Ibm Integration Bus Placement Papers - Ibm Integration Bus Interview Questions and Answers updated on 27.Jul.2024

Q1. Mqinput Node And Input Node Differences?

You must use an Input node to provide the in terminal to a subflow.

The Input node provides an in terminal for an embedded message flow (a subflow).

Q2. Difference Between Rad And Ordinary Deployment?

Using Resource adapter deployment, we can reuse the deployment till the server is rebooted.

Q3. How To Configure Mq?

By using runmqsc <Qmanager> command.

Q4. Define Correlation Names?

A correlation name is a field reference that identifies a well-defined starting point in the logical message tree and is used in field references to describe a standard part of the tree format.

Q5. What Is The Role Of Configuration Manager?

Connecting to the broker and to deploy the message flows.

Q6. Can We Create Multiple Instances Of A Message Flow?

Yes we can. One way is by adding multiple node. For ex. A single message flow can handle DATA received across MQ and Messages that are received across native IP connections.

Q7. What Are Mq Commands?


Q8. Mq Objects?

Queue manager , Send queue ,Receive queue ,Administration queue, Administration queue ,Restart queue  ,Spill queue.

Q9. How Can We See The Error Log Files In Broker?

The Windows Event Viewer is where WebSphere Message Broker writes records to the local system.

Q10. Performance Monitoring Tools?

WebSphere Application Server , Java Management Extensions (JMX).

Q11. Mqsi Server, Mqsi Client Difference? How To Connect These Two Through Command Prompt?

MQSeries Client: A client workstation does not have a queue manager of its own. It shares a queue manager in a server with other clients. All MQSeries objects, such as queues, are in the server.Since the connection between client and server is synchronous, the application cannot work when the communication is broken. You could refer to such workstations as “slim” clients.

MQSeries Server: A workstation can be a client and a server. A server is an intermediate node between other nodes. It serves clients that have no queue manager and manages the message flow between its clients, itself and other servers. In addition to the server software you may install the client software, too. This configuration is used in an application development environment

Connection: strmqm QMA
start runmqlsr -t tcp -m QMA -p 1414
start channel (QMA.QMB)

Q12. Difference Between Mqconn And Mqconnx?

MQCONN (MQSTATE, qManagerName) : Connects to a queue manager, which is identified by qManagerName, a string of up to 48 characters. MQSeries sets the connection handle for use in subsequent calls.

MQCONNX (MQSTATE, qManagerName, MQCNO): Connects to a queue manager with options that control the way that the call works. The queue manager is identified by qManagerName, a string of up to 48 characters. MQSeries sets the connection handle (MQSTATE.hconn) for use in subsequent calls.

Q13. Use Of Configmanager?

To deploy the message flows onto the Broker.

Q14. Difference Between Root And Output Root?

Root is used in the Database content changing  and in Filter node.

Output Root is used in the ESQL code for a Compute node that creates a new output message based on the input message.

Q15. Define Broker, Bar, Execution Group, Scada, And Components Of Broker?

BROKER: A broker is a set of execution processes that hosts one or more message flows to route, trform, and enrich inflight messages.

BAR: Flows and sets that are to be deployed are packed in it and sent to configuration manager

EXECUTION GROUP:An execution group is a named grouping of message flows that have been assigned to a broker. The broker enforces a degree of isolation between message flows in distinct execution groups by ensuring that they execute in separate address spaces, or as unique processes.

SCADA: The SCADAInput node is used to receive messages from clients that connect to the broker across the WebSphere MQ Telemetry Trport. SCADA device clients use the MQIsdp protocol to send messages, which are converted by the SCADAInput node into a format recognized by WebSphere Message Broker. The node also establishes the processing environment for these messages.

COMPONENTS OF BROKER: Broker, Configmgr, User name service.


Q16. What Is Eai? What Are Those Tools?

Enterprise Application Integration refers to the integration of one or more applications and processes together.

Tools: WBI Message Broker, ICS, WebMethods and Tibco

Q17. How Will You Install And Configure Cvs & How Will You Use In Mb?

  • Double-click the Windows cvsnt-2.0.5.exe file to launch the installer.
  • Displays CVS Setup  window appears 
  • Select the option to accept the licence agreement and click Next.
  • Select Destination Directory screen, the default installation location is set to Workspacecvsnt. If you have enough space to install to this location click Next.
  • The next screen asks you to choose the components that you wish to install, Make your selections and click Next.
  • The Typical installation option already contained all of the components and protocols that we needed.
  • The next screen asks where the program should appear on the Start menu.
  • Accept the default and click Next.
  • Ensure that both the check boxes to install the CVS services
  • The Ready to Install screen lists the options you have selected. Click Install to start the installation. A progress bar appears while the files are copied.
  • Finally, click Finish when the completion window appears.
  • Reboot the system. The installation of the CVS server is now complete.

Q18. What Is An Execution Group?

An execution group is a named grouping of message flows that have been assigned to a broker. The broker enforces a degree of isolation between message flows in distinct execution groups by ensuring that they execute in separate address spaces, or as unique processes.

Q19. What Is Resetcontentdescriptor Node?

Use the ResetContentDescriptor node to request that the message is reparsed by a different parser.

Q20. How To Create Broker From Command Prompt?

Using mqsicreatebroker  command.

Q21. Features Of Message Broker?

  1. Routing,
  2. Trformation and
  3. Integration

Q22. What Are The Types Of Trees?

  • Message Tree
  • Environment Tree
  • Local Environment Tree
  • Exception list Tree

Q23. How Will You Trace The Errors Through Command Prompt?

Mqsiformatlog, Mqsilist, Mqsichangetrace, mqsireadlog and mqsireporttrace.

Q24. What Are The Perspectives We Have?

  • Administration Perspective
  • Application Development Perspective
  • Debugging Perspective.
  • Java Perspective (MB 6).

Q25. Deadletter Queue Cases?

  • Destination Q is full
  • Destination Q doesn’t exist
  • Msg too large
  • Sender is not authorized to use the destination Q

Q26. What Is The Content Of The Configuration Manager Repository?

It contains the information of the Broker Domain it is related to.

Q27. Difference Between Circular Logging And Linear Logging?

Circular logging gives you restart recovery. Linear logging gives you both restart recovery and media recovery.

Q28. How Many Types Of Clients In Mq?

Two Types

  1. a Fat Clients
  2. a Slim clients

Q29. What Workflow Will Do?

A message Flow is a sequence of processing steps that execute in the broker when an input message when an input message is received.

Q30. Which Interface We Have To Implement When We Are Going To Create An Input Custom Node?


Q31. What Are The Different Ways For Giving Input Without Using Mqinput Node?

Custom input nodes

Q32. What Is Cvs (concurrent Version System)?

It is a repository that will store the previous versions.

Q33. If We Want To Perform Some Operation At Receiving Application When It Receives Some Message, Then What Objects Are Required At The Receiving Application?

  • Target QM,
  • Target Q,
  • Receiver channel and
  • Listener

Q34. What Formats Mb Support?


Q35. Exception Handling In Mb?

By using Compute node, email node and java compute node.

Q36. How Will You Handle Errors In Message Flow?

By using Debugging perspective, and Trace node.

Q37. Where Do You Place Pass-thru Node In Message Flow?

In the sub flows immediate to the input node.

Q38. Advantages Of Compute Node?

  • To construct one or more new output messages.
  • To build a new message using a set of assignment statements.
  • To opy messages between parsers
  • To convert messages from one code set to another
  • To trform messages from one format to another

Q39. How Can You Interact With Database Using Compute Node?

Specify in Data Source the name by which the appropriate database is known on the system on which this message flow is to execute.

Q40. What Is The Difference Between Hconn And Hconnx?

Hconn is a handle used to connect to Queue manager in MQCONN and MQCONNX api calls.

Q41. How Will You Test Your Flows?

Using Debugging Mode, Trace Node ..etc..

Q42. How Many Builtin Nodes Are There? Categories Them?

WebSphere Message Broker supplies built-in nodes that you can use to define your message flows. For information about each of these nodes, follow the appropriate link below. The nodes listed here are grouped according to the function that they provide.

Input and output
MQInput node
MQOptimizedFlow node
MQOutput node
MQGet node
MQReply node
Publication node
MQeInput node
MQeOutput node
SCADAInput node
SCADAOutput node
HTTPInput node
HTTPReply node
HTTPRequest node
Real-timeInput node
Real-timeOptimizedFlow node
Input node
Output node
JMSInput node
JMSOutput node

Message manipulation and trformation
Compute node
Database node
DataDelete node
Datalnsert node
DataUpdate node
Extract node
JavaCompute node
JMSMQTrform node
MQJMSTrform node
Mapping node
Warehouse node
XMLTrformation node

Collating requests
AggregateControl node
AggregateReply node
AggregateRequest node

Decision making
Check node
Filter node
FlowOrder node
Label node
ResetContentDescriptor node
RouteToLabel node
TimeoutControl node
TimeoutNotification node
Validate node

Subflow identification
Passthrough node

Error handling and reporting
Throw node
Trace node
TryCatch node

Q43. About Resetcontentdescripter Node, Label Node?

Resetcontentdescripter Node: To request that the message is reparsed by a different parser.

Label Node: use it in combination with a RouteToLabel node to dynamically determine the route that a message takes through the message flow, based on its content. The RouteToLabel node interrogates the Local Environment of the message to determine the identifier of the Label node to which the message must next be routed.

Q44. How To Debug Applications In Message Flow?

Using Debugging perspective, User traces.

Q45. How To Get The Depth Of A Queue?

By using MQSC property CURDEPTH

Q46. How To Call The Method Or Function In The Coding?

Using the “CALL” keyword.

Q47. What Is The Broker Domain?

Group of brokers that coordinate a single configuration manager constitute a Broker Domain.

Q48. Unix Commands?

grep, find, sort…etc.

Q49. Difference Between Mqput And Mqput1?

MQPUT(MQSTATE, MQMD, MQPMO, BUFFER) : Adds a message to the queue. The buffer cannot be more that 32767 bytes, but that restriction does not apply if you are using the EGL add statement.

MQPUT1(MQSTATE, MQOD, MQMD, MQPMO, BUFFER): Opens a queue, writes a single message, and closes the queue

Q50. Difference Between Mca And Mqi Channels?

A message channel connects two queue managers via message channel agents (MCAs). Such a channel is unidirectional. It comprises two message channel agents, a sender and a receiver, and a communication protocol. An MCA is a program that trfers messages from a trmission queue to a communication link, and from a communication link into the target queue. For bidirectional communication you have to define two channel pairs consisting of a sender and a receiver.

A Message Queue Interface (MQI) channel connects an MQSeries client to a queue manager in its server machine. Clients don’t have a queue manager of their own. An MQI channel is bidirectional.