Top 19 Bootstrap3 Interview Questions You Must Prepare 08.Sep.2024

Q1. Explain In Brief About Bootstrap 3 Tables?

Tables can be easily made with basic html tag and specific classes provided in Bootstrap @You can make table with Striped rows, bordered table, hover rows, condensed table and responsive table using their specific classes for right results. Read more about Bootstrap 3 tables here.

Q2. Does Bootstrap Supports All The Modern Browsers?

Current version i.e. Bootstrap 3 supports all the modern browsers with latest version i.e. Firefox, Google Chrome, IE (Internet Explorer), Opera and Safari

Q3. What Are Input Groups And Button Groups In Bootstrap 3 Framework?

Using these groups you can stack them together and their behaviour is controlled easily with parent element.

Q4. What Are Contextual Colors In Bootstrap 3?

These are basic colors provided them in this CSS framework. You can use them with buttons, inputs, text as well as background too.

Q5. What Is Bootlint?

It is the official Bootstrap HTML linter tool. Bootlint is used to check the HTML mistakes that comes along in the structure that you have made for your web page.

Q6. What Are The Different Ways Of Using Bootstrap?

Bootstrap offers compiled and minified CSS with JavaScript & fonts. You can download the latest version from their official Bootstrap website. There is also CDN support for Bootstrap at

 1 <!-- Latest compiled and minified CSS -->

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-BVYiiSIFeK1dGmJRAkycuHAHRg32OmUcww7on3RYdg4Va+PmSTsz/K68vbdEjh4u" crossorigin="anonymous">

Source Code that can be used with LESS and SASS is also available. It also has completely CDN support with direct URL’s that once implemented runs the Bootstrap directly for your website. Bootstrap is open source and can also easily install it with Bower, npm, Composer.

Q7. Can We Customize Columns Default Settings To Create Complete Custom Layout From Scratch In Bootstrap?

Yes there are options in Bootstrap 3 with comprehensive custom layout

Q8. What Are The Default Sizes Given To <body> Tag In The Bootstrap Framework?

In this framework default font size : 14px and line height 1.428 px is given to tag. Also tag are given padding-bottom of 10px by default.

Q9. What Are Offsetting Columns In Bootstrap 3 Grid System?

Using Offsetting columns you can easily push the column to create more spaces between your content. Just add them to your particular classes with same suffix i.e. .col-md-offset-*. Although .col-xs classes don’t support offset but they are customized using empty cells only.

Q10. What If There Are More Than 12 Column Being Used In The Bootstrap Grid System? Does It Still Work?

Yes it does work and restructures the columns accordingly. each group of extra columns acts as one unit, wrap onto a new line

Q11. Explain The Use Of Media Queries In The Bootstrap Framework?

There are three main breakpoints that are used in Bootstrap for making it compatible to all platforms.

  1. Small Devices (Mobiles, Smartphone, Tablets,) at 768px
  2. Medium Devices (PC, Desktop, Laptops) at 992px and up
  3. Large Devices (Large Screen desktops, Laptops) with 1200px and up
  4. Max-width and Min-width are used in CSS media queries for affecting the specific device set.

Q12. Can We Make Images Responsive In Bootstrap?

Yes we can make images responsive by adding class .img-responsive which in turn applies CSS properties with max-width(100%)  as well as height (auto) for covering parent element.

Q13. What Are Bootstrap Grids? Explain Different Types Of Bootstrap Grids In Brief?

Bootstrap grids are the popular 12 column based grid system for responsive web layouts.Fixed Layout is when some portion like header are fixed and don’t adjust to different browser but still are responsive.Fluid Layout is completely dependent on the browser and adjusts according to the device width. Bootstrap uses 1170x as standard grid layout for default.

Q14. Does Bootstrap Supports Less And Sass Css Structure In Any Form?

Bootstrap current version 3.0 fully supports LESS bases web development but for future Bootstrap 4.0 alpha version uses SASS so it Bootstrap will become comprehensive CSS based framework with LESS and SASS support.

Q15. Bootstrap Multiple Form Types I.e. Horizontal, Inline And Basic Have Similar Views When They Are Viewed Under 768px Devices? Yes Or No Explain?

Yes different types of Bootstrap forms when viewed under 768px devices render similar properties. Inline form only works at device viewports that are at least 768px wide

Q16. What Is Well Class In Bootstrap? What It Does?

Using Well class to any Bootstrap container results in to sunken text or inset affect to the container element and you can add small (.well-sm) & large classes (.well-lg) to make it more effective

Q17. Explain The Use Of Icons In Bootstrap Framework?

There are around  250 glyphs available free of cost with Bootstrap from Glyphicon Halflings fonts set. You can select the best one from the given set of icons easily.

Q18. What Is The Default Gutter Width Provided In The Bootstrap 3 Grid System?

30px is the standard size given to all Grid layouts in Bootstrap by default (15px on each side of a column).

Q19. Explain The Basic Structure Of Bootstrap Framework?

  • Bootstrap framework takes use of front end only. Its overview start with HTML5 based grid system i.e. 12 column layout for responsive web design which has mobile first design approach.Than typography concerns with text formatting support for LESS and SASS in future. Making Bootstrap tables is easy too whereas Bootstrap Forms are very popular.
  • Ease of style and making define the Bootstrap buttons with default classes available for images as well. Comprehensive helper classes and responsive utilities are there which caters to ad hoc functionality in web designing if required. For added functionality you need to download Jquery plugins i.e. Bootstrap Modals, Bootstrap Tooltip etc.