Access Management
These are not the only functions that a best ....

Q30. What Inputs Do We Need Before We Can Being Testing A Service?

Service package

@Interface definitions for the service provider
@Release pl
@Acceptance criteria

Q31. What Is Service Desk?

A Service Desk is a Single Point of Contact between users and IT Service Management. It manages information delivery by utilizing Information IT infrastructure Library (ITIL) v3 best practices to deliver these services both with software and defined processes. The Service Desk is the first contact in an organization for any and all IT questions. Best practices Service Desks are process focused and company strategy focused.

Q32. Components Of Service Knowledge Management System Skms?

  • CMS Configuration management system
  • Known error database
  • Supplier and contacts database
  • Service portfolio
  • Availability management system

Q33. Explain Strategic/tactical/operational Level Changes?

Strategic level change:
Manage by the  business. These chages are due to change is business  stratergy.

Tactical changes :
Change in the business process .manage by middle management .

Operational changes:
These changes are due to operational level changes in process .manage by operation staff .

Q34. What Is An Ola?

The Operational Level Agreement is an agreement between an IT service provider and another part of the same organization. This could be the development team, the support team or help-desk.

Q35. What Is Service Level Management?

The goals of SLM as defined by ITIL are to maintain and improve IT service quality through a constant cycle of agreeing, monitoring, and reporting upon IT service achievements and instigation of actions to eradicate inadequate service in line with business or cost justification.  Through these methods, a better relationship between IT and its Customers can be developed.

Q36. Types Of Service Catalogue?

Business service catalogue is as per customer view .It is maintain for each business unit.
Technical service catalogue contain information about all IT services.

Q37. Can You Name 3 Types Of Testing?

Types of testing:

@Usability testing
@Accessibility testing
@Process testing
@Stress and load testing
@Availability testing
@Compatibility testing
@Security testing
@Regression testing

Q38. Why Do We Need Csfs?

Critical Success Factor (CSF) is the term for an element that is necessary for an organization or project to achieve its mission. It is what drives the company forward through its strategy.

Q39. Why Would You Use Change Management?

We use Change Management to standardize our methods and procedures for dealing with changes and thereby reducing risk and disruption. We record all changes to assets or confirmation items in the Configuration Management System. This allows us to define and agree on those changes and ensure that only people who have the appropriate authority can make changes