Ibm-cics Placement Papers - Ibm-cics Interview Questions and Answers updated on 19.Apr.2024

Move -1 to the length attribute of the field aand use the CURSOR option.

The common systems area is the major CICS control block that contains system information, including pointers to most other CICS control blocks. The CSA points to all members of STATIC storage.

CEDF is the execute diagnostic facility that can be used for debugging CICS programs.

TRIGLEV = 1000


To provide the control and services of the DB/DC system.

Any BLL Cell -S9(8) COMP
Data type of length Option field - S9(4) COMP
HHMMSS type of data fields - S9(7) COMP 3

EIBCALEN - To check if COMMAREA has been passed in terurn command.
LENGTH (data-value)


File Control Commands. Random, Sequential, forward and backward.

Temporary Storage Queue names are dynamically defined in the application program, while TDQs must first be defined in the DCT (Destination Control Table). When a TDQ contains certain amount of records (Trigger level), A CICS traction can be started automatically. This does not happen when using a TSQ. TDQ (extra partition) may be used by batch application; TSQ cannot be accessed in batch. The Trient Data Queue is actually a QSAM file. You may update an existing item in a TSQ. A record in a TDQ cannot be updated. Records in TSQ can be read randomly. The TDQ can be read only sequentially. Records inTemporary Storage can be read more than once, while recordes stored in Temporary Data Queues cannot. With TDQs it is "one read" only.

INTERVAL(hhmmss) TIME(hhmmss)

This is the error code for length, if length of the source data is more than the receiving field, This error will occur.

By issuing an EXEC CICS ENQ against the resource. When processing is completed, a DEQ should be executed.

multitasking is the feature supported by the operating system to execute more than one task simultaneously. Multithreading is the system environment where the tasks are sharing the same programs load module under the multitasking environment. It is a subset of multitasking since it concerns task which use the same program.

The ASKTIME command is used to request the current date and time. Whereas, the EIBTIME field have the value at the task initiation time.

Temp storage read command

The EIB is the EXECUTIVE INTERFACE BLOCK. It is not the EXECUTE INTERFACE BLOCK. All TP monitors or traction processor are know as EXECUTIVEs as they carry out process on behalf of a program module. CICS and DB2 are executives.

This occurs when a programmer Issues a EXEC CICS Syncpoint command. this is called two phase because CICS will first commit changes to the resources under its control like VSAM files, and the DB2 changes are committed. Usually CICS signal DB2 to complete the next phase and release all the locks.

Modified Data Tag:Bit in the attribute byte indicating modification of field on screen. Happens on an input operation.
FSET: Sets MDT on to ensure field is trmitted. Happens on an output operation.
FRSET: Resets MDT. Until this happens, field continues to be sent.

Terminal Control, File Control, Task Control, Storage Control, etc, Each CICS service program controls the usage and status for its resource (file, terminal, etc) within the CICS region.

Function request shipping is one of the CICS modes of intercommunication which allows an application program in a local CICS to access resources owned by a remote CICS.

Stop run will come out from the CICS region.

The DFHMDF macro defines fields, literal, and characteristics of a field.

Package and plan are usually used synonymously, as in this site. Both contain optimized code for SQL statements - a package for a single program, module or subroutine contained in the database request module (DBRM) library. A plan may contain multiple packages and pointers to package that could be referenced in two different pl.

There are six ways in initiating a traction they are as follows.
@embedding four character trid on the top left most corner of the screen.
@making use of EXEC CICS START TRANSID()
@By defining the trid in DCT ( destination control table ) to enable ATI ( AUTOMATIC TASK INITIATION)
@Making use of PLT ( program list table )
@By associating four character trid in PCT ( program control table )

FIELD+L - Return the length of text entered (or for dymanic cursor positioning)
FIELD+F - Return X(80) if data entered but erased.
FIELD+A - Used for attributes reading and setting
FIELD+I - Used for reading the text entered while receiving the map.
FIELD+O - Used for sending information on to the MAP.

MRO is the mechanism by which different CICS address spaces with in the same CPU can comunication and share resources.

When working in a pseudo-conversational mode, EIBCALEN can be checked if it is equal to zero. A programmer can use this condition as a way of determining first time usage (of the program).

A mapset is a collection of BMS maps link-edited together.

Used by STARTed tasks to get the parameters passed to them.

Yes, the called routine must be defined in PPT and the calling program must use CALL identifier..