Top 38 Catia V5 Interview Questions You Must Prepare 14.Nov.2024

Q1. What Is The Kernel Of Catia?


Q2. How Many Degrees Of Freedom Are There For Points. Lines, Circles & Ellipse In 2 Dimensions?

Degree of freedom for points & ellipse is 2 for circles it is 3 & for ellipse it is 5 in two dimensions. 

Q3. Can We Redefine The Sketches?


Q4. What Is The Meaning Of Mean Dimension?

Mean dimension is the dimension that should be mern of all the dimensions, which are tolerance. 

Q5. How Do You Measure Arc Length?

We can measure arc length by using MEASURE ITEM command. Sometimes we need to customize the option for arc length if it is not checked earlier using customization in MEASURE ITEM command. 

Q6. What Is Sketch Tools In Sketcher Workbench & Explain The Importance Of It?

SKETCH TOOLS in sketcher workbench are the commands, which find very use in creating sketches. SKETCH TOOLS are namely geometric and dimensional constraints, construction elements/standard elements and Grid option. They play very important role in sketching, whenever we want to constrain a sketch we use these options and if we want to convert any element into a construction element once again these options come into picture.

Q7. How Many Axis Can Be Created In A Single Sketch?

Only one axis can be created in a sketch, if more than one axis are drawn then only one of them, the latest one, will be axis and others will be converted into reference elements. 

Q8. What Is The Save Extension Of Sketcher File?

CAT Part 

Q9. How Many Dimensions Are Required To Constrain The Ellipse?

Three dimensions are required namely major axis, minor axis and the distance from the origin. 

Q10. Is It Possible To Directly Enter The Part Design Workbench, When We Start The Catia Session. Instead Of Assembly Design Workbench?

No, we cannot enter directly into the part design. 

Q11. What Is The Importance Of Sketch Tools?

This tool bar only appears when you are in sketcher workbench. The four tools found in this tool bar are toggle tools. When tool is highlighted the tool is on. This particular tool bar changes depending on what other sketcher workbench tool is currently selected. 

Q12. What Is Rho Value For Ellipse, Parabola And Hyperbola?

Parabola has RHO values of 0.5, Ellipse has RHO value between 0 & 0.5 and Hyperbola has RHO value b/w 0.5 & 1.0. 

Q13. That Is The Use Of Cut Part By Sketch Plane?

This task shows how to make some edges visible. In other words, we are going to simplify the sketch plane by hiding the portion of the material that is not needed for sketching. 

Q14. Can We Select Non-planar Surface As Sketch Plane?

No, we cannot select a non-planar surface as sketch. 

Q15. Is It Possible To Directly Enter In To Sketcher Workbench?

No, it is not possible to enter in to sketcher workbench directly. We have to go for any workbench &form there we can enter the sketcher workbench.. 

Q16. What Is Kernel?

The kernel is the basic indispensable part of an operating system that allocates resources such as low- level hardware interfaces & security. 

Q17. Mention The Color Code Of Iso-constrained, Insider, And Over Con Strained Elements?

The color code for these elements is Green. White and Magenta respectively. 

Q18. Does Catl4v5 Work On Unix Platform?


Q19. Which Is The Tool Used To Exit From Sketcher Workbench To Part Design Workbench?

Exit Sketcher. 

Q20. Where Do We Use Axis?

Axis is used in creating shaft (revolved) feature. 

Q21. What Is The Use Of Isolate In Sketcher Workbench?

Isolated is used when 3D geometry is projected on to a sketch in order to be modified and used as part of the sketch’s profile. 

Q22. If I Donor Want The Relation B/w Original And Mirrored Elements What Should I Do?

Explore and the relation b/w the original and mirror element doesnt exit. 

Q23. What Is The File Extension Of A Part File?

File Extension of Part file is dot CATPart (.CATPart) 

Q24. What Do Catia Pi, Catia P2 And Catia P3 Mean?

Pi, P2 and P3 will indicate the different types of platforms of CATIA. Higher the number sophisticated will be the software. 

Q25. Expand Catiav?

Computer Aided Three Dimensional Interactive Application. 

Q26. What Are The Default Units Of Lmt (length. Mass And Time) ?

mm, Kg, Second. 

Q27. What Is Show/hide Option?

Show mode enable us to see all the components presently opened and in Hide mode we can hide the desired elements from the view for time being. 

Q28. What Is The Meaning Of True Dimension?

True dimension is the dimension desired after the machining. In other words, this is the value that should be attained after the machining. 

Q29. What Is Use Of Sketch Analysis?

To check whether the sketch is fully closed or not so that the sketch can be used or not so that the sketch can be used for further operations in part design.

Q30. Which Are The Neutral File Extensions We Caii Use For The Part File?

IGES/igs, STEP fstp, STL, WRL, etc 

Q31. Can Axis Be Converted Into Line Or Vice Versa?

We can convert line into axis but axis cannot convert into line. 

Q32. Is It Possible To Hide Specification Tree?

Yes, with help of F3 button, but the option in Tools conunand must be checked to allow this. 

Q33. What Are The Different Options Available In Quick Trim Command?

  • BREAK & RUBBER in removes part of the element, which is clicked. 
  • BREAK & RUBBER out removes part of the element, which is not clicked. 
  • BREAK & KEEP keeps both parts of elements after breaking. 

Q34. What Is Use Of Construction Elements?

Construction elements assist in sketching the required profile in sketcher.


Q35. How Do You Create A Negative Polarity Body In Part Design?

After inserting a new body If you use Negative feature as fist feature in a body the polarity of the body will be negative. Negative features like Pocket, Groove, Slot Hole etc. 

Q36. Can You Create A Block Using A Line/is It Possible To Extrude A Line Or Open Profile Using Pad?

Yes, ou can create a block using line, when you are extruding a line or any open profile you can check thick option in Pad feature (to avoid Error message). You can Give limit one, Limit Two and Thickness one and two. You will get Block from line and thin sheet from any open profile. 

Note: Dont use this option to create a sheet metal part using part design. 

Q37. What Is The Alternate Option For Intersect Boolean Option?

Solid Combine is alternative option for Intersection Boolean operation. 

Q38. Is It Possible To Increase The Size Of Plane Boundary Representation & How?

Yes, go for Tools-Options- Infrastructure-Part structure-Display.