Top 15 Eclipse Interview Questions You Must Prepare 27.Apr.2024

In a rich client platform,

it includes:

  •     Eclipse Runtime
  •     JFace
  •     Workbench
  •     SWt

To generate JavaDoc documentation for your code, In Eclipse,

you have to follow the following steps:

  1.     Go to File menu
  2.     Select Export
  3.     Select Java
  4.     JavaDoc
  5.     Choose the projects, other properties and output directory for which JavaDoc is to be created
  6.     Click Finish

The Shell class represents windows while the Display class represents the GUI process(thread).

IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment.

Some of the Java IDE are:

  •     Eclipse
  •     Netbe
  •     RAD ( Rational Application Developer )
  •     WSAD (Websphere Application Developer )

Whenever a plug-in wants to allow other plug-ins to extend or customize portions of its functionality, it will declare an extension point.

In Eclipse, you can do following activities:

  •     Create generic projects
  •     Edit files in a generic text editor
  •     Share files and project in a CVS (Concurrent Version System) server.

To hide menu contributed by other plugins, you can use org.eclipse.ui.activities extension.

The steps to change the JDK compliance level:

  •     Go to Windows
  •     Select Preferences
  •     Select Java – Compiler
  •     Select Java Compliance Level

The classpath of a plugin is “OSGI parent class loader”. In OSGI, all class loaders have a common parent class loader.

To access UI objects from a non-ui thread, use command
Display.getDefault().asyncExec(new Runnable()…)
This will cause the run() method of the runnable to be invoked by the user-interface thread at the next reasonable opportunity.

Eclipse is used in several different areas, e.g. as a development platform for Android or Java applications. It is also used for managing and deploying software across the entire software lifecycle.
The key Eclipse projects and technologies are;

  •     Eclipse platform
  •     Eclipse project
  •     JDT or Java Development Tools
  •     Plug-in Development Tools (PDE)

To access particular library from a plugin, the library needs to be added to the classpath of a plug-in.  There are four ways of doing this.

  •     The JAR can be added to the boot classpath
  •     The JAR can be added to the declared libraries for a plug-in
  •     Create a new plug-in that can be added to the library
  •     By using OSGI parent loader.

An eclipse modeling framework is a Java/XML framework. It is used for generating tools and other applications based on simple class models.

To config a plugin to start automatically during platform starts up, define the ‘Eclipse-AutoStart=true’ header in Manifest file.

To fire a key event in test code to make the program act as if a user pressed a key.

You need to follow two ways.

  •     notifyListeners(…) or
  •     post(Event)