Top 41 H4 Visa Interview Questions You Must Prepare 27.Jul.2024

Q1. Is Your Marriage Registered? Do You Have The Registration Certificate?

Answer truthfully. (Your marriage has to be registered in order to apply for a visa). Provide the original marriage licence/certificate.

Q2. What Kind Of Work Does Your Spouse Do? / What Does Your Spouse Work As?

For this question, the immigration officer is checking to see if you are aware of your spouse’s line of work. This is also done to check the authenticity of the information submitted in your application. Provide an accurate and concise wer, outlining your spouse’s designation, and a brief description of their roles and responsibilities.

Q3. Could I See Some Pictures From Your Wedding?

The immigration officer wants to verify if the ceremony took place through this question. Provide a wedding album or pictures from the wedding ceremonies.

Q4. What Do You Plan To Do In The United States Of America?

For this question, the immigration officer wishes to know your reason for moving to the USA. Provide a short, concise and truthful wer.

Q5. Do You Have Any Children From Your Current Marriage?

Provide a direct wer (yes/no.)

Q6. Why Are You Applying For A Visa Now When You Were Married Over A Year Ago/some Time Ago?

For this question, the immigration officer wants to check if you are applying for the visa purely to be reunited with your spouse or if it is an attempt to perform immigration fraud. Provide an honest wer, detailing the reasons behind the late visa application (for example, I had to make alternate arrangements for relatives living in India etc.).

Q7. Who Made Your H-4 Visa Appointment?

For this question, the immigration officer wants to verify information regarding the appointment process. Provide a truthful wer (for example, I made the appointment myself/my spouse made the appointment on my behalf).

Q8. Where Did You Go On Your Honeymoon? Do You Have Any Proof?

Provide a direct wer to the question. If you have any proof such as flight tickets, photographs etc., provide them.

Q9. Has Your Spouse Applied For A U.s. Green Card In The Past?

Provide an honest wer to the question (either yes/no/I do not know).

Q10. What Kind Of Visa Are You Applying For?

For this question, the immigration officer wants to know the visa type you are applying for. Answer directly (for example, I am applying for an H-4 visa).

Q11. If Your Spouse Is Already In The United States, Why Are You Choosing To Apply For A Visa Now?

For this question, the immigration officer wants to check the reason behind the delay in your application, and check for possible immigration fraud. Provide a truthful wer to the question (such as, we were married recently, I was making preparations for the move etc.).

Q12. Where Did You Get Married?

For this question, the immigration officer is verifying if the information as provided in the documentation provided is correct. Mention the date and venue (city and state) of your wedding ceremony.

Q13. Where Do You Stay At Present?

mentioning the city/town and state you currently reside in.

Q14. Who Will You Live With In The Us?

Provide a direct wer (such as with my husband/wife).

Q15. Who Arranged For The Marriage Proposal?

Provide a direct wer to this question (for example, my uncle/our parents mutually agreed/through a cousin etc.).

Q16. Could I See Your Invitation Card?

This is asked to further verify the authenticity of the marriage. Provide the wedding card invitation.

Q17. Who Do You Live With At Present?

Provide a direct and honest wer (for example, I live with my parents/by myself/with my in-laws).

Q18. Who Will Be Paying For Your Trip To The United States?

Provide a direct wer, mentioning that your spouse will be paying for your trip.

Q19. For How Long Has Your Spouse Been Working With His/her Current Employer/sponsor In The United States?

For this question, the immigration officer is attempting to verify if you are aware of your spouse’s employment history and present employment details. Provide a direct and honest wer in terms of months and years (for example, since the past year/ for the last 8 months etc.).

Q20. Who Filed Your Visa Application And Where Was It Filed?

For this question, the immigration officer wants to know if you are aware of the visa procedure as well as to check if the application was made legally. Provide an honest wer, mentioning details of the application date and place.

Q21. Were You Engaged Before You Got Married? Do You Have Any Proof To Back Up Your Statement?

Answer the question truthfully. If you have any proof, such as photographs etc., provide it.

Q22. When Did You Get Married?

The immigration officer wants to verify the details mentioned on the application form. Answer confidently, providing the date and year of your marriage.

Q23. Was It An Arranged Marriage Or A Love Marriage?

Answer the question to the point (for example, it was an arranged marriage).

Q24. Do You Plan On Working In The Usa?

The ideal wer to this question is ‘no’, as the H-4 visa does not permit you to work or seek employment in the USA.

Q25. What Is The Highest Degree Your Spouse Holds?

For this question, the immigration officer is attempting to verify if you know details about your spouse, in an attempt to verify if the marriage is valid. (For example, Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree etc.).

Q26. Where Did You Meet Your Spouse For The First Time?

Provide a direct wer to this question, mentioning the location of your first meeting. Provide an honest wer, as you could be asked follow up questions later in the interview.

Q27. When Did You Meet Your Spouse For The First Time?

Provide an honest, direct wer to this question as there could be follow up questions. Mention the date of your first meeting.

Q28. When Did Your Husband/wife Get Their Visa Stamped?

For this question, the immigration officer wants to know the year your spouse had their visa stamped. Provide accurate details.

Q29. How Did You Receive The Documents Required For The Visa Application?

For this question, provide a direct wer (for example, my spouse sent the documents to me).

Q30. Do You Have Family Living In The United States?

Provide an honest wer. Provide details of family members in the USA, as well as where they live.

Q31. Has Your Spouse Accompanied You To The Interview?

For this question, the immigration officer wants to check if the visa holder has accompanied you for verification purposes. If your spouse has not accompanied you, provide a truthful wer (he/she is already in the United States etc.).

Q32. Who Will Support You Financially During Your Stay In The Us?

Provide a clear and direct wer, mentioning your stay will be funded by your husband/wife.

Q33. Why Do You Require A Visa To The United States Of America?

For this question, the immigration officer wants to know the reason behind your visa application. Explain the reasons you are applying for the visa (such as your spouse will be moving to the United States for work and you wish to join him/her). Ensure that you are clear about the reason behind the visa application.

Q34. For How Long Has Your Spouse Been Living In The United States?

For this question, provide a direct wer in terms of years and months. (For example, for the past 6 months/ since the last 1.5 years.).

Q35. What Company Does Your Spouse Work For?

The immigration officer is attempting to check if you are conversant with the company your spouse is employed by. Provide a direct wer, mentioning the company name as well as the city/state your spouse is working in.

Q36. Which College/university Did Your Spouse Graduate From?

The immigration officer is attempting to check if you are aware of certain basic details regarding your spouse. Provide a direct wer, mentioning the university and the stream/course.

Q37. Where Is The Client Company Of Your Spouse Located?

This question is asked to check if you are aware of your spouse’s employment and details regarding his/her employment. Provide an honest wer, as the information you provide can be verified.

Q38. Could I See A Copy Of The Marriage Certificate?

This is done so the immigration officer can authenticate your earlier statement. Provide the marriage certificate (original).

Q39. Why Did You Not File Your Visa Application Yourself?

For this question, the immigration officer wants to verify the reason behind you not submitting your visa application in person. Provide an honest wer, as the details can be verified. For example, you could have filed the application through a visa agent, or it could have been filed by a relative/friend. Also specify the reason why you did not file it (for example, you were busy with work/you were unsure of the process etc.).

Q40. Where Will You Stay In The Us?

Provide a direct wer. Mention the town/city and state you will be living in.

Q41. How Long Have You Been Married?

This being a direct question, provide a direct wer (for example, 2 years/ we just got married/8 months etc.).