Top 50 Business Analyst Interview Questions You Must Prepare 27.Jul.2024

Q1. How Do You Resolve Issues?

I would rather focus on issues and the facts related. Origin of issue, severity of the issue, implications and possible solutions to solve the issue. Try not to focus on the person who brought up the issue. Another important part is how to avoid similar issues in future.

Q2. How Is Requirement Analysis Done By Business Analyst?

Requirement session is usually done through JAD session. Business Folks and Major sponsors are always there along with some technical folks. Business analyst then goes through each requirement and asks for the feedback. If Business Sponsors and Technical Folks think that all the requirements are according to the business and won’t be a barrier to existing system. They get the official signoff on Business Requirement document. IT manager and Business manager both do the sign off on that business requirement document.

Q3. Where Would You Document Functional And Non Functional Requirements (i.e. Deliverable)?

Functional Requirements are documented in the SRS document / Use Case Document. Non Functional requirements are listed in the SRS document.

Q4. Define Use Case Model?

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Q5. Give The Importance Of Using A Flowchart?

It is easier to interpret as it is graphical in nature and thus all persons involved in the project development can understand it with ease.

Q6. How Many Types Of Diagrams Do You Know And What Do You Know About Them?

Am aware of two types of diagrams namely the use case diagram and the collaboration diagram, the use case diagram has been discussed above and as a result I will only talk about the collaboration diagram here, these are diagrams put into being by modeling the objects of a given systems and then representing the prevalent associations between the objects in questions with the use of links.

Q7. Why Is Business Analyst Position Vital In An Organization?

The position is important because a BA is a people’s person when it comes to the users and an IT person when it comes to the developers. He can communicate with the users in jargon that they are comfortable with and is able to understand them in order to collect solid business requirements. Simultaneously he can effectively communicate these requirements and support them with documentation for a developers benefit.

Q8. What Is Uml?

The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a standard language for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting the artifacts of software systems, as well as for business modeling and other non-software systems. The UML represents a collection of best engineering practices that have proven successful in the modeling of large and complex systems.

Q9. What Is The Difference Between Data Model And An Entity Relationship Diagram?

A data model is a model which shows how data is stored and used for e.g. a normal database.
It has 3 main parts:

  • Structural part:- how data is structured.
  • Integrity part:- Rules governing structure.
  • Manipulation part:- operators used to select,update,querry that data,eg select, update, delete commands in sql.

ENTERPRISE DATA MODEL(ENTERPRISE RELATIONSHIP MODELING) :- This can be called as an conceptual model or semantic model. The sub parts of an ERM are:

  • Entity:- It is an object, eg employees, computer.
  • Relationship:- It captures how two or more entities are related to each other.
  • Attributes:- Every entity has its own sets of attributes (e.g. PAN no in India for each employee or SSN in US).

Q10. What Do You Understand By Uml?

UML is basically Unified Modeling Language. This is the standard language used in the system to understand, document, construct different components in the system.

Q11. Who Uses The Output Produced By Business Analyst?

The output will be used by the Both IT and Non-IT People, as IT people use this document as key for the building of the application and Non-IT people use those document where they can see prototype of their application.

Q12. What Is The Main Quality Of A Good Requirement?

The requirement should be good, clear, understandable, and consistent and should be easily verifiable.

Q13. How Do You Measure The Quality Of A Product?

We do it by seeing min bugs in the product according to standards maintained by company.

Q14. What Is The Educational Qualification Required For A Business Analyst?

There is no specific qualification for a business analyst. Well, if you are a management graduate it is an added advantage since they have better communication skills. One important thing a BA needs to have is domain knowledge or business knowledge. Unless he/she understands the client's business process thoroughly they cannot draft the requirements properly.

Q15. Version Control And Configuration Management Are Terms Used Widely In The Business Industry, Write Short Notes About The Terms?

By definition, version control is essentially a subset of configuration management. It is usually concerned with the handling changes arising in previous documents as opposed to configuration management which essentially handles the individual components.

Q16. What Do Understand By Version Control & Configuration Management?

Basically version control is a part of configuration management. Mainly it handles when the previous document changes. Where as configuration management handles the individual component.

Q17. Good Documentation Management Systems Are Highly Recommended In System Development; Briefly Describe The Factors That Contribute To A Good Documentation Management System?

For a documentation system to be considered good, the following factors should be prevalent in it: It should be made in such a way that it can accommodate future changes, including version changes, bearing system security features such as providing access only to the allowed users, i.e. have good authentication features. In general, one should take in data as well as information security measures in place, putting in mind that the documentation should also be able to bend to the changing needs of its users as well as the market conditions.

Q18. What Is Business Analysis?

Business analysis can be described as the sequence of activities which are implemented in order to assess the business requirement needs and to fit the required solution so as to bring around the success of the organization and business. So, this sequence of task is normally performed by a “Business Analyst” or BA. 

Q19. What Are The Most Important Software Tools That Ba Should Be Accessing To Coordinate The Team Through The Project?

The most important tools are meant for diagrammatically representing the project through its various phases. In this sense, the most important software tools are:

  • MS-Word : Requirement gathering and discussions will customers will mostly be through Word documents, be it the marketing or business document.
  • MS-Visio: This will be one of the most important tool that every BA has to have knowledge about. This will help you coordinate the project at every level of development.
  • IBM-Rational Suite: This is a good tool to get good representations of requirements gathering and other functional diagrams.
  • Other Testing Tools: Most of the time it is better to get involved in the QA tests as a Business Analyst. So a good knowledge about the QTP, Load Runner etc will be of use. Other than these, MS SharePoint, SQL databases will also find good use in the career of the Business Analyst.

Q20. Mention Some Of The Important Points A Business Analyst Must Take Care While Preparing Business Plan?

While Creating Business Document, Make sure you start from small problems. Don’t jump to big problems right way. Keep the Business sponsors and IT folks in the loop. Make sure your document clearly state Exceptions, Assumptions and Limitations. Sometime you need to keep in mind the legal issues. Business document should be well written for usability and for future projects.

Q21. Why Excellent Communication Skill Is Essential For A Business Analyst?

A BA is one who sits with the client understands it and then tells the IT people what needs to be done hence BA needs to have excellent communication skills.

Q22. What Do You Mean By Data Mapping?

It is the mapping of data from source system to a destination system.

Q23. What Do You Think Is An Important Characteristic That A Business Analyst Should Have To Tide Over Tough Times Of Project?

The first and foremost character that a Business Analyst has to show is confidence. Without that aspect, the interactions with customers and clients can never be positive. Especially during the rough times of project when there are development related issues that are being handled, the customer has to be given the right positive picture from the business/development perspective. This has to be done and handled by the Business Analyst. Not just self-confidence but the confidence that he places on the other teammates come into prominence.

Q24. What Are The Different Documents That Can Come Across To The Business Analyst?

The documents that are responsible to be completed as a Business Analyst may include:

  • Study of Feasibility.
  • Scope & Prospect of Project.
  • Business Requirements Document.
  • Functional Requirements document including UML, Activity and dataflow diagrams.
  • Fact sheet for constraints from technical side (as prescribed from client).
  • Testing phase documents including QA Test requirements, plan and types of tests that have to be considered before delivery.

Q25. What Is The Relationship Between Use Case And Test Case?

A use case is written from a "user" perspective describing the interaction of a piece of software between the user and the software. These are written in common language typically from the business or user point of view and in enough detail for the developer to create a piece of software. Typically written in a MS Word type tool. Use cases capture the functional requirements of the system. It describes the expected interaction the user will experience, in detail. The audience is the business, for signoff, and technology for development.

Q26. What Are Different Diagrams To Be Known By A Ba?

Entity relationship diagram, data flow diagram, use case diagram, class diagram, activity diagram, state chart diagram, sequence diagram, collaboration diagram, component diagrams, deployment diagrams etc..
Use case diagram: basically explains the business environment. Series of all related actions performed by actor.
Activity diagram: Used in the early stage of analysis and designing level. It describes each individual component.
Sequence diagram: It tells the objects interactions with each other’s arranged in time sequence.

Q27. What Is Rad?

  • It is called as rapid application development.
  • It is a development process that is used to build applications in smaller periods like 50-70 days i.e with some compromises.

Q28. How Can A Ba Be Of Assistance To The Marketing Team?

The BA has a good share of both business knowledge and technical knowledge pertaining to a specific domain. So when it comes to marketing a product or procuring a project, he can give his views and prospect oriented perspective in a more acceptable manner to the customers. This makes him a good advantageous role in marketing department of an organization.

Q29. What Can A Business Analyst Do Differently Than Project Or Program Manager (design Architect) With Respect To Successfully Getting The Project Implementation Done?

  • Business Analyst role is not entirely different than Project manager role but Project Manager is bigger role than business Analyst.
  • Project manager is responsible for all the deliverables like
  1. schedules/ timelines
  2. resources management
  3. risk management
  4. Daily/weekly status report to project stack holders etc.
  • where as business analyst sometimes report to project manager or may report to business manager.
  • Business Analyst deals with business users to gather requirements prepare RD, FD and coordinate with development team for development and then do the testing involve with users in testing get the sign off and move component to live.

Q30. What Would You Do If The Client Says That You And The Other Analysts Cannot Directly Talk To The Users?

If this happens then explain the purpose of your talk (e.g. capture requirements) and why it’s important to talk to users directly (e.g. the quality of requirements will be better if they comes directly from the users mouth). Explain them that it will be a high risk to the project if analyst can't talk to the users directly. Client can give access to indirect (surrogate) users but explain that the quality of requirements will be not good. Hopefully your client will agree by now otherwise flag it as a higher risk in Business Requirement Document and highlight during your meeting with your PM and Project Sponsors. Now, it’s your PM or project sponsors duty to provide you access to those direct users. If they can't than you are safe anyways.

Q31. What Are The Quality Procedures Followed Normally By A Business Analyst?

For quality there is no specific mark of course Six sigma and ITIL (Information technology infrastructural library United kingdom) are certain quality standard establishing organizations and methods. But As a normal the following should be followed:
The quality of communication while gathering requirement should be excellent and outstanding. Sometimes users are just looking for functionality in system and they are not even able to say that what exactly will be their dream functionality which will be most convenient to them. In that case BA should explore them and figure out the exactly demanded requirements.

Q32. We Are Going To A Client On Monday To Help Them With Their Requirements. We Have Just Received A Business Case From The Client, And They Have No Tools In Place. What Would We Do The First Week?

First week in this case is always advisable to do a due diligence of the amount of work, expectations, existing process, time lines with the constraints surrounding. One of major constraints in this case would include lack of tools.
Depending on the project timelines, complexity and volume of the project present your recommendations for tools to be used and the estimated budget allocation required. Document the comparison of productivity and flexibility with and without tools used. This should help the project sponsors to take a call on going for tools.

Q33. What Do You Mean By White Box Testing?

It requires slight programming knowledge to examine the outputs.

Q34. Mention The Components Of Uml?

UML uses many concepts from many sources.

  1. For Structure: Actor, Attribute, Class, Component, Interface, Object, Package.
  2. For Behavior: Activity, Event, Message, Method, Operation, State, use case.
  3. For Relationships: Aggregation, Association, Composition, Depends, Generalization (or Inheritance).
  4. Other Concepts: Stereotype. It qualifies the symbol it is attached to.

Q35. How Is Business Plan Evaluated?

A business plan is evaluated by checking the contents of the plan such as if the plan have based on the resource planning and envisioning phase of the project.

Q36. Does The Business Analyst Interact With Clients Directly? If So State The Reason For The Same?

It depends on the project to project it is not always the same that we do interact with the clients directly, some time there will be a team whom might be interacting with the client and gives you the requirement and if have questions either we do talk with that team or our manager.

Q37. Describe The Meaning Of The Term Data Mapping?

By definition, the term data mapping is the process by which a system developer creates data element mappings that relates two models of data (databases) in order to assist in data integration. This usually assists in the following manner:

  • Data mediation or trformation between the source and the destination of data.
  • Assisting in data lineage analysis by identifying the data relationships.
  • Assists in data masking by discovering sensitive data.
  • Assists in data de-identification process.
  • Assists in consolidating multiple databases into one thus identification of redundant columns and advising the developers for consideration or even elimination.

Q38. Ba Is The Bridge Between The It And Non-it Persons When It Comes A Software System. Does It Mean That Decision Making Responsibility Can Be Rested His Hand Entirely?

No, that is not the advisable case. Every BA has to take the decision regarding business/technical aspects of a project only after discussions and meetings with the appropriate members of the team. In this way meetings and team discussion come off as the most important aspects of BA’s decision making capabilities.

Q39. We Have Met Several Business Analysts. Why Are You The One We Should Hire?

Give definite examples of your skills and accomplishments. Be positive, and emphasize how your background matches the job description. Mention any software packages and spreadsheet software you are familiar with. Also let them know if you have advanced knowledge of any of the software.

Q40. How Does A Business Analyst Play An Important Role In The Initial Stages Of The Project?

To do it right the first time, has always been the motto for projects that are running under a tight schedule. To find out the right requirement thus is important. Trlating the requirements from client to the developers is essential for the project to kick off on the right note. If this stage goes off-track, then you can be jeopardising the future of the entire project.

Q41. What Is A Flowchart And Why It Is Important?

Flowchart shows complete flow of system through symbols and diagrams. It is important, because it makes the system easy to understand for developers and all concerned people.

Q42. How Do You Identify The Basic Flow? What Would You Do If Someone Was Struggling To Determine The Basic Flow For A Use Case?

Basic flow for use case can be identified from Business Requirement Documents or Functional Requirement Documents as these use cases are prepared on the basis of these requirement.

Q43. What Are The Things That Have To Be Considered While Writing A Business Document?

Never should we bring out the small glitches on the top. We have to see through the eyes of the business persons and should always try to instill confidence in them, as much as we have on ourselves. As what they expect is the outer level of details, we should bring out the expectation, assumptions and other such criteria into picture clearly.

Q44. Briefly Explain The Use Case Model?

This is a model used by software engineers to describe the business environment of a given project. It encompasses of a series of workflow that are pertained to a particular actor.

Q45. Describe The Term Black Box Testing?

Black box testing is the type of testing whereby the entire unit is tested as a whole without considering the contents or even how the inner components of the unit under test work, the tester’s only consideration is to enter a known input signal and check whether the output behavior is the one expected out of that unit given his input signal.

Q46. What Is Black Box Testing?

It is completely a functional testing. i.e the tester need not know how it works technically. He only bothers what input he is giving and what output he is getting.

Q47. What Is Bug?

Mainly used to see the performance issues and system hangs.

Q48. How Would You Make Most Sense Out Of The Business Requirements To The Developers?

The following steps will detail out the procedural way of professionally dealing with this:

  • Identify the scope of the project.
  • Take out the key features expected by the client. Reason out the most critical aspects of the system that has to be built.
  • Depict the business use oriented UML diagram and derive it further to the specificity of what is needed from the technology side of development.
  • Detail out the use cases that will make the input from client clear to the developers. Refinement should always be done with peer discussions.
  • Activity, work-flow and data-flow diagrams are of immense importance in detailing out the requirement. Identifying the best modeling technique and representation of the deciphered Client input will finally go through to the Development team across series of meetings.

Q49. Mention The Difference Between Business Process Improvement And Business Process Reengineering?

Business process improvement implies changing a step sub step or any part of the process i.e. process is not completely changed In BPR we actually study the business and find out what is the best way I can carry out the process and change the whole way the process runs(business process redesign).

Q50. State The Different Software Methodologies?

The term software methodology, software development methodology and software process mean almost the same thing in computer software or system development, i.e. the activities carried out by computer system engineers or computer software engineers in an attempt to procure particular computer software that servers a certain function or purpose. This includes the framework adopted, structure, plan as well as the control of the resources engaged in the software or system development process.