Ibm Tivoli Placement Papers - Ibm Tivoli Interview Questions and Answers updated on 18.Feb.2025

Q1. What Are The Vm Ware Agent Support File?

Install VM ware agent Support file on each of the following:

  • TEPS
  • TEPS Desktop

Q2. How To See The Db Size?

Query db f=d

Q3. Give The Overview Of Taddm Components?

  • Discovery Manager: The server running the TADDM discovery processes.
  • Administrative Console: It provides the server status, runtime and license information.
  • Discovery Client: A java based GUI on which we can configure and run discovery processes.
  • Domain Manager: A portal in the administrative console with which you can view all your configuration items and manage users.
  • Anchor Servers: These are required to run the discovery in firewall zones.
  • Windows Gateway Server: These are required to discover the windows systems.
  • Database(CMDB): The repository to store the information collected after discovery.

Q4. What Are Domain Specific Configuration Files In Itnm?

Although in practice there are some files that you are unlikely to need to alter, in principle all of the following types of files can be made domain-specific:

  • v Configuration files, that is, all files ending in .cfg
  • v Discovery agent files, that is, all files ending in .agnt
  • v Active Object Class files, that is, all files ending in .aoc
  • v Text-based stitcher files, that is, all files in a stitchers directory ending in .stch

Q5. What Is The Use Of Reclamation?

Reclamation makes the fragmented space on volumes usable again by moving any remaining files from one volume to another volume. This action makes the original volume available for reuse.

Q6. What Is Migration? Use Of Migration?

Migration is used to move client files from one storage pool to the next storage pool in the storage hierarchy. Migration will make some empty space in disk pools which can be used for taking backup of the client machine.

Q7. Give The Categorization Of Ibm Tivoli Software Products?

IBM Tivoli Softwares are categorized into six areas:

  • Availability
  • Business Service Management
  • Orchestration
  • Provisioning
  • Security Management
  • Storage and Optimization solution

Q8. What Is Audit Volume?

Audit volume command is used to check the inconsistencies between database information and a storage pool volume.

Q9. What Are Various Connector Modes In Tdi?

  • Iterator.
  • Lookup Connector.
  • Addonly
  • Update.
  • Delete
  • Delta
  • Server

Q10. Explain About Serialization?

It specifies how Tivoli Storage Manager processes files or directories when they are modified during backup processing.

Q11. What Is Fix=yes/no In Audit Volume Command?

  • Fix — Specifies how the server resolves inconsistencies between the database inventory and the specified storage pool volume.
  • Fix=No — Tivoli Storage Manager reports, but does not delete, database records.
  • Fix=Yes — The server fixes any inconsistencies as they are detected

Q12. State The Database Requirements To Install Taddm?

  • IBM DB2 v9.1, Fix Pack 2
  • AIX(64 bit)
  • Solaris SPARC(64 bit)
  • Linux on System(64 bit)
  • Linux x86 (32 or 64 bit).
  • Windows (32 or 64 bit) operating systems.

Q13. Give The Brief Overview Of Cmdb?

  • It is a data store or logical collection of data that contains all the information about IT assets.
  • It maintains the relationship between these assets, CIs and their changes.
  • It can become the reliable and accurate source of information if managed properly.
  • The major difference between the CMDB and any other data repository is of making the relationship between the Configuration Items.

Q14. Name The Various Other Itm Agents Installed On Unix/linux Servers?

  • ux Monitoring Agent for UNIX OS
  • um Universal Agent
  • yn Monitoring Agent for WebSphere
  • ht Monitoring Agent for Web Servers
  • mq WebSphere MQ Monitoring Agent
  • mc WebSphere MQ Configuration Agent

Q15. Give The Brief About Monitoring Of Custom Logs And Kulmapper Utility In Itm?

Monitoring of Custom Logs :

Steps :

  • Install Unix logs agent on the host machine where you want to monitor the custom logs.
  • Get the logs and map the same using Kulmapper utility

Using kulmapper utility: Kulmaaper is a binary file that can be used to map the different fields of a log into ITM standard format. Kulmapper binary is located in Candlehome/bin directory. By default it uses the sample mapping file kulmapper.samp located in Candlehome/config directory. To map a custom log file take a backup of the kulmapper.samp file and enter the format command in the first line and the log file entry in the second line, after that execute the kulmapper binary.

Q16. Have You Done Upgradation? Which Method You Have Used?

Yes, we used Same System Media Method

Q17. Give The Overview Of Tmr?

TMR me Tivoli Management Region. It is a set of systems that are managed by one server. Each TME has its unique set of clients. Tivoli does not support more then one TMR at a particular time, but you can interconnect one or more TMRs.

TMR consist of :

  • Tivoli Server
  • 1 or more Managed Nodes/Gateways
  • Tivoli Management Agents/Endpoints

Q18. How To Checking Process Status By Running The Itnm_status Command In Itnm?

On UNIX operating systems, you can check the status of IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus, the Tivoli Integrated Portal, and Network Manager by using the itnm_status command.

steps :To check the status of all Network Manager components on the current server:

  • Change to the $NCHOME/precision/bin directory.
  • Type the following command: itnm_status
  • This command displays the status of all of the Network Manager components
  • that are installed on the server.

Q19. What Are The Pre Requisites For Itm Vm Ware Agent Deployment?

Pre requisites:

  • Hardware :
    • 200MB of Disk Space is required in the client machine to deploy VM Ware Agent v.6.2.@
  • Software: Software prerequisite to deploy VM Ware Agent is as follows
    • IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.2.1 IF3 or later

Q20. Have You Done Upgradation For Client Machine?

Yes, First we have to copy all the important client configuration files, disconnect the connection with TSM Server and then uninstall/install new client version.

Q21. Will The Lanfree Data Go To The Disk Pool?

No, Lanfree data will go directly to tape/tapepools. If we have a disk library in a SAN, then we can send lanfree to disks but we need another supporting softwares.

Q22. What Are The Features Of Business Service Management?

Business Service Management features the following products:

  • IBM Tivoli Business Systems Manager.
  • IBM Tivoli Service Level Advisor.
  • IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console.
  • IBM Tivoli Netview.

Q23. What Is Difference Between Search=yes And Search=bulk In Label Command?

  • YES – Specifies that the server labels only volumes that are stored in the library
  • BULK – Specifies that the server searches the library entry/exit ports for usable volumes to label

Q24. How To Update Path?

update path sourcename destinationname srctype=server desttype=drive/library device=devicename online=yes

Q25. For Fresh Itm Agent Installation, What Agent Version Should Be Used?

For fresh itm agent installation , we need to use below agent version dump as shared with you:

  • For aix 5.3 - ux_06210000_aix526
  • For linux 2.6 32 bit - lz_062100000_li6263

Q26. Write The Steps To Start Tbsm?

  • Stop ngf service
  • update alerts.status set RAD_FilterIDList = '', RAD_ServiceName='', RAD_IsIntermediateFunction=0, RAD_FunctionType=''
  • delete from service_deps table in Omnibus
  • start 104 ngf service first and then start
  • 106 ngf service

Q27. How To Check The Paths?

query path f=d

Q28. Is There Any Chance Of Moving Inactive Data From One Volume To Another Using Reclamation?

No, reclamation will move both active and inactive data.

Q29. What Are The Benefits Of Taddm?

The benefits of TADDM are as follows:

  • TADDM provides the information about the current running application on the network.
  • TADDM helps in understanding the computing environment of your organization.
  • By TADDM we get to know which applications and services are deployed on the network.
  • TADDM can also discover the relationships between applications and services.
  • By the help of TADDM we can determine the network related problems.
  • By TADDM we can determine the compliance related problem.

Q30. What Are The Install Support Files To Teps?

  • bash-2.04$ ./ /IBM/ITM Installing k2s .....
  • Online help for this agent will not be available until the Help Server is restarted, which also requires restarting the TEPS.

Q31. How To Remove A Poller In Itnm?

  • If a poller is not being used to monitor the network, you can remove the poller from the monitoring system.
  • To remove a poller from the monitoring system, you must delete its record from the NCMonitor Poller table, which removes the record from the Monitor Policy editor. The ncp_poller process attempts to remove the relevant record from the poller table and then exits.
  • Complete the following tasks to remove a poller from the monitoring system. 
  • From the Network Manager server, issue the following command.
  • ncp_poller -deregister -domain [domain_name] -name [poller_name]
  • Note: When you issue this command, the record is deleted from the NCMONITOR Poller table.
  • From the Monitor Policy Editor, edit each active policy to use a valid poller.

Q32. For Itm Agent Upgrade, What Agent Version Should Be Used?

For itm agent upgrade , we must use below agent version dump as highlighted and shared with you. Here we are using ITM agent version 6.2.2 fix pack 4 dump

For aix 5.3 - ux_06210000_aix526
aix 6.1 - ux_06210000_aix526
aix 5.2 - ux_06210000_aix523

For linux 2.6 32 bit - lz_06210000_li6263
linux 2.6 64 bit - lz_06210000_li6263
linux 2.4 32 bit - lz_06210000_li6243

Q33. What Are The Parameters In The Copy Group?

version exist, version deleted, retention extra, retention only, serialization, destination, mode, frequency etc.

Q34. What Are The Phases Of Discovery In Itnm?

Now that the discovery has started, can monitor the progress of the discovery on the Network Discovery Status page. Use the status in the Discovery Phase field to determine how the discovery is running:

Until the first device is discovered, the discovery phase is Idle/Standby

  • After the first device is discovered, the status changes to Discovering Network 
  • As further devices are discovered, the count in the Processed IP Addresses field increases.

The discovery then runs through the following statuses:

  • Downloading ARP (2)
  • Downloading Connections (3)
  • Correlating Connectivity (-1)

After the discovery is completed, the status reverts back to Idle/Standby (0).

Q35. State The Os Requirements To Install Taddm?

  • AIX 5.2, Fix Pack 7 or later, or 5.3(current release).
  • Red Hat Linux Advanced Server version 4 or 5(32 or 64 bit).
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Version 9 or 10(32 or 64 bit).
  • Sun Solaris SPARC version 9 or @
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Datacenter, Enterprise, or Standard, SP2 or greater (32 or 64 bit).
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.@
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.@
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for System, version 9.0 patch level 3 or version 10.@

Q36. How To Assign Poller For Mib Graphing In Itnm?

If you have defined additional pollers, and want to assign a poller to handle MIB graphing, edit the properties file.You must have created the poller that you want to use for MIB graphing before you edit the file.

To assign a poller for MIB graphing:

  • Open the following file: $TIPHOME/profiles/TIPProfile/etc/tnm/
  • Change the value of the tnm.graph.poller parameter from DEFAULT_POLLER to the name of the required poller.
  • Save and close the file.

Q37. In Tdpsql What Does Tdpsql.cfg File Contains?

It contains all the tdpsql performance monitoring parameters like Buffers, Buffers size, sql buffers, sql buffer size, data stripes, and log file etc.

Q38. What Are The Vmware Environment Can Be Monitored By Using Vmware Vi Agent?

  • VMware Virtual Center 2.5 or later
  • VMware ESX Server 3.5 or later
  • VMware ESXi Server 3.5 or later