In Dreamweaver, you cannot insert the bmp format into your web page.
everything in the file.
To change the event that triggers an image swap, you have to use behavior panel.
In Dreamweaver, you can add an image by following steps
Highlight the text and select a new color with the Color Picker in the Properties panel.
Dreamweaver behavior is a way to add scripting events to the elements on your web page. To create a behavior to do following things like
Dreamweaver layers are DHTML components and are alike to tables with a few different properties. Like tables, they are containers where you keep images or text.
Validator in DreamWeaver works similarly like a word processor spelling and grammar check features. The validator uses a selection of code libraries and sc all the code on the web page to identify problems with code tags.
In Dreamweaver to make your site live you have to
The asterisk at the end of the file name in the document indicates that there are some unsaved additions or deletions made to the page.
Adobe Dreamweaver is a software program for web page designing; it is a fully featured HTML web and programming editor.
The content appears in the same location as where the <DIV> tags appear in the code.
unsaved additions or deletions were made to the page.
To use DreamWeaver Validator, you have to follow the steps below
Yes, in dreamviewer it is possible to convert layers to tables and tables to layers.
To create a mailto form in Dreamweaver you have to follow the steps like
action: mailto: email-address
method: GET
Enctype: text/plain
Select the fields you require from the Form tab on the insert bar
Use the Dreamweaver Autostretch option to set the table width to resize automatically.