Top 36 Automation Testing Interview Questions You Must Prepare 27.Jul.2024

Q1. Explain How Qtp Identifies Objects?

For each object class that QTP identifies, it has a set of properties stored. These include mandatory properties, which is essentially a description of any given object, which checks if it’s a child or parent object as well. Next are the assistive properties, which QTP resorts  to only if the mandatory properties are insufficient at identifying the object. If all else fails, QTP resorts, finally, to its ordinal identifier.

Q2. What Are The Features And Benefits Of Quick Test Pro(qtp)?

The following are the features and benefits of Quick Test Pro:

  • It is a key word driven testing
  • It is suitable for web based application for both client and server
  • It has better error handling mechanism
  • Data driven testing features are excellent
  • It has record and play feature
  • The screen shots can be recorded
  • Run time data table can be used for persisting values

Q3. Explain Load Testing On Websites.?

To access a website, a user sends a “request” to that website’s server, and the server sends back a response in the form of the website you want to access. To load test a website, quality assurance engineers and automation engineers just need to multiply the number of responses sent to simulate different traffic loads. The web server’s response to the influx of virtual users can then be measured. This is used to determine performance issues and server capacity.

Q4. When Will You Automate A Test?

Automation in preferred in following cases

  • Repetitive Tasks
  • Smoke and Sanity Tests
  • Test with multiple data set
  • Regression test cases

Q5. Can You List Some Other Automation Testing Tools That You Are Familiar With?

Besides Selenium, there is Load Runner, Sahi, Silk Test, QTP, Jmeter, WinRunner, etc.

Q6. Explain Load Testing On Websites?

To access a website, a user sends a “request” to that website’s server, and the server sends back a response in the form of the website you want to access. To load test a website, quality assurance engineers and automation engineers just need to multiply the number of responses sent to simulate different traffic loads. The web server’s response to the influx of virtual users can then be measured. This is used to determine performance issues and server capacity.

Q7. What Are The Risks Associated In Automation Testing?

The risks of Automation Testing are:

  • Do you have skilled resources? The automation testing demands resources with some knowledge about programming. Focus on the resources. Identify whether the resources have proper knowledge for automation testing. Are they capable to adapt easily to the new technologies? These measures are to be well assessed for building an automation testing team.
  • The initial cost for automation is high. The initial cost for automation is too high for initial setup. It costs automated tool purchase, training ad maintenance of the test scripts. The unsatisfied customer base is high for automation testing their products. It should be ensured that the cost compensates the testing results.
  • If UI is not fixed, do not thing about automation: Prior to automating the user interface, it should strongly be determined that, whether the UI is changing extensively or the cost of the automated script maintenance is high or not.
  • Make sure that the application is stable enough: To automate the early development cycle unless or otherwise it is Agile environment, would not be a good idea. It costs script maintenance cost very high.
  • Stop automating the tests which run once: Ensure that certain test cases might be running once and not included in the regression testing. Avoid automating such test modules.

Q8. Explain Some Disadvantages To Manual Software Testing?

Manual software testing takes huge amounts of time and resources, both human and machine. It’s a potentially exhausting process that can end up costing more time and money for the company than if the process was simply automated, owing to employee fatigue and its consequences: inaccuracy, missed issues, lack of clarity.

Q9. What Are The Points That Are Covered While Planning Phase Of Automation ?

During planning phase of automation things which has to be taken in concern are

  • Selection the “right” Automation tool
  • Selection Automation Framework if any
  • List of In scope and out of scope items for automation
  • Test Environment setup
  • Preparing Grant Chart of Project timelines for test script development & execution.
  • Identify Test Deliverables

Q10. What Are The Steps Involved In The Automation Process ?

In the automation process, steps involved are

  • Selecting the Test tool
  • Define scope of automation
  • Planning, design and development
  • Test execution
  • Maintenance

Q11. What Are The Differences Between Open Source Tools, Vendor Tools, And In-house Tools?

Open source tools are free to use frameworks and applications. Engineers build the tool, and have the source code available for free on the internet for other engineers to use. Vendor tools are developed by companies that come with licenses to use, and often cost money. Because they are developed by an outside source, technical support is often available for use. Example vendor tools include WinRunner, SilkTest, Rational Robot, QA Director, QTP, LR, QC, RFT, and RPT. An in-house tool is a tool that a company builds for their own use, rather than purchasing vendor tools or using open source tools.

Q12. What Is Tree View In Automation Testing?

A tree view in Quick Test Pro has statements in keywords or in tree structure. The testing process in the keyword created and viewed in the keyword drive modular format.

Q13. Does The Selenium Ide Have Any Drawbacks?

The Selenium IDE lacks conditional statements, logging and reporting functionality, loops, database testing, and it can not handle exceptions or automatically re-run tests that have failed. It also can’t take screenshots. Another downside is that it’s Firefox only. If the Selenium IDE is used in the Firefox browser’s side-bar, then the quality engineer can’t use  it to record any actions undertaken by a user in a separate window.

Q14. What Are The Pre-requisites To Start Automation Testing?

The first step is to segregate the different test cases that are to be automated, followed by preparing test data as per the needs of the test cases. Reusable functions need to be written which are frequently used in those test cases. Later test scripts are prepared by using reusable functions and apply loops and conditions wherever necessary.

In a nut shell, the following are the pre-requisites for starting automation testing:

  1. Build should always be stable
  2. Get the functionalities to repeat
  3. Filtering the automated test cases

Q15. On What Basis You Can Map The Success Of Automation Testing?

On basis of following criteria the success of automation testing can be mapped

  • Defect Detection Ratio
  • Automation execution time and time savings to release the product
  • Reduction in Labour & other costs

Q16. Does Automation Testing Have Any Disadvantages?

Designing the tools and tests to run software through takes a lot of manual, human effort, though there are frameworks and tests ready made for engineers to use. Even with automated testing, human error is still a factor – tools can be buggy, inefficient, costly, and sometimes even technologically limited in what kinds of tests they can run on their own.

Q17. Is Automation Testing A Complete Replacement For Manual Software Testing?

No. Proper automation requires as little intervention from hum as possible, since the tools used are built to run tests once they’re setup. As convenient as this might be, it should not be a complete replacement for manual testing – only for repetitive tasks like load testing, where thousands of virtual users are required.  Engineers should not automate things like test scripts, if those scripts can only be expected to run occasionally, nor should they automate code reviews, or bug testing for new builds of software that might require human interaction to detect specific issues. Large-scale, repetitive tasks are better fit for automation.

Q18. Why Automation Testing?

  • Automation testing improves efficiency of testing.
  • Reduced testing efforts and costs.
  • Testing can be replicated across different platforms.
  • Gives accurate results.
  • Usually used for large applications with stringent deadlines.

Q19. What Kinds Of Tests Can Be Run With The Selenium Framework?

Selenium can be used for load testing, regression testing, and functional testing of web applications.



Q20. What Is Build Verification Testing, Bvt?

Build Verification Testing is a group of tests that execute on every newly build of products for verification in which the build is testable prior to the release of build into the hands of the test team. The main stream functionality of the application software is tested using BVT. BVT lets the developers know if any serious problems exist with the build. They save the test team time and frustration by avoiding the test of an unstable build.

Q21. What Are The Types Of Framework Used In Software Automation Testing ?

In software automation testing four types of framework used are

  • Data driven automation framework
  • Keyword driven automati4on framework
  • Modular automation framework
  • Hybrid automation framework

Q22. What Is The Selenium Webdriver?

The Selenium WebDriver is used for automating tests for websites.

Q23. In What Condition We Cannot Use Automation Testing For Agile Method ?

Automation testing is not useful for agile methods in following conditions :

  • When Agile testing always ask for changes in requirements
  • When Exhaustive level of documentation is required in Agile
  • Only suitable for those regression tests during agile testing like continuos integration

Q24. List The Five Essential Types Of Test Steps?

  • Test object
  • Functions
  • Utility
  • Comment
  • Programming logic

Q25. What Are The Different Types Of Scripting Techniques For Automation Testing?

Test automation scripting techniques include key and data driven techniques, shared, structured, and linear.
Check out this course on software testing basics for a more in-depth look at the fundamentals of quality engineering and automation.

Q26. What Kind Of Tests Would You Automate?

Load tests, sanity tests, and regression tests are the sorts of tests a quality engineer would typically automate.

Q27. Explain About Basics Of Rational Robot - Ibm Test Automation Tool?

Rational Robot is an automated testing tool for functional and regression testing for automating Windows, Java, IE and ERP applications which run on Windows platform. The test cases for common objects such as lists, bitmaps, and menus are provided by Rational Robot. It also provides specialized test cases for objects those are specific for development environment. The tools like Relational Test Manager, Rational Clear Quest and Requisite Pro are integrated in the Rational Unified Processor for Change Management, Requirement Traceability and Defect Tracking. It also supports UI technologies such as VS.NET controls, Web, Java, Oracle Forms, Borland Delphi and Sybase Power Builder applications.

Q28. Can You List Some Technologies That Support Qtp?

  • .NET
  • Delphi
  • Web
  • Java (Core)
  • Java  (Advanced)
  • Windows Mobile
  • Oracle
  • SAP
  • WPF
  • Siebel
  • PeopleSoft
  • Flex
  • Silverlight

Q29. What Are The Primary Features Of Good Automation Tool ?

  • Test Environment support and easy to use.
  • Good debugging facility.
  • Robust object identification.
  • Object and Image testing abilities.
  • Object identification.
  • Testing of database.
  • Support multiple frameworks.

Q30. When You Will Not Automate Testing?

One should not automate in following cases :

  • When the Application Under Test changes frequently
  • One time test cases
  • Adhoc – Random testing

Q31. What Environment Does Qtp Run In?

Windows only.

Q32. What Are Some Test Assets And Related Extensions Of Qtp?

  • test batch runner .mtb
  • results .xml
  • test file .mts
  • recovery scenario .qrs
  • shared object repository .tsr
  • local object repository .mtr
  • function library .qfl

Q33. Stop Automating The Tests Which Run Once?

Ensure that certain test cases might be running once and not included in the regression testing. Avoid automating such test modules.

Q34. Are You Familiar With Selenium? If Yes, What Is It?

Selenium is a suite of software testing and automation tools built for web applications. Using Selenium, software tests can be written in languages like Java, Perl, Python, and more. The framework itself can be deployed on the three major operating systems: Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Q35. How Do You Choose Which Automation Tool Is Best For Your Specific Scenario?

In order to choose the proper automation testing tool, you must consider:

  • the scope of the project
  • the limitation of the tool
  • how much the tool costs
  • the tool’s usability and convenience
  • the testing environment
  • compatibility

Project management and good judgment are important skills in software testing and quality assurance positions. Check out this course on IT  project managementto learn how to make good, effective decisions for your team.

Q36. What Is The Selenium Ide And What Is It Used For?

The Selenium IDE is an add-on for Firefox that includes numerous features for quality assurance and engineers to record and play back browser-based actions, such as typing and mouse clicks. Some of these particular features are: debugging functions, record/playback ability, user add-on capability. Users can speed up and slow down executions with the use of a built-in slider. They can also use the Selenium IDE as a side-bar, or as a separate pop-up window.