Top 23 Aws Cloud Support Engineer Interview Questions You Must Prepare 25.Apr.2024

Redundant backups and the ability to share/access files across multiple devices make files stored in the cloud “highly available”.

  1. Redundant backups of stored files.
  2. Ability to share/access files from multiple devices.

If you cannot access your files from one device/location, but can access from another device/location – then you have sustained a fault in your system but where still able to access your file.

  • Storage
  • Compute Power
  • Databases
  • Networking
  • Security
  • Monitoring and Analytics

AWS is a cloud services provider. Also known as Infrastructure as a Service (Iaas).

Availability zones (within a region) work together to make up a collection of your AWS resources. Properly designed applications will utilize multiple availability zones for high availability and fault tolerance. AZ’s have direct low latency connections between each other, and each AZ is isolated from the others to ensure fault tolerance.

Storage. Many consumers use cloud services to store their data (videos, music, movies, pictures, files, etc).

An IP address is the location/address of a computer on a network (internet). Think of it as the computers phone number or mailing address. It is how the computer can be located.

AWS allows for quick (almost instant) addition of servers to a running application. This allows a company to quickly scale the compute power available to their application.

In contract: adding servers to an on- premises data center can take days (or weeks).

The ability to not only grow (scale) when required, but also reduce in size when required.

The ability to withstand a certain amount of failure and still remain functional (and/or be self-healing and return to full capacity).

As demand (user base) on a web application increases and decreases – Elastic systems allow for the quick addition and subtraction of servers. The removal of unused servers can drastically reduce cost.

It assumes that:

  • You already know (or can obtain) the IP Address of the web server.
  • Can easily remember the IP Address for future use.

Refers to the concept of something being accessible when you attempt to access it (and/or the ability to access something via multiple platforms).

To act as a “look up” service for converting domain names into IP addresses.

  1. properly configured web server with a public IP address and web formatted content.
  2. A user (you) with a web browser and the IP address of the web server.

Located in each Availability Zone is one or more AWS Data Centers. These data centers contain the physical servers that run AWS resources.

At the highest level, AWS’ physical infrastructure is made up of numerous regions that are located all around the world.

Each region is comprised of multiple Availability Zones, which are where specific AWS data centers are located.

The ability to easily grow in size, capacity, and/or scope when required (usually based on demand).