Top 45 Google Analytics Interview Questions You Must Prepare 27.Jul.2024

Q1. What Is Use Of Acquisition Reports?

We can analyse the source of our traffic to the website. Ex: Organic, PPC, social etc.

Q2. What Is Meant By Average Load Time?

The avg. amount of the time taken by the website to load it in the browser. The website must be loaded as fast possible for quick loading.

Q3. Can The Data Change Once Google Analytics Has Processed The Data?

No, it cannot change.

Q4. How Will I Identify The Popular Pages On My Site?

The top landing pages visits by users are popular pages on site. We can see top landing pages using Google analytic moving to the behavior section.

Q5. What Are The Three Elements Of Event Tracking?

Categories, Actions, and Labels.

Q6. What Is Meant By Cohort Reports?

A cohort is a group of users who share a common characteristic that is identified in this report by an Analytics dimension.

Q7. What Is Benchmarking?

This metric helps us to compare our data with the market aggregated data from relevant industry who share the data anonymously.

Q8. What Is Difference Between Goals & Funnels ?

A funnel conversion expect a particular way before the objective. For example, suppose you run a campaign for Widget An utilizing a presentation page with focused activity. You want to see the funnel conversion rate for that landing page, add to cart, then thank you page (in that specific order) to gauge the effectiveness of your campaign. You see that specific funnel conversion rate is 2%.

For a goal conversion rate, all you care about is maximizing a conversion rate overall, all you think about is augmenting a trformation rate generally speaking. Suppose that objective is basically to build Widget A’s trformation rate (on your web properties) paying little heed to whether clients enter by me of that point of arrival or go to your general site.

Q9. What Are Events In Google Analytics?

Events are user interactions with content that can be tracked independently from a web page or a screen load. we can create custom events to track downloads, play buttons and ajax load etc.

Q10. What Do You Analysis Most Often In Google Analytics? Or What Is The Most Important Things In Google Analytics You Will Want To Analysis?

Google Analytics gives a heaps of information and bits of knowledge and each information example is vital yet at the same time there are a few ranges where we can concentrate more like:

  • Traffic Sources
  • Bounce and Exit Rate
  • Top Performing Pages/Landing Pages
  • Unique Vs. Returning Visitors
  • Funnel and Goal Conversions .

Q11. Define Session, Users And Pageviews.?

Session:– In Google Analytics, a session is a gathering of connections that happen on your site inside a given date range. For instance a solitary session can contain site visits, social associations, occasions, and ecommerce exchanges.

Users:- In Google Analytics the clients are, that have had no less than one session inside chose date.

Pageviews:- In Google Analytics the site hits is the aggregate number of pages saw. Counting the rehashed perspectives of a solitary page.

Q12. What Is Funnel In Goals?

Series of pages which are expected to be accessed to reach the destination page to complete the goal is defined as funnel. For example a e-commerce website funnel will be like.

Add to Cart => Signin/Singup => Add Address => Make Payment => Thankyou Page.

Q13. In Analytics Reports We Can Sometimes Get A Lot Of Spam Data From Spam Sources/domains, How To Deal With This Issue?

We can set the filters to avoid all this data from spam sources/domains.

Q14. How Does Google Calculates Time Stamp On Page?

Google keep a time stamp whatever any visitor comes on a particular page then it compares the time stamp of one page with the other page.

For instance, any user enters the site on Page 1 and moves to Page 2 then move to Page 3 lastly leaves the site. For this situation, a period stamp is put on Page 1 assume its 10:00, when the client moves to Page 2, some other time stamp is set on Page 2, assume its 10:10 and afterward when the visitor comes on Page 3, some other time stamp is set, lets say 10:@Presently to compute time on Page 1, Google will subtract the time stamp on Page 2 with that of @For this situation, 10:10-10:00 which will come to 10 minutes for Page 1.

Q15. What Is Meant By Experiments?

Experiments tool is used to measure the results of campaigns with different design/view. It is also called as A/B testing.

Q16. What Is Event Tracking?

Event tracking involves includes the Google Analytics code customization and is utilized to track a specific occasion/action on a site like a tick, document download or some other change.

Q17. How Can I Identify Where The Visitors Are Clicking The Most?

This can be seen with the help of In-Page Analytics.

Q18. How Can You Track User Engagement On Websites That Use Flash Or Ajax And Are Located On One Html Page?

You can use Event Tracking, or track interactions as Pageviews and set goals.

Q19. What Is Meant By Conversions And How Will You Track Conversions Through Ga?

Conversions happens when any predefined goals are accomplished thereby generating ROI to the business. In other words if the user take any desired action on the site, its considered as conversion. For example filling the form, purchasing a product etc. We use Goals in Analytics to set the conversion tracking.

Q20. What Are Goals And How Many Goals Can We Create In Analytics?

A goal defines a completed user activity, called a conversion, that contributes to the success of your business. We can have only 20 goals per one web property.

Q21. What Do You Mean By Analytics?

Analytics is the disclosure and correspondence of various examples in information. It helps us settling on better choice, it works like a client’s input to a specific item/benefit. Computerized Analytics is a mix of numerical measurements and PC programs.

Q22. Can We Separate The Users Based On Devices ?

Yes we can segment the data based on devices.  Under audience reports we can analyse this data.

Q23. What Is Exit Rate In Analytics?

For all pageviews to the page, Exit Rate is the percentage that were the last in the session. Which me we can analyse the % of users who left the site from particular page.

Q24. What Is Bounce Rate?

The percentage of users who leave the website without visiting any other page is bounce rate. Higher bounce rate is very negative for website, as users are not showing interest in the site.

Q25. Can I Track My Google Adsense Campaigns With Google Analytics?

Yes, Google Analytics measures the achievement of your Google Adsense. In the event that your goal is to create income through AdSense activities, Waisberg suggests utilizing Google Analytics’ Pages report. It gives a point by point perspective of which site page performed best regarding creating AdSense income and that’s just the beginning.

Q26. What Is Mean By Users In Analytics?

It defines the users who have visited the site at least one time in given time frame.

Q27. What Is The Optimal Bounce Rate For Website?

A good bounce rate is around 30% for websites.

Q28. What Is A Google Analytics Segment?

Similarly as with customary client sections in advertising, in Google Analytics, portions bunch guests who offer basic qualities. There are bunches of qualities of guests that are gathered as a matter of course by Google Analytics, from insights about their programs and screen sizes to the locales that they originate from and the sorts of pages they see.

Q29. How Can I Track And Improve E-commerce Sales?

You can utilize Google Analytics’ helpful however fairly in fact propelled Goal Funnel highlight to investigate the general accomplishment of your e-business endeavors – directly down to individual shopping basket exchanges, on the off chance that you like.

Q30. What Is Meant By Kpi In Analytics?

KPI me Key Performance Indicators. These metrics helps the business to analyse their websites based on the business objective. Example of KPI: Users, Sessions, Avg Time, Bounce Rate, Conversion rate etc.

Q31. What Are Segments In Analytics?

Segments are used to define the subset of data in overall data. For example we can create a segment for organic, paid traffic etc.

Q32. Where Can I Find The Ua Tracking Code?

The Universal Analytics tracking code can be found in the admin section of the web property.

Q33. What Is Google Analytics And Main Purpose Of Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is a web analytics software used to track the traffic on the website. The major purpose of analytics is to analyse the information about the site and make decisions to improve the site traffic and revenue.

Q34. How To Set Up Install Tracking For Mobile Apps?

Step 1: Enable app install tracking in your account for android and iOS.
Step 2: Update your Analytics SDK for android and iOS.

For  all steps visit at ->> Set up install tracking for mobile apps

Q35. What Is A Session?

If a user visits a website the session is started, the session can last for 30 minutes if no activity is done. A new session is started in analytics if your source is changed. For example if a user visits from organic results, one session is started and same user open a same site from PPC, then next session is started.

Q36. What Is Rpc In Google Analytics?

RPC stands for Revenue Per Click is a great metric available in Google Analytics for use E-Commerce tracking.

Q37. What Are Custom Events In Google Analytics?

To track the changes in a specific metric, we can set parameters which can trigger and custom event is created.

Q38. What Is Realtime Data In Analytics?

With this tool we can analyse the present traffic on the site.

Q39. Can We Track Google Adsense Data In Google Analytics?

Yes using Publisher tab we can connect our Google Adsense with Google Analytics.

Q40. What Do You Understand By Assisted Conversions?

On the greater part of the cases, changes don’t happen utilizing a solitary channel. regularly, more than one divert is incorporated into an effective change. Helped trformations helps us to get a reasonable thought as to which diverts are included in contributing a change. This is appeared in the Multi Channel Funnel reporting tab in GA. Normal channels adding to changes are immediate, natural hunt, referral, not set, informal organization and email.

Q41. How Can I Identify The Keywords That Are Sending Paid Traffic To Any Site?

The keyword column displays traffic divided under paid and organic. We can easily identify the paid keywords by moving to the keywords section.

Q42. What Are Some Ways You Can Use Profiles?

You can look all the more carefully at movement to one subdomain, you can look all the more carefully at activity to one catalog or segment of a site, and you can confine access to some portions of data.

Q43. What Is Attribution In Google Analytics?

An attribution model is the rule, or set of rules, that determines how credit for sales and conversions is assigned to touch points in conversion paths. In other words the attribution can help us to know the proper touch points in the funnel.

Q44. Can We Delete The Goals After Created Them In Google Analytics?

No, we cannot delete the goal. But we can stop recording the goal by disabling the goal.

Q45. What Is In-page Analytics?

In-Page Analytics allows to see what users are clicking on within each page.