Dell Boomi Placement Papers - Dell Boomi Interview Questions and Answers updated on 24.Apr.2024

Yes, we offer version control for our integration process allowing you to rollback to a previous integration process should the need arise.

You can sign up for a free trial under the ’30 Day Free Trial’ section of the Boomi website.

Yes, our system will allow you to schedule your integration process to run at specific dates/intervals, up to every one minute. We also provide an API that will allow you to include event driven integration into your integration process.

Since Boomi hosts the application, all you need is a computer or an alternative device that can run a Web browser. It doesn’t matter what type of hardware or operating system you’re running.

Yes, because the Boomi Atom that resides onsite has no GUI, it must be in fairly constant contact with the data center. One important design aspect of AtmoSphere is that, much like the Internet itself, it is a distributed architecture, eliminating single points of failure. It is important to note that even during planned maintenance of the platform, deployed Atoms continue to run and process normally.

Yes, the Boomi Atom would reside onsite, allowing you access to the on-premise application through Boomi AtomSphere.

Yes, test mode actually executes the integration process as designed, so the source and destination will get updated. Boomi AtomSphere provides the concept of ‘Environments’ for those that wish to have the same integration process pointed to different locations (ie. Test, QA, Production)

The main component in a Boomi integration is the Process. A Process represents a business process- or traction-level interface between two or more systems. Examples of a Process might be “Salesforce Account Synchronization to accounting system” or “Sales Orders from Company ABC to QuickBooks.”Processes contain a left-to-right series of Shapes connected together like a flow chart to illustrate the steps required to trform, route, and otherwise manipulate the data from source to destination.

Boomi Atoms are completely self-contained and autonomous and can be run on virtually any server. They can be deployed “in the cloud” for SaaS to SaaS integration (e.g. Boomi’s data center, an ISVs data center or a third-party data center such as Amazon) or behind a company’s firewall for SaaS to On Premise integration.

No, we have benchmarked the Boomi Atom to be able to handle very large volumes, upwards of 1,000,000 records an hour.

AtmoSphere is designed to be user friendly and anyone with basic IT skills and knowledge of the applications they plan to integrate should be able to build integration processes easily. Our customers have reported that using AtomSphere is similar to using other web-based software. However, Boomi’s Support Team offers weekly training sessions [LINK] via webinar.

All of the available options for support are listed in the above question. Your easiest and quickest path to access support is through the Live Chat embedded into Boomi AtomSphere.

We support both real-time event-based and schedule-driven executions. We have a scheduler built into Boomi AtomSphere. You can schedule an integration to run based on intervals you define (up to every 1 minute) or on an advanced schedule (more flexible). We also have an external API that will allow you to call an integration to be run in real-time from an external source or application.

An API opens up secure access to data in an application but it does not accomplish the integration itself. An API is like an electrical socket – until something is plugged into it, it just sits there. Boom integration Connectors are like “plugs.” Boomi Connectors plug into and API and abstract the technical details of the API and trportation protocols used to communicate with various applications and data sources, allowing you to focus on the business data and logic of the integration.

A Connector is really a combination of two Components: A Connection and an Operation. Think of the Connection as the where and the Operation as the how. These two components determine the type of data source,how to physically connect to it, and what type of data records to exchange.

Boomi AtomSphere Connectors go through application specific security reviews where applicable. All data that is passed between the Boomi Atom onsite and our data center is sent over a secure HTTPs channel with 128 bit encryption. Learn more about AtomSphere’s security (LINK)

Because AtmoSphere is an online service, there is no appliance or software to buy, install or maintain. Just point your browser to the login page at and login.

We aim for our service to be a visual, configuration based approach to integration. You do not need to be a developer to utilize the service; you simply need to understand where the data resides in the source system and where the data needs to be integrated in the destination system. The typical roles that utilize AtomSphere would include Systems Analyst, Application Administrator, or Business Process Engineer.

Yes, please refer to our website for a full list of supported applications.

Connectors get and send data in and out of Processes. They enable communication with the applications or data sources between which data needs to move or, in other words, the “end points” of the Process. Those applications and data sources can range from traditional on-premise applications like SAP and QuickBooks to Web-based applications like and NetSuite to data repositories like an FTP directory, a commercial database, or even an email server.

An up-to-date list of supported applications can be found on our website.

Error handling is managed via our ‘management’ tab is where users can see the integration process, its executions and all associated log and status notifications. Boomi AtomSphere also includes retry capabilities to ensure messages that had an error during trit are delivered; an Atom also tracks its state to ensure that only unique data is processed. Finally, decision logic can be configured to query destination applications to ensure duplicate data is not sent to the application.