Ibm Unica Campaign Placement Papers - Ibm Unica Campaign Interview Questions and Answers updated on 18.Feb.2025

Q1. Can We Select Multiple Tables As The Input To A Process?

Yes, we can select more than one table as input in the following way:

  1. We should pick Tables in the process configuration dialog, > Multiple Tables from the Input drop-down list.
  2. We can also click the ellipsis button. This step displays all the base tables in the catalog.
  3. After this, we should check the box beside each table that we need to select.
  4. Finally, we should click OK. The input field will display "Multiple Tables," which can be viewed by clicking the ellipsis button.

Q2. What Are Audience Levels In Campaign?

Levels, set by system administrators that represent potential targets of campaigns like, customer, merchandise, or departments are known as Audience levels, which are often, organized hierarchically.

Q3. What Is A Segment In Campaign?

Segment process is for dividing the data into different groups or segments to target different offers. After segments are created, we can connect the Segment process with any contact process to allocate offers. Unlimited number of segments can be created. E.g., we can divide customers into high-value, medium-value, or low-value segments based on their purchase histories. Each of these segments can be targeted for different offer.

Q4. What Is A Cube In Campaign?

Cube process helps in the generation of data cubes from various sources based on strategic segments, created from customer databases. The Cube process is to be used by technical users or Unica consultants. Best practice is to develop global constructs in Sessions.

Q5. How Campaign Software Benefits Us?

Campaign is online Enterprise Marketing Management (EMM) software consisting of a server at the back end, which is an ActiveX client, providing security to the Marketing Platform. Campaign enables organizational administrators in designing, executing, and analyzing their direct marketing campaigns efficiently. It offers a graphical user interface, which supports the marketing processes of suppressing, selecting, sampling, segmenting, & listing output of customer IDs. Its Universal Dynamic Interconnect (UDI) data communication layer allows organizational administrators to easily access data from all of sources, including comparative databases.

Q6. What Do We Understand By Processes In Campaign?

Processes are the main building blocks of flowcharts, which we setup to perform specific tasks to achieve the organizational objectives. E.g., we use Merge process to merge two different audience groups. Tasks are usually completed by using the related processes that work with cells, which are the lists of customers for marketing message recipients.

Q7. How Can We Design Campaigns?

Prior designing any campaigns, we should design it on paper and decide the objective for the campaign. Once we have designed on paper, you need to execute in Campaign by generating one or more flowcharts to achieve the objectives. A campaign consists of one or more flowcharts, which consists of interrelated processes.

Q8. What Do We Understand By Response In Campaign?

Response process tracks all the responses of customers who were contacted, via Mail List or Call List. According to the rules defined during the configuration, response process assesses which responses should be considered valid, and how they should be credited back to campaigns and offers.

Q9. What Is A Schedule In Campaign?

Schedule is not related to Unica. It actually starts a flowchart even if it is not running, while the Schedule in a flowchart works only if the flowchart is running. Scheduler should not be used to schedule a flowchart, which uses the Schedule process. Schedule process should be used to initiate any process or its series or an entire flowchart. Schedule is active for a specified period of time during which specified events might occur causing subsequent connected processes to initiate execution.

Q10. What Are Data Manipulation Processes?

Data manipulation processes is for selecting customer IDs from database and analyze them to create important groups and target audiences. It also allows us to execute tasks like selection of customers based on set criteria, merging them together for either inclusion or exclusion, segmenting them into significant groups, sampling or specifying target audiences for relative campaign.

Q11. How Can We Create A New Flowchart?

While creating an interactive flowchart in Campaign, we need to through following steps: -

  1. We should click - Add a Flowchart icon, in the campaign, which we want to add the flowchart,. The Properties page opens.
  2. We should enter a name with description.
  3. Following this, we should Save and Edit Flowchart, which displays the process palette with a blank workspace for the flowchart.
  4. Bow we can add processes to the flowchart. Flowchart usually starts with a Select or Audience processes to classify customers or other saleable entities to work. Ensure to click Save regularly while configuring the processes in flowchart.
  5. Finally we need to click Save and Exit.

Q12. How Can We Create A Campaign?

Following is the method to create a campaign:

  1. We need to choose Campaign > Campaigns.
  2. All the pages relating to Campaigns appear which displays the folders in the current partition.
  3. We need to navigate the folder structure until we find the folder, which needs to be added to the campaign.
  4. Now we need to click - Add a Campaign, which opens the New Campaign page.
  5. We should put relevant information in the fields.
  6. After these details, we should click Save and Finish.
  7. The Campaigns page will display the lists of all new campaigns.

Q13. How Is The Flowchart Validated?

Validation ensures that the processes within the flowchart are appropriately set up.

  1. Unique cell codes within the flowchart, only if the AllowDuplicateCellCodes setup parameter is set to No. Duplicate cell codes within flowcharts are allowed If only this parameter is set to Yes.
  2. Unique cell names within the flowchart.
  3. Offers and other offer lists referenced by contact processes are valid because they are often referenced but are empty which will not generate an error, except a warning.
  4. Cells linked to a top-down entry from the spreadsheet target cell spreadsheet linked.

Q14. What Do We Mean By Extract In Campaign?

Extract process allows us to choose fields from one table on to another table for subsequent processing. It is to prepare a huge amount of data to a manageable size for successive operations, resulting in efficient performance. This process can take data from a cell, strategic segment, or eMessage-landing page. If the strategic segment is input, we must join it to a table before extracting fields. If we use quite a few extract processes in a series, only the fields in the final Extract process should be written out.

Q15. Who Are The Users Of Campaign?

Campaign has been designed for marketing experts, supported by On-Line Analytical Processors (OLAP) as well as data-miners, & SQL. Administrators can design, and analyze their organizational direct marketing campaigns. They can arrange the foundation for their colleagues by initial setup and ongoing tasks such as adjusting configuration settings, mapping database tables, and defining custom attributes which offers templates for other organizational users.

Q16. What Are The Security Levels In Campaign?

Levels of Security in Campaign are applied in two stages:

  1. Functional Level, which determines the actions performed on the objects, by the user roles. Organizational policies define the roles at initial stage, and each role has permissions associated with it, which determines the actions belonging to a role.
  2. Object, determines the types of object on which performances are allowed. Even if we have general permissions granted to modify campaigns, object-level security can be configured to protect access campaigns laid in specific folders. E.g., if you belong to department A, you can be prohibited from accessing the folders pertaining to department B.

Q17. What Are Sessions In Campaign?

Session has dedicated place in the application where the principal, constant, global data are built, such as strategic segments and cubes, which are generated by administrators and made available to all other organizational campaigns. Sessions also comprise of individual flowcharts, as in campaigns.

Q18. What Is A Model In Campaign?

Model process is for creating a runtime model file, which can be used for real-time scoring. It automates the generation of response model that can be used to score customers or prospects to determine the candidates most likely to respond. Model process can be set in a flowchart to import data from two cells, one representing the responders, and the other representing the non-responders.

Q19. What Do You Understand By Track?

Track process is for updating the contact statuses in contact history. It can only update the predefined rows in contact history and not create new rows. E.g. contacts who were sent a mail with a contact status of "Contacted" but later we received a list of undeliverable mails, then we can easily update the contact statuses of "Undeliverable."

Q20. What Are Strategic Segments Within Campaign?

Strategic segment are ID list, which is generated by system administrator, made available to all other campaigns. A strategic segment is similar to other segments except that it is globally available, for use in any other campaign. If we associate a strategic segment with our campaign, it makes easier to select the same segment while we are creating the flowcharts. If we associate the relevant segments with our campaign, it also provides a better reporting capabilities within the Campaign.

Q21. How Is Campaign Is Integrated Into The Marketing Environment?

It can be integrated with the organizational Marketing Operations to use its features in creating, planning, and approving of campaigns. After its integration, many of the jobs, which were earlier done in a stand-alone Campaign environment, were performed in Marketing Operations. These included

  1. Working like creating campaigns, campaign summary details & viewing, moving, & deleting campaigns.
  2. Managing offers
  3. Working with Cell Spreadsheets
  4. Assigning offers to various cells
  5. Specifying the control cells
  6. Generating and populating custom campaign attributes
  7. Generating and populating custom cell attributes

Q22. How Does The Profile Feature Help Us In Campaign?

Profile feature lets us preview a list of definitive values with their frequency of incidence in a selected field. We can profile any available field in any process where the Profile button appears. Fields lists are in other process configuration dialogs. Records that are only in the current cell are included in the count.

Q23. What Is Optimization Process?

Optimization processes allows us to fine-tune the campaign to maximize efficiency. We use this processes to create scores to filter audience. who allows us to track contacts and responses, for using the results in predictive modeling from data mining products like PredictiveInsight.

Q24. What Do We Understand By Cells In Campaign?

A cell is list of identifiers such as customer with their IDs from the relevant database. Cells can be generated by setting up and running the data manipulation processes in its flowcharts. These output cells are also used as input for other processes in the same flowchart. There are no limits in creating of the number of cells.

Q25. Tell Us About The Legacy Campaigns?

Legacy campaigns are the previous campaigns generated in Campaign before enabling the software integration. In any Organizational Operations, Campaign is the integrated environment, which can be setup to access legacy campaigns, which are of two types: -

  1. Campaigns, generated before version 8.0 in which integration was enabled. Such campaigns cannot be associated with the projects of Marketing Operations.
  2. Campaigns generated in Affinium 7.x and associated to its projects. The functionality of such campaigns stays unchanged, based on data mapping linking the attributes of both versions.

Q26. What Is A Score?

Score process is for rating the likelihood of a customer making a purchase or reacting to an offer and to identify the best prospects for the campaign that is being planned. It is based on modeling results imported from a model file (.rtm file) generated by PredictiveInsight.

Q27. How Can We Turn In-database Processing On For A Flowchart?

In-database processing, for any individual flowchart, overrides the global setting. We should move from a flowchart page in Edit mode, and click Admin icon and click Advanced Settings. Following this, we need to select the Use In-DB Optimization while Flowchart Run check box and click OK. After save we can run the flowchart, which can be used globally.

Q28. What Are Offers?

Offers are simple or complex marketing communications that are sent to groups of people, using various channels, like mails etc. E.g. a simple offer could consist of free shipping to online purchases made in a particular month. Complex offer may contain a credit card, offered to purchasers with a personalized artwork, that varies on the recipient’s volume of purchase and region.

Q29. What Are Associating Offers Within The Campaign?

Offers that are associated with the campaign at the time of integration, makes it easier to select offers when we are actually assigning them to cells in contact processes. Defining relevant offers for any campaign from the summary tab is known to as “top-down” association; whereas an offer is used in a flowchart without associating in a campaign, is known as “bottom up” association.

Q30. What Are The Different Attributes Of Offer?

Offer attributes are the fields that describe an offer. Some attributes are particular to a type of offer. E.g. interest rate might be an attribute of a credit card offer, but not of a "free shipping" offer.

There are three types of attributes to an offer:-

  1. Basic: Minimum set of required fields to define an offer: like the unique offer code.
  2. Standard: Optional & pre-defined fields for describing an offer, like channel, which can be an optional attribute.
  3. Custom: Custom-created fields for specific organizations, such as department, promotional or go-to interest rates, (SKUs), and so on.