Top 20 Dreamweaver Interview Questions You Must Prepare 18.Feb.2025

Q1. Explain Which Graphic Format You Cannot Insert Into Your Web Page?

In Dreamweaver, you cannot insert the bmp format into your web page.

Q2. What Accurately Describes The Way Templates Work In Dreamweaver? If A Template File Is Opened You Can Edit?

everything in the file.

Q3. Mention Which Panel Is Used To Change The Event That Triggers An Image Swap?

To change the event that triggers an image swap, you have to use behavior panel.

Q4. Explain How You Can Add An Image To Your Web Page In Dreamweaver?

In Dreamweaver, you can add an image by following steps

  • Open your HTML in Dreamweaver
  • Bring your cursor where you want the image. You can either choose design view or code view
  • In the insert window, tap on the image icon. This is usually found in the “Common “ section. You can also find the keyboard short cut
  • Browse the file and double click to add it to your page
  • In the properties window, add descriptive all text in the Alt drop down menu

Q5. Explain How You Can Make A Template In Dreamweaver?

  • Ensure that your web page is as usual with the basic structure of the site
  • Once the structure is created you have to go to File and tap on Save As Template, define a name to the template and click on Save
  • The template will be saved in different layouts for different sections of your site
  • Now you can make parts of the template editable so that you can add content and add information in it

Q6. What Is One Way You Change The Color Of Text In Dreamweaver 4.0?

Highlight the text and select a new color with the Color Picker in the Properties panel.

Q7. Explain What Is Dreamweaver Behavior?

Dreamweaver behavior is a way to add scripting events to the elements on your web page. To create a behavior to do following things like

  • Check for a specific browser version
  • Open a new browser window
  • Play a sound
  • Write a popup message
  • Change text elements
  • Call a custom JavaScript script etc.

Q8. Explain What Are Dreamweaver Layers?

Dreamweaver layers are DHTML components and are alike to tables with a few different properties.  Like tables, they are containers where you keep images or text.

Q9. Explain How Validator Work In Dreamweaver?

Validator in DreamWeaver works similarly like a word processor spelling and grammar check features. The validator uses a selection of code libraries and sc all the code on the web page to identify problems with code tags.

Q10. Explain How You Can Make Your Site Live In Dreamweaver?

In Dreamweaver to make your site live you have to

  • Open Dreamweaver
  • Tap on Define Sites under the Site drop down menu
  • In the Define Sites box that comes up, click on the New button
  • You have to enter the details of your site in the next dialog box that you see
  • Under category list, on the left of Remote Info, you have to fill our your ftp information to build a connection to the remote server
  • In the Remote info, panel selects FTP in the Access drop down menu and enter details like FTP host, login, password, and Host directory
  • Once the details are filled you can select the option Connect from the Site drop down menu
  • To upload your entire site to your remote site select the local folder and click on Put from the Site drop down menu
  • You can check your site online once the entire folder is trferred to the remote folder

Q11. Mention What Does The Asterisk After The File Name In The Document Title Bar Indicates?

The asterisk at the end of the file name in the document indicates that there are some unsaved additions or deletions made to the page.

Q12. Explain What Is Dreamweaver?

Adobe Dreamweaver is a software program for web page designing; it is a fully featured HTML web and programming editor.

Q13. What Are The Valid Reasons For Defining A Local Site In Dreamweaver?

  • To enable Dreamweaver to create relative links between documents
  • To enable Dreamweaver to display all your sites files in the ‘Files Panel’
  • To allow Dreamweaver to conduct link checking between documents

Q14. Explain How To Use Dreamweaver Behaviors To Play Sound?

  • For the sound to be played on click or Rollover, the first step is to create a link. With the ‘#’ symbol, you can make a simple text link
  • The next step is to connect a behavior to the link. Open the behaviors panel by taping on windows/behaviors and click on the ‘+’ symbol in the behaviors panel. Then click on ‘Play Sound’. Browse to find the sound you want to play and then click ‘OK’.

Q15. What Happens When Content In Tags Is Viewed With 3.0 Versions Of Netscape?

The content appears in the same location as where the <DIV> tags appear in the code.

Q16. What Does The Asterisk After The File Name In The Document Title Bar Signify?

unsaved additions or deletions were made to the page.

Q17. Explain How You Can Perform Validation In Dreamweaver?

To use DreamWeaver Validator, you have to follow the steps below

  • You can validate your code with the Validator HTML tool
  • Set your validator preference
  • Click ‘Edit’ in the main menu at the top of the page and then choose “Preferences (Windows)” or “Preferences (Macintosh)” from the context menu
  • Click on the “Validator” in the category options list
  • Click the check box besides the HTML libraries that you want to check your code against for instance HTML 4.0 or HTML 2.0
  • You can also define the types of errors that you want to include in the validation by choosing the applicable check boxes.
  • Once you have configured the HTML validator, select “Edit” in the main menu, and then tap on validator to start validation

Q18. In Dreamviewer Is It Possible To Convert Layers To Tables And Tables To Layers?

Yes, in dreamviewer it is possible to convert layers to tables and tables to layers.

Q19. Explain How You Can Create A Mailto Form In Dreamweaver?

To create a mailto form in Dreamweaver you have to follow the steps like

  • First create the form
  • After that Set the form properties

action: mailto: email-address

method: GET

Enctype: text/plain

  • Add the form fields

Select the fields you require from the Form tab on the insert bar

  • Make sure to include a submit button and action is “Submit Form”
  • Save the file
  • Test it once you have upload it to your web server

Q20. What Describes The Correct Way To Create A Page Layout That Always Fills The Browser Window, No Matter What Size Window The Viewer Has Set?

Use the Dreamweaver Autostretch option to set the table width to resize automatically.