Consagous Technologies Aptitude Placement Papers - Consagous Technologies Aptitude Interview Questions and Answers updated on 27.Jul.2024

Q1. If The Price Of Gold Increases By 50%, Find By How Much The Quantity Of Ornaments Must Be Reduced, So That The Expenditure May Remain The Same As Before?




100-------? => 331/3%

Q2. Subtracting 10% From X Is The Same As Multiplying X By What Number ?

X - (10/100) X = X * ?

? = 90%

Q3. The Tens Digit Of A Two-digit Number Is Two More Than Its Unit Digit. The Two-digit Number Is 7 Times The Sum Of The Digits. Find The Units Digits ?

Let the two-digit number be 10a + b

a = b + 2 --- (1)

10a + b = 7(a + b) => a = 2b

Substituting a = 2b in equation (1), we get 

2b = b + 2 => b = 2

Hence the units digit is: 2.

Q4. The Number Obtained By Interchanging The Two Digits Of A Two-digit Number Is Less Than The Original Number By 4

Let the number be in the form of 10a + b

Number formed by interchanging a and b = 10b + a.

a + b = 13 --- (1)

10b + a = 10a + b - 45

45 = 9a - 9b => a - b = 5 --- (2)

Adding (1) and (2), we get

2a = 18 => a = 9 and b = 4

The number is: 94.

Q5. Mudit's Age 18 Years Hence Will Be Thrice His Age Four Years Ago. Find Mudit's Present Age ?

Let Mudit's present age be 'm' years.

m + 18 = 3(m - 4)

=> 2m = 30 => m = 15 years.

Q6. A Pupil's Marks Were Wrongly Entered As 83 Instead Of 6

Let there be x pupils in the class.

Total increase in marks =(x*1/2)=x/2

Therefore x/2=(83-63) =x/2=20 =x=40

Q7. What Percent Of 120 Are 90 ?

(?% /100) * 120 = 90

? = 75%

Q8. If Y Exceeds X By 20%, Then X Is Less Than Y By?

X=100 y=120


100-------? => 16 2/3%

Q9. A Train Overtakes Two Persons Who Are Walking In The Same Direction In Which The Train Is Going, At The Rate Of 2 Kmph And 4 Kmph And Passes Them Completely In 9 And 10 Seconds Respectively. The Lengt

2 kmph = ( 2 x5 /18)m/sec = 5 /9m/sec.

4 kmph = ( 4 x 518)m/sec = 10 /9m/sec.

Let the length of the train be x metres and its speed by y m/sec.

Then, (x /y-5/9) = 9 and (x/y-10/9 )= 10.

9y-5=xand 10 (9y-10)=9x

9y-x=5 and 90y-9x=100

on solving we get x=50

Length of the train is 50 m

Q10. How Much 60% Of 50 Is Greater Than 40% Of 30?

(60/100) * 50 – (40/100) * 30

30 - 12 = 18

Q11. The Cost Of 10 Kg Of Apples Is Equal To The Cost Of 24 Kg Of Rice. The Cost Of 6 Kg Of Flour Equals The Cost Of 2 Kg Of Rice. The Cost Of Each Kg Of Flour Is Rs.20.5

Let the costs of each kg of apples and each kg of rice be Rs.a and Rs.r respectively.

10a = 24r and 6 * 20.50 = 2r

a = 12/5 r and r = 61.5 

a = 147.6

Required total cost = 4 * 147.6 + 3 * 61.5 + 5 * 20.5

= 590.4 + 184.5 + 102.5 = Rs.877.40

Q12. If The Numerator Of A Fraction Is Increased By 20% And Its Denominator Is Diminished By 25% Value Of The Fraction Is 2/

X * (120/100) --- = 2/15

Y * (75/100)

X/Y = 1/12

Q13. Two Numbers Are Respectively 20% And 25% More Than A Third Number. The Percentage That Is First Of The Second Is ?

I        II     III

120  125 100


100-----------? => 96%

Q14. In A Series Of Six Consecutive Even Numbers, The Sum Of The Second And Sixth Numbers Is 2

Let the numbers be x, x + 2, x + 4, x + 6, x + 8 and x + 10.

Given (x + 2) + (x + 10) = 24

=> 2x + 12 = 24 => x = 6

The fourth number = x + 6 = 6 + 6 = 12.

Q15. In A Three Digit Number, The Hundred Digit Is 2 More Than The Tens Digit And The Units Digit Is 2 Less Than The Tens Digit. If The Sum Of The Digits Is 18, Find The Number ?

Let the three digit numbers be 100a + 10b + c

a = b + 2

c = b - 2

a + b + c = 3b = 18 => b = 6

So a = 8 and b = 4

Hence the three digit number is: 864

Q16. Three Candidates Contested An Election And Received 1136, 7636 And 11628 Votes Respectively. What Percentage Of The Total Votes Did The Winning Candidate Get ?

Total number of votes polled = (1136 + 7636 + 11628) = 20400.

Required percentage = (11628 / 20400 x 100) % = 57%.

Q17. The Sum Of Five Consecutive Even Numbers Of Set X Is 44

Let the five consecutive even numbers be 2(x - 2), 2(x - 1), 2x, 2(x + 1) and 2(x + 2)

Their sum = 10x = 440

x = 44 => 2(x - 2) = 84

Second least number of the other set = 2(84) - 121 = 47

This set has its least number as 46.

Sum of the numbers of this set = 46 + 47 + 48 + 49 + 50

= 48 - 2 + 48 - 1 + 48 + 48 + 1 + 48 + 2 => 5(48) = 240

Q18. A Candidate Got 35% Of The Votes Polled And He Lost To His Rival By 2250 Votes. How Many Votes Were Cast ?




100%---------? => 7500

Q19. When 2 Is Added To Half Of One-third Of One-fifth Of A Number, The Result Is One-fifteenth Of The Number. Find The Number ?

Let the number be

2 + 1/2[1/3(a/5)] = a/15

=> 2 = a/30 => a = 60

Q20. The Salary Of A Typist Was At First Raised By 10% And Then The Same Was Reduced By 5%. If He Presently Draws Rs.1045.what Was His Original Salary ?

X * (110/100) * (95/100) = 1045

X * (11/10) * (1/100) = 11

X = 1000

Q21. The Cost Of 16 Pens And 8 Pencils Is Rs.352 And The Cost Of 4 Pens And 4 Pencils Is Rs.9

Let the cost of each pen and pencil be 'p' and 'q' respectively.

16p + 8q = 352 --- (1)

4p + 4q = 96

8p + 8q = 192 --- (2)

(1) - (2) => 8p = 160

=> p = 20

Q22. The Tax On A Commodity Is Diminished By 20% And Its Consumption Increased By 15%. The Effect On Revenue Is ?

100 * 100 = 10000

 80 * 115 =   9200


100-----------? => 8% decrease

Q23. A Bag Contains A Total Of 93 Coins In The Form Of One Rupee And 50 Paise Coins. If The Total Value Of Coins In The Bag Is Rs.56, Find The Number Of 50 Paise Coins In The Bag ?

Let the number of one rupee coins in the bag be x.

Number of 50 paise coins in the bag is 93 - x.

Total value of coins

[100x + 50(93 - x)]paise = 5600 paise

=> x = 74

Q24. The Present Average Age Of A Couple And Their Daughter Is 35 Years. Fifteen Years From Now, The Age Of The Mother Will Be Equal To The Sum Of Present Ages Of The Father And The Daughter. Find The Pres

(f + m + d)/3 = 35

=> f + m + d = 105 --- (1)

m + 15 = f + d

Substituting f + d as m + 15 in (1), we get

2m + 15 = 105

2m = 90 => m = 45 years.

Q25. A Man Rows To A Place 48 Km Distant And Come Back In 14 Hours. He Finds That He Can Row 4 Km With The Stream In The Same Time As 3 Km Against The Stream. The Rate Of The Stream Is ?

Suppose he move 4 km downstream in x hours. Then,

Speed downstream =(4/x)km/hr

Speed up stream =(3/x)km/hr

48/4/x+48(3/x)=14 or x=1/2

So,speed downstream = 8 km/hr,speed upstream =6km/hr

Rate of the stream = 1/2(8-6)km/hr =1 km/hr.

Q26. The Sum Of The Digits Of A Two-digit Number Is

Let the two-digit number be 10a + b

a + b = 12 --- (1)

If a>b, a - b = 6

If b>a, b - a = 6

If a - b = 6, adding it to equation (1), we get

2a = 18 => a =9

so b = 12 - a = 3

Number would be 93.

if b - a = 6, adding it to the equation (1), we get

2b = 18 => b = 9

a = 12 - b = 3.

Number would be 39.

Therefore, Number would be 39 or 93.

Q27. A Sells His Goods 50% Cheaper Than B But 50% Dearer Than C. The Cheapest Is ?

Let B = 100

A = 50

C * (150/100) = 50

3C = 100

C = 33.3 then 'C' Cheapest

Q28. Ten Years Ago, The Age Of Anand Was One-third The Age Of Bala At That Time. The Present Age Of Bala Is 12 Years More Than The Present Age Of Anand. Find The Present Age Of Anand ?

Let the present ages of Anand and Bala be 'a' and 'b' respectively.

a - 10 = 1/3 (b - 10) --- (1)

b = a + 12

Substituting b = a + 12 in first equation,

a - 10 = 1/3 (a + 2) => 3a - 30 = a + 2

=> 2a = 32 => a = 16.