Top 29 Adobe Analytics Interview Questions You Must Prepare 25.Apr.2024

Captures URLs that lead to a 404 Error Page.

When using link tracking, Custom Links Adobe Analytics report will be populated if the second argument in is a 'o'.

The paid search keywords reports must be enabled by Adobe ClientCare.

A variable in which you can pass multiple values in a delimited list so each value gets credit for that page view.

Targets features allows you to visually show website performance and track progress against set goals.

Serialization is the best way to de-duplicate SiteCatalyst metrics.

Classifications is the best method for adding meta-data to SiteCatalyst variables.

View conversion events in the context of data dimensions.

75 custom eVars are available in each SiteCatalyst report suite.

Importing meta-data to describe and group reporting values.

They cause everything after the comma to be treated as a separate category/product/units/revenue entry in s.products.

Decaying is not an allowed allocation setting for conversion variables.

Sending SiteCatalyst data to two or more report suites is called Multi-suite tagging.

Participation assigns full credit and allocation assigns partial credit.

Visit is the default "Expire After" setting for newly enabled conversion variables (eVars).

s_account is use when setting the report suite.

Classifications can be applied to out-of-the-box reports.

SiteCatalyst Attribute Importing and Naming Tool.

Product Syntax is set in the s.products variable, while Conversion Syntax is not.