Top 50 Hr Management Interview Questions You Must Prepare 27.Jul.2024

Q1. Describe Your Work Ethic?

Work should give satisfaction to the people. If the person is satisfied with the work, he can perform more, it reflects in the growth of the organization as well as individuals.

Q2. What Is Ergonomics?

The branch of engineering science in which we study the relation between workers and their environments.

Q3. What Is Your Philosophy Towards Work?

The wer should be positive attitude towards your work, you want to work with your other teammates, help them in their work, and take help from them. That is the policy that should be there and that would give the company more profit .

Q4. What Is The Use Of The Feature Igmod?

It is used to define your Info group.

Q5. How Can You Create New Objects In Org. Mgmt?

To create a new object go to OM -> Basic Settings -> Data Model enhancement - > Create Objects their relationship and TC.

Q6. What Is Meant By Applicant Status?

Applicant Status denotes the Status of the Applicant, say Screening, On Process, on hold, Rejection and we have to define various reasons for each Status.

Q7. In Which It Do You Assign An Applicant To A Vacancy? Where Do You Assign That Status?

Status. We can assign using the TCode PB40.

Q8. What Is The Difference Between Job Role And Job Profile?

Job role defines your exact position in a company like Manager, HR, and Job profile explains different responsibilities, which you have in a company.

Q9. How Do You Endow With Performance Appraisal?

There are many ways to do Performance Appraisal:

  1. 90-degree appraisal-- Where the performance feedback is taken only from the Supervisor.
  2. 180-degree appraisal- Where the performance feedback is taken from the peers.
  3. 360-degree appraisal- Where the performance feedback is taken from the supervisor the subordinates, the peers, and the self-appraiser.

Q10. Tell Something About The It Payroll Status?

IT0003 is used to define the current payroll status of the employee like released, exit etc. We can lock the personnel number using the IT0003.

Q11. Describe Job Description And Job Analysis?

Job Analysis refers to the process of determining and reporting pertinent information relating to the nature of a specific job. It is the determination of tasks that comprise the job and the skills, knowledge, abilities, and responsibilities required of the worker, which differentiates one job from the other. Job description is an organized factual statement of the duties and responsibilities of a specific job.

Q12. What Is The It To Store Educational Establishment Types? Why Do You Need Them? Do Educational Certificates And Branches Of Studies Come Under The Same It?

IT002@It is useful to maintain the educational details of the employee.

Q13. How Many Company Codes Can You Assign To A Personnel Area? How Many Persons And Areas Can Be Assigned To A Company Code? Explain.

Company Code can contain any number of PA, but one PA must contain One Company Code. Because Co Code is the legal entity of the company, using which the FI people draw various statements like BS, PL account.

Q14. What Are Dynamic Actions? Where Do You Configure Them?

Dynamic Actions are automatically triggered by the system when it meets certain actions. E.g. If you enter number of Child as 2 in IT0002, the system atomically triggers the IT0021, subtypes Child to enter the details. Otherwise, it will not trigger the IT0021, if you did not mention any value in number of child in IT00@Same like that we can configure Dynamic Actions depends on our need using the path IMG->PM->PA-> Customizing Procedure -> Dyn Action or by using Table T588Z.

Q15. What Is The Difference Between Pre-booking And Booking?

Booking is the actual booking of Attendee for an event; Pre-booking is used to check whether the Attendee already booked for the event.

Q16. How Long Would You Expect To Work For Us If Hired?

I will be satisfied until the time I am able to learn and contribute and my contribution's are recognized.

Q17. What Kind Of Person Would You Refuse To Work With?

Well, I am a person, who can work with all kinds of people. However, I feel bit uncomfortable to work with selfish people and who are ingratitude in nature.

Q18. What Should Be The Supervisor Duty, If An Employee's Performance Improves To A Satisfactory Level During The Pip; However, Within One Year, His/her Performance Falls To Below Satisfactory?

Take steps to remove, demote or reassign the employee.

Q19. Are You Willing To Show Interest Towards The Organization Ahead Of Your Own?

Yes, but in return I would expect the organization to take care of my needs as an individual.

Q20. What Is More Important To You: The Money Or The Work?

Money and work both are like siblings. However, I believe that when you work hard, you could earn more. Therefore, work is more important than money. It is the hard work that can help you put another feather in your success cap.

Q21. Describe Your Management Style?

  • To be sincere and honest at work.
  • Not to involve in subordinate's personal matters.
  • To provide a friendly environment (Prioritizing the work).

Q22. If You Were Hiring A Person For This Job, What Would You Look For?

In my point of view, I would recommend the following things:

  • Required skills for the role
  • Team player
  • Pro-activeness
  • Loyalty to the work.

Q23. What Is Performance Management?

Performance management is a system by which we should recognize and utilize the employee’s skill, efficiency and as well as identifying his/her drawbacks, negative points and try to remove those.

Q24. Why Did You Choose Hr? Why Do Want To Make Your Career In Hr?

  • HR- Human Resources
  • To be a good HR person we need to have excellent interpersonal skills, good friendly attitude, decision-making skills etc.
  • HR is the backbone in an organization. Right from recruiting the suitable candidate to training and then performance appraisal, compensation, until exit interview, all these steps involves an HR.Therefore, if you want to be a soul of an organization not just a part of it, you should be an HR.

Q25. How Do Applicant Actions Differ From Applicant Activities?

Applicant Actions are like Rejected, on hold, on process. Activities can be all the various activities perform for each activity for the Applicant.

Q26. Why Did You Take Hr As A Specialization?

I am a person who enjoys interacting with different levels of people. I believe this is a basic requisite for any HR Personnel.

In addition, I believe I can excel even in people management and hence HR is the right field where I can utilize my skills.

Q27. Are You A Team Player?

While wering this question, try to keep yourself on both sides. For example, if the interviewer asks if you prefer to work alone or on a team, he may be trying to get you to say you are one way or the other. However, you do not have to play this game. The reality is that most jobs require us to work both independently and in teams. Your response to this question should show that you have been successful in both situations.

Q28. If The Rating Period Is Over And What Should Be The Rating The Employee Has Not Been On The Job For At Least 120 Days?

Rating is postponed until the employee has been on the job for at least 120 days.

Q29. Do You Have Any Blind Spots?

I would say everyone has blind spots, and I would too. Hence, I believe in teamwork, because when you are a part of a team, you can point out other people's blind spots and they will do the same for you.
Do not be too specific of your actual weakness. Instead, try to bring out that you are very team oriented.

Q30. What Are The Responsibilities Of Hr Generalist?

The responsibilities are Induction Training Program, MIS Report Generation, Payroll Calculation, Admin and Personnel work, Performance Rating, etc...

Q31. What Are The Features Connected To Organizational Assignment?


Q32. What Is Employee Retention?

Keeping your key, quality employees happily so that, the company would not lose them to the peer, competitive companies.

Q33. The Regular Appraisal Period Is 1 Year And What Is The Minimum Rating Period ?

The minimum rating period is 120 days.

Q34. What Would You Do For The Growth Of This Company?

If I have skill/sort of experience on a job then definitely, I will implement innovative ideas for the growth of a company as well as will update my skill set with innovative ideas.

Q35. What Is Esi Scheme?

ESI is an integrated social security Scheme tailored to provide social protection to workers in the organized sector and their dependents in contingencies, such as sickness, maternity or death and disablement due to an employment injury or occupational disease. The scheme tailored to suit health insurance requirements of workers provides full medical facilities to insured persons and their Dependants, as well as, cash benefits to compensate for loss of wages or earning capacity in different contingencies.

Q36. What Is Meant By Counting Classes?

Counting Classes are used to define your various Counting rules for you are A/A types.

Q37. What Do Day Types Mean?

Day types used to determine the particular day is payment relevant or not.

  • 0 - Work/Paid,
  • 1 - Time Off/Paid,
  • 2 - Time Off/Unpaid,
  • 3 - Time Off/Special.

Q38. What Are Your Pet Peeves?

Overflowing paper trays on employee’s desks, this is a clear indicator either a performance gap problem where the employee should have his/her duties performance measured to address the gap or it could indicate a work overload where the employee has been allocated too many duties for him/her to realistically perform in the course of the day/week/year.

Q39. Do Your Skills Match This Job?

Yes. In additions, I would try to utilize my skills according to the job given to me.

Q40. In What Aspects Do You Think You Would Do Well At This Job?

Because of my consistency of good track record, Inquisitiveness to learn new and quick adaptability for change and finally the support and cooperation required by my team members.

Q41. What Is The Difference Between Recruitment And Selection?

Selection is selecting a candidate without conducting any technical test. Selection is based only on personal interview.

Recruitment is a process of selecting an employee through a chain of processes (Aptitude Test / Technical Test >> Personal Interview >> Technical Interview >> HR Interview >> Finalizing the Offer).

Q42. What Is Your Ability To Work Under Pressure?

I have always enjoyed working under pressure. It is like a tonic, which boosts me, but I always keep it under control so it does not take a toll on me.

Q43. What Is Performance Appraisal?

  • It is a systematic evaluation of an individual with respect to performance on the job and individual’s potential for development.
  • Performance appraisal is the assessment of individual’s performance in a systematic way. It is a development of the employee and the organization.
  • The performance is measured against such factors such as job knowledge, quality and quantity of output, initiative, leadership abilities, supervision, dependability, co-operation, judgment, versatility and health.

Q44. What Is Your Future Pl For The Company If Permanently Employed?

First, I want to be expertise in my field within 1 1/2 yrs. Then I will be in next level in this organization, which gives innovations and more responsibility.

Q45. What Are The Ways To Trfer Applicant Data?

Using PBA7 and PBA8.

Q46. What Is Casual Leave?

Casual leave is given to employee to attend sudden and immediate social and/or personal obligations, or obligations like sister’s wedding, relatives death, children education obligations (Children’s admission in school, Parent Teacher’s meet) or applying for personal needs like Income Tax Returns, Passport, Ration Card, and Court Proceedings Etc.

Casual leave is not linked to the number of days worked and is usually fixed. The eligibility is decided by the company and it can also decide whither excess leave can been cashed or not. In all most all companies’ casual leave cannot be accumulated and carried on in next year and a person can take a maximum of 3 C Ls together.

Q47. "customer Is A Key, Or Key Is A Customer," Describe And Express Your Opinion?

Customer is important for any organization because without them no business is possible.

Key is customer because they contribute in business by word of publicity. If they are satisfied, they spread their experience and this may increase the customers. In case, if they are not satisfied, we may lose customers.

Q48. Have You Ever Had To Fire Anyone? How Did You Feel About That?

"So with me, firing is a last resort. However, when it has to be done, it has to be done. A poor employee can wreak terrible damage in undermining the morale of an entire team of good people. When there's no other way, I’ve found its better for all concerned to act decisively in getting rid of offenders who won't change their ways."

Q49. What Is Closure?

Closure me permanent closing down of a place of employment or part thereof. 60 days notice should be given for closure to Government, if numbers of persons employed are 50 or more. 60 days notice is not necessary if numbers of persons employed are less than 50.

If number of workman employed are 100 or more, prior permission of government is necessary for closure u/s 25-O.

Q50. How Will You Think If We Do Not Hire You?

Well, your current position will remain open and you have to interview at least one more person. It may be difficult for you to find a more dedicated and knowledgeable person than me.I have to continue my search for excellent and best company where I can get challenging and rewarding work experience. I thought we had win-win situation.