There are four panel groups available in Dreamweaver:
Tag Inspector
Email Link : E-mail links are links that will automatically open the user's default email program with a blank e-mail addressed to the specified e-mail link. There are two ways to create an email link. You can:
A hyperlink or link, is an object or text that, when clicked, takes the users to another webpage or opens a file. The various types of hyperlinks are explained below.
Internal links are used to connect users to other pages within the same website. Before linking to other pages, you must make sure that the other pages are saved in your local root folder and contain the file extension .html.
To create an internal link, follow these steps:
Property Inspector :
Table Properties :
To insert a table, follow these steps:
Image properties:
• To Add a Hyperlink to an Image: Select the text and type the URL in the Link textbox; or drag the Point-to-File icon to the file in the Site panel; or click the Folder icon to browse for a file in the Web site.
• To Create an Image Map: Select the Rectangular, Oval, or Polygon command, draw a shape and set the link location.
• To Edit an Image: Use the image editing buttons.
• To Align an Image: Click the Align button arrow and align the image relative to text nearby; or click the Left, Center or Right Align button in the Inspector.
• To Insert an Image: Press <Ctrl> + <Alt> + <I>, or select Insert → Image from the menu.
To create a root folder, follow these steps:
INSERTING IMAGES : To insert an image, follow these steps:
IMAGE PROPERTIES INSPECTOR : The top half of the Image Properties Inspector allows you to:
Tables help you divide the space on your page. They are similar to tables in Word or Excel but can be used in much more flexible ways. Tables give you the option of making your page a fixed size or making it fit to the user's window the best it can. Tables also guarantee that the location of your text and images does not change when seen on screen with different resolutions or in different Web browsers.
Creating a WebPage :
• To Format Text: Select the text and apply formatting from the Property Inspector.
• To Create a Hyperlink: Select the text and type the URL in the Link textbox; or drag the Point-to-File icon to the file in the Site panel; or click the Folder icon to browse for a file in the Web site.
• Specify Link Target Frame: Specify in which frame the hyperlink should appear.
Click the Brdr Color list arrow and select a color from the palette.
You can preview your Web pages in a browser in many ways:
Type the location in the Bg text box, or drag the Point-to-File icon to the file in the Site panel; or click the Folder icon to browse for a file.
Insert Toolbar :
Document Toolbar : Document toolbar contains :
External links : External links are used to connect the users to pages from other websites.
To create an external link, do the following:
NOTE: If you select the Target type as -blank, it will open the link in a new window while keeping your website open in another window. Doing this is good practice because it will prevent the user from being frustrated and leaving your site.