Top 37 Hr Admin Interview Questions You Must Prepare 27.Jul.2024

Q1. What Is Payroll Cycle?

This is the period against which employee is to be paid. Usually, calendar month is considered as payroll cycle. However, for convenience of collection of payroll inputs, computation, and payout, organizations sometimes define payroll cycle differently. 1 Jan 2013-31 Jan 2013, 26 Dec 2012- 25 Jan 2013, 15 Dec 2012-14 Jan 2013 are examples. In all these cycles, payroll processed is termed as Jan 2013 Payroll.

Q2. What Is Attendance Override?

As an Admin you have the privilege to manually override the attendance of an employee.

  • Click Leave > Admin > Manual Override.
  • Select an employee and set the date range to view details for
  1. Click the Show button to refresh display whenever you modify the date range. The default view is by employee. Click the Date Wise tab to view the attendance for the same range by session for all employees.
  • Select a value from the Override drop-down list of a day to modify it.
  1. You can view the Override values as time or status (default view).
  • In the Remarks text box, enter remarks if any.
  • Click The Override button. to confirm your changes. A message appears prompting that the changes are successfully saved. Your changes reflect on the Attendance Muster page.

Q3. How To Update Access Card Number In System?

Access card number can be updated by performing the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Employee > Information > Access Card Details. The Access Card Details page appears.
  2. In the Search field, type the employee name for whom the details are to added.
  3. Click . The Access Card Details section appears.
  4. Type the number in the Access Card Number text box.
  5. In From Date and To Date fields, define the date range for which the access card would be valid.
  6. Click . The data is saved and appears on the Access Card Details page.

Q4. How Can I Extract The Leave Balance Report Of An Employee?

To extract the Leave Balance report of an employee, perform the following steps:

  • Log on to the greytHR Admin portal using your login credentials.
  • Navigate to Leave > Information > Employee Leave. The Employee Leave page appears.
  • Search for an employee.
  • Click Download. The Export Leave Tractions dialog box appears with various options to generate the report.
  • In the From and To fields, choose the appropriate dates from the calendar that appears.
  • In the Leave Type field, select a leave type from the drop-down list.
  • In the Leave Traction field, select a leave traction type from the drop-down list.
  • In the Order by field, select the appropriate order from the drop-down list, in which you want the leaves to be arranged in the extracted report.
  • Click Generate. The leave report is downloaded in PDF format.

Q5. How To Create A New Payroll Month?

You can create payroll for the present or future months only. To create a new payroll month, perform the following steps:

  • Log on to the greytHR Admin portal using your login credentials.
  • Navigate to Payroll > Main > Overview. The Overview page appears.
  • To directly go to this page, go to Payroll > Actions > Update Payroll Data.
  • Click the tab of the month for which you want to create the Payroll. A section appears displaying the Create Payroll button.
  • Click Create Payroll. A dialog box appears prompting you that on creating the payroll for the month, IT Declaration for the employees are released.
  • Click Confirm to continue with the process. A message appears prompting that the new payroll month is created. Various interactive and non-interactive tabs appears on the payroll month with options to process the payroll.

Q6. How To Perform Leave Year End Process In System?

To perform Leave Year End Process, refer to Year End Process.

Q7. Can Two-level Approval Be Configured In System?

Yes, you can configure two-level approval for leaves.

The following steps guide to do so:

  • Click Leave tab and then click Advance link appearing at the bottom of the left menu.
  • Navigate to Setup > Leave Type Reviewer. The Leave Type Reviewer page appears.
  • Click Add. The Add Reviewer page appears.
  • In the Leave Scheme field, select a leave scheme from the drop-down list.
  • In the Leave Type field, select a leave type from the drop-down list.
  • In the Reviewer1 field, select the first level Reviewer from the drop-down list.
  • In the Reviewer2 field, select the second level Reviewer from the drop-down list.
  • Click Save. Two-level approval is configured for the particular leave type.

Q8. Where Can Admin See The Attendance Information?

You can see the attendance information of the employees, on the Attendance Information page. To navigate to this page, click Leave > Information > Attendance Info appears.

Q9. How To Grant Leave To An Individual Employee?

To grant leave to an individual employee, perform the following steps:

  • Log on to the greytHR Admin portal using your login credentials.
  • Navigate to Leave > Information > Employee Leave. The Employee Leave page appears.
  • Search for the employee to whom you want to grant leave.
  • In the Leave Type field, type or choose the leave type from the drop-down list, for which you want to grant the leaves. Based on the leave type that you chose, the balance is displayed.
  • In the Traction Type drop down, select Granted from the list.
  • In the From Date field, choose the appropriate date from the calendar that appears. Then select it's appropriate session from the From Session drop down.
  • In the To Date field, choose the appropriate date from the calendar that appears. Then select it's appropriate session from the To Session drop down.
  • In the Days field, use the arrows to choose the number of days for which you are granting the leave.
  • In the Expire Date field, choose the date from the calendar that appears. The leaves that you are granting, gets expired if not availed within the the chosen date.
  • In the Reason text box, type a reason associated with the leave grant.
  • Click Save.
  • In the Apply To field, choose the appropriate manager.
  • In the Contact Details field, type your contact details. The leave is granted to the employee and a message appears informing.

Q10. Will Greythr Allow Employees To Apply Leaves For Future Date?

Yes. greytHR allows employees to apply leave for future dates based on the configurations. Admin can define the number of days in the future, up to which an employee can apply for leaves. Based on the days that the admin has defined, greytHR allows employees to apply leaves for future date.

In case the leaves get extended from one year to another, the leave policy for both the years have to be defined separately. For example, if employee is applying for leave from 25th Dec 2016 to 5th Jan 2017, then the leave policy for 2016 and 2017 should be defined separately. The leave that the employee applies for, is considered in two phases, that is,

  • Phase one—from Dec 25, 2016 to Dec 31, 2016
  • Phase two—from Jan 1, 2017 to Jan 5, 2017

Q11. Which Report Must Be Referred For Monthly Attendance Details?

greytHR provides you multiple reports to get details of monthly attendance. Navigate to Reports > Reports Gallery and search for Attendance Summary Report and Attendance Consolidated Report. These reports provide details of monthly attendance of employees.

Apart from reports, you can also view the monthly attendance data per employee along with their Sick Leave and other holiday information, under Attendance Muster. To navigate to the Attendance Muster page, click Leave > Information > Attendance Muster.

Q12. How To View Payslips?

To view the Payslips, you have to navigate to Payroll > Payout > Payslips. The Payslips are displayed under the Payslip tab. You can further filter out employees using the available options and drop downs. In addition to this, you can add remarks to the Payslip of an individual or all employees.

Q13. How To Regularize Attendance In Absence Of The Manager?

As an Admin, you can also can regularize the attendance, in absence of the manager.

The following steps guide you to do so:

  • Click Workflow > Monitor > Attendance Regularization. A list of active (pending) items are displayed.
  • Click an active item to view its details. The item expands showing the details.
  • Click The Accept button. against the date for which attendance is requested.
  1. You need to process the requests, date wise before processing the complete item. Note the Accepted message in green to indicate that request is processed for the corresponding date.
  2. Enter remarks, if any, when you accept or reject.
  • Click Accept for the request. A success message displays. To view the processed items, select Completed from the List drop-down list and then a paticular items from the displayed list, to view its details.

Q14. Can Admin Modify The Attendance Information Of An Employee?

Yes, as an Admin you can modify the day type and the assigned shift of an employee.

To do so, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Attendance Info page by clicking Leave > Information > Attendance Info.
  2. Search for an employee and click on a particular day in the calendar or table view.
  3. Click the Shift tab.
  4. Modify the day type and shift as per the need.
  5. Click Save. The modifications are saved and appears on the Attendance Info page.

Apart from the Attendance Info page, you can also modify the shift of an employee from the Attendance Muster page.

Q15. How To Update Salary For An Employee?

You can update the salary for an employee, by one of the following two ways:

  • Updating the annual CTC—once the annual CTC is updated, based on the percentage allocated for the various components, the annual CTC is distributed across the components.

To update the annual CTC, perform the following steps:

  1. Log on to the greytHR Admin portal using your login credentials.
  2. Navigate to Payroll > Payroll Inputs > Salary.
  3. Search for the employee.
  4. Click Update Salary. The Salary Revision page for the employee appears.
  5. In the Annual CTC text box, modify the annual CTC or the percentage for the employee. Based on the percentage allocated for the various components, the annual CTC is distributed across the other components.
  6. Choose the effective date and the payout month.
  7. Add a note in the Remarks text box.
  8. Click Save. The salary is updated for the employee.
  • Updating a particular component of the salary—On the Salary Revision page, an edit icon appears adjacent to certain components based on configurations. You can click the Edit icon () to modify that particular component. The salary of the employee is updated based on the modifications you make.

Q16. How To Update Opening Leave Balance In System?

Yes, you can update the opening balance of each leave type. To do so, perform the following steps:

  • Log on to the greytHR Admin portal using your login credentials.
  • Navigate to Leave > Information > Employee Leave. The Employee Leave page appears.
  • Search for the employee, for whom you want to update the opening leave balance.
  • Click New Traction. The Post Leave Traction page appears.
  • In the Leave Type field, choose the leave type for which you want to update the opening balance. The Balance field shows the available balance for the chosen leave type.
  • In the Traction Type field, choose Opening Balance from the drop-down list.
  • Choose the From-date and To-date and also the corresponding sessions.
  • In the Days field, use the arrows to choose the number of days that you want to add to the opening balance.
  • In the Reason text box, type an appropriate reason for updating the opening leave balance.
  • Click Save. The opening balance for the chosen leave type is updated.

Q17. How To Change The Leave Entitlement For Any Leave Type?

In order to change the entitlement for a particular leave type, perform the following steps:

  • Log on to the greytHR Admin portal using your login credentials.
  • Navigate to System Settings > Leave > Leave Rules. The Leave Rules page appears displaying the Leave Rules tab and Rules Gallery tab.
  • Under the Leave Rules tab, click the Edit Policy Info icon () adjacent to the leave type whose entitlement you want to change. For example, click the Edit Policy Info icon () adjacent to Earned Leave (EL). The Leave Policy setup for Earned Leave (EL) page appears.
  • Select Grant Settings from the drop-down menu that appears just under the page name.
  • To change the already defined entitlement, make changes in the following fields:
  • Leave Granting Frequency—choose the frequency in which you want to grant the leaves to the employees, here
  • Grant Mode—choose the mode in which you want to grant the leaves to the employees, here
  • Maximum Leave For The Period—use the arrow to choose the maximum number of leaves for a period, that you want to grant the employees
  • Click Finish to save the changes. A message appears prompting you that the leave policy is successfully updated.

Q18. What Is Attendance Exception? When To Use It?

As an Admin, you sometimes need to allow an exception in attendance for an employee. This could have scenarios when an employee attends only one of the sessions in a shift (Partial Present) or their is maintenance activity (Plant Shutdown). greytHR facilitates you to do this. Perform the following steps to configure exception in the attendance.

  • Click Leave > Administration > Attendance Exception.
  1. An exception is displayed if it exists.
  • To add an exception, click The Add Exception button.. The Add Attendance Exception page appears
  • Search of an employee.
  • In From Date and To Date fields, define the date range.
  • Select the status to be associated with the exception.
  • Type a valid reason in the Reason text box.
  • Click The Save button.. A message appears prompting that the exception is successfully saved and it then appears on the Add Attendance Exception page.

Q19. How Can Admin Assign Shifts?

As an admin, you can assign shifts in the following two way:

For a set of employees, from the Attendance Scheme page—to know about the functionality, refer Create an Attendance Scheme.

For individual employees, from the Shift Roster page—to navigate to this page, click Leave > Shift Roster and then double-click on the employee for whom you want to assign (or modify the assigned shift) referring on the legends appearing at the bottom of the page. The shift gets assigned to the employee.

Q20. How To Grant Leave?

The Leave Granted feature of greytHR, helps you quickly grant leave to one or more employees.

Perform the following steps to grant leaves:

  • Log on to the greytHR Admin portal using your login credentials.
  • Navigate to Leave > Admin > Leave Grantor. The Leave Granter page appears.
  • To directly go to the Leave Grantor page, navigate to Actions > Leave > Grant Leave.
  • Click . The Leave Granter For the Year page appears.
  • You can grant leaves for all employee or only the new joined employees.

As per your need, select any one of the following two check boxes:

  • Grant for all employees.
  • Grant for newly joined employees.
  • In the Periodicity field, type or choose the period from the drop-down list, for which you want to grant the leaves.
  • In the Period field, type or choose the appropriate period from the drop-down list, based on the Periodicity that you have chosen.
  • In the Leave Scheme field, type or choose the leave scheme from the drop-down list.
  • Based on the Periodicity, Period and Leave Scheme that you have chosen, a list of leave types are displayed.
  • Select the check box adjacent to one or more leave types as per your need.
  • On clicking the check box adjacent to the option Leave Type, the check box adjacent to all the other leave types are selected.
  • Click Grant. A message appears prompting you that the leaves are successfully granted and details of the scheduler, is displayed on the Leave Granter page.

Q21. How To Add Salary For An Employee?

To add or update salary of an employee, perform the following steps:

  • Log on to the greytHR Admin portal using your login credentials.
  • Navigate to Payroll > Payroll Inputs > Salary.
  • Search for the employee.
  • Click Add Salary. The Salary Revision page for the employee appears.
  • In the Annual CTC text box, add the annual CTC for the employee. Based on the percentage allocated for the various components, the annual CTC is distributed across the components. 
  • Choose the effective date and the payout month.
  • Add a note in the Remarks text box.
  • Click Save. The salary is updated for the employee.

Q22. How To Reject A Leave Application?

Both Admin and Manager can reject a leave application of an employee.

Admin rejecting a leave application.

To reject a leave application as an Admin, perform the following steps:

  • Log on to the greytHR Admin portal using your login credentials.
  • Navigate to Workflow > Monitor > Leave. The Monitor Leave page appears displaying the leave applications that are applied by employees.
  • Click to expand the leave application that you want to reject.
  • In the Reviewer Attachment field, upload a relevant file if any.
  • Type an appropriate remarks in the Remarks text box.
  • Click Reject. An email is sent to the employee about the rejected leave application.
  • In case you want to forward the leave application to someone else, choose that employee in the Forward To field and then click Forward.
  • Manager rejecting a leave application
  • To reject a leave application as a Manager, perform the following steps:
  • Log on to the Employee Self Service portal using your login credentials.
  • Click the Actions menu and then select Review from the menu that appears. The Review Workflows page appears with various tabs on the left menu.
  • Click Leave on the left menu. A list of leave applications awaiting review, are displayed.
  • Click to expand the leave application that you want to reject.
  • In the Reviewer Attachment field, upload a relevant file if any.
  • Type an appropriate remarks in the Remarks text box.
  • Click Reject. An email is sent to the employee about the rejected leave application.
  • In case you want to forward the leave application to someone else, choose that employee in the Forward To field and then click Forward.

Q23. Where Can I See Chart View Of Leave Tractions?

Admin, Manager and employee can view the Leave tractions in chart view under the following locations:

  • Admin—by navigating to Leave > Main > Overview.
  • Manager can view the Leave tractions in chart view under,
  1. The Leave dashboard
  2. The Team Leave tab
  3. The Leave Calendar tab
  • Employee can view the Leave tractions in chart view under the Leave dashboard.

Q24. How To Update Lop?

To update LOP, perform the following steps:

  • Log on to the greytHR Admin portal using your login credentials.
  • Navigate to Payroll > Payroll Inputs > Employee LOP Days. The Employee LOP Days - <Payroll Month> page appears.
  • Click Add LOP Days. The Update Employee LOP Days page appears.
  • In the Employee field, either select a particular employee or filter employees using the options provided in the drop-down list.
  • In the LOP Days text box, type the number of days.
  • Add an appropriate note in the Remarks text box.
  • Click Save. A message appears informing that the LOP days are updated. The LOP details of the employee then appears on the Employee LOP Days page.

Q25. How To Hold The Salary Payment For An Employee?

In a scenario when you want to go ahead and process the salary for an employee, but hold the salary payout, the Hold Salary Payout feature comes handy. In such situations, the salary for the chosen employee is processed but the payment is held and details of the employee does not appear on the bank trfer statement involving the salary payment. However statutory deductions such as PF and PT, remain unaffected.

Holding the salary payment for an employee, comes as an advance option.

You need to perform the following steps, to hold the salary payment for an employee:

  • Go to the Payroll tab and then click the Advance link appearing at the bottom of the left menu.
  • Navigate to Payout > Hold Salary Payout. The Hold Salary Payout - <Payroll month> page appears.
  • An icon appears adjacent to the Hold Salary Payout tab in the left menu. This indicates that Hold Salary Payout is an advance option.
  • Click the Hold Salary Payout button appearing to the right side of the page. The Hold Salary Payout – <Payroll month> page appears with options to select an employee and continue with the process of holding the salary payment.
  • Search for the employee in the Employee field.
  • In the Hold Reason field, choose the appropriate reason from the drop-down menu.
  • In the Remarks text box, type an appropriate note for holding the salary payment.
  • Click Hold. The Hold Status dialog box appears asking you to confirm the process.
  • Click Confirm. A message appears informing you that the salary payment for that employee is on hold. This employee then appears on the Hold Salary Payout - <Payroll month> page with details about the held salary payment.

Q26. Can A Compensatory Off Be We Lapsed?

Yes. Just like any other leave type, even a Compensatory Off can be lapsed.

Q27. How To Apply For Compensatory Off?

To apply for compensatory off, refer to How can an employee apply for leave from the ESS portal?. In the Leave Type field, type or select Compensatory Off from the drop-down list.

Q28. How To Override Income Tax In Bulk?

To upload Income Tax for employees in bulk, perform the following steps:

  • Log on to the greytHR Admin portal using your login credentials.
  • Navigate to Employee > Admin > Excel Import.The Excel Import Log page appears.
  • In the Imported Type field, choose the Income Tax Override option from the drop-down list.
  • Click Import From Excel. The Excel Importer section appears. A section appears with a link to download a sample excel file.

Q29. How Many Events Can Be Configured For The Attendance Module?

The following events can be configured for the Attendance module:

  • General
  • Leave
  • Document Upload
  • Attendance

Q30. Can Cc Option Be Removed Permanently?

Yes, you can remove the CC option permanently. To do so, perform the following steps:

  • Log on to the greytHR Admin portal using your login credentials.
  • Click the Advance link appearing at the bottom of the left menu.
  • Navigate to System Settings > Miscellaneous > Advanced Options. The Advanced Options page appears.
  • Search for the option, Allow "To.." Fill in Leave Apply, Leave Grant, Leave Cancel and Restricted Holiday. If the check box adjacent to this option is already select, remove the selection.
  • Click Save. The CC option is removed.

Q31. Can Cc Option Be Displayed For Selected Employees?

No. Once the CC option is enabled, it gets implemented across the organization.

Q32. How To Set Location Wise Holiday List?

In order to create a location wise holiday list, few configurations have to be performed.

The following steps, guide you to perform the configuration:

  • Log on to the greytHR Admin portal using your login credentials.
  • Navigate to System Settings > Leave > Leave Options. The Leave Settings page appears.
  • In the Holiday category section, choose location as one of the categories. To do so, click Location on the left section and use the arrow to move it to the right.
  • Choose the appropriate values for the other fields, drop-down lists and check boxes that appear.
  • Click Save. Location wise holiday list is set for you.

Q33. Is Their Provision To Set Individual Reviewer For A Specific Leave Type?

Yes you can set individual Reviewer for a specific leave type. Refer to Can two-level approval be configured in system? to know more about the steps.

Q34. Where Can Admin View The Current Day's Attendance Status Of An Employee?

Current day's attendance status of an employee is available under the Who Is In section. The listed data is for a day and a selected shift. To navigate, click Leave > Main > Who Is In?

Q35. How Can The Admin Apply Leave On Behalf Of The Employee?

  • Based on your configuration in User Roles, The Apply On behalf button. appears on the Employee Leave page that enables you to apply leave on behalf of an employee.
  • The following steps, guide you to apply leave on behalf of an employee:
  • Log on to the greytHR Admin portal using your login credentials.
  • Navigate to Leave > Information > Employee Leave. The Employee Leave page appears.
  • Search for the employee behalf of whom you want to apply for leave.
  • Click The Apply On behalf button.. The Apply On Behalf page appears with the chosen employee's name and various option to apply for the leave.
  • In the Leave Type field, type or choose the leave type from the drop-down list, for which you want to grant the leaves. Based on the leave type that you chose, the balance is displayed.
  • In the From Date field, choose the appropriate date from the calendar that appears. Then select it's appropriate session from the From Session drop down.
  • In the To Date field, choose the appropriate date from the calendar that appears. Then select it's appropriate session from the To Session drop down.
  • In the Apply To field, choose the appropriate manager.
  • In the Contact Details field, type your contact details:You can also notify others about about the leave. To do so, in the CC To box, click Select and mark the employees to whom you want to notify about your leave pl and then click Add.
  • In the Attachment field, upload a relevant file if any.
  • Click Apply to submit the leave application. The system sends an email notification to the approver and to the contacts whom you have marked a copy of the leave application.

Q36. How To Add New Shifts Into The System?

To assign new shifts into the system, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to System Setting > Attendance > Shift.
  2. Click . The Add Shift page appears.
  3. Type the shift name in the Shift text box.
  4. Type the shift code in the Shift Code text box. The value can be of maximum four characters.
  5. Define the In time and Out time for Session 1 and Session @Also define the grace period that you want to set for the two sessions.
  6. In the Shift In Margin text box, define the margin for your shift hours.
  7. Define the minimum hours for half and full day.
  8. Click . A message is displayed informing that the shift is created.

Q37. How To Configure Attendance Events?

You can push notifications to various users of greytHR before, on, or after an event. You can select a combination of trigger periods and channels and then apply filters to notify the required employees. Refer Event Notification, to know more about the configuration.